Northants Monthly Sightings

The monthly sightings are collated and contributed by Bob Bullock.  They are published with his kind permission and reproduced in good faith.  All records remain unauthenticated until verified 


Highlights: A Glossy Ibis remained at Earls Barton GP all month as did a juvenile Great Northern Diver at Pitsford reservoir. Hawfinches were intermittently reported with churchyards attracting up to five at Blatherwycke, two at Cottesbrooke and singles at Deene and Towcester. A Corn Bunting was found between Hanging Houghton and Cottesbrooke on 2nd and a Black Redstart was discovered on a warehouse roof in Daventry on 13th. ‘Ringtail’ Hen Harriers visited Summer Leys on 4th and Harrington airfield on 4th and 10th. A drake Smew was at Ravensthorpe reservoir on 12th with two drakes on 29th. Two Cattle Egrets visited Stanwick GP, and two flew over Raunds, singles visited Barnwell CP, Blatherwycke Lake, Cogenhoe Mill and Ditchford GP.

Clifford Hill GP: A Pink-footed Goose was present for most of the month and two Caspian Gulls, a Peregrine and a Stonechat were noted.

Cogenhoe Mill: There were single White-fronted and Pink-footed Geese also 20 Golden Plovers, two Green Sandpipers, a Peregrine and a Stonechat.

Earls Barton GP: A Marsh Harrier was recorded on four days, a White-fronted Goose was regular, also present, Whooper Swan, Pintail, adult Caspian Gull, a Black-tailed Godwit and two Stonechats.

Ecton STW: Marsh Harrier, two Green Sandpipers, Curlew and up to 15 Chiffchaffs were noted.

Pitsford Reservoir: A drake Scaup (30th), three Pintails, a Jack Snipe and two Stonechats were logged.

Stanford reservoir: A Mediterranean Gull visited the roost on four days, also three Caspian and a Yellow-legged Gull, two Whooper Swans and a Jack Snipe.

Other sites: A female Scaup was present at Blatherwycke Lake and a female Red-crested Pochard was at Daventry CP, both all month. A Short-eared Owl was fairly regular at Harrington airfield also there, 25 Golden Plovers. Two Short-eared Owls and a Peregrine were at Maidwell. A Merlin was below Hanging Houghton on six dates and a skein of 15 Pink-footed Geese flew over (3rd). Merlins were also seen between Abthorpe and Wappenham, Gayton and Irthlingborough. Two Whooper Swans flew over Greens Norton and two flew over Deene Lake where also a Jack Snipe and two Stonechats. A juvenile Mediterranean Gull visited a sheep field near Old and two Jack Snipes were at Barnes Meadow and one at Stortons GP. A Black-tailed Godwit was on floodwater at Braunston. Hollowell reservoir hosted two Caspian Gulls, four Stonechats and a feral Ruddy Shelduck which was also again at Winwick pools.


Highlights: A Glossy Ibis at Summer Leys and a Great Northern Diver at Pitsford Reservoir both remained all month. Two White-fronted Geese arrived at Ravensthorpe Reservoir on 2nd and these too stayed all month. A Black-necked Grebe visited Stanford Res on 2nd and a probable adult Azores Gull was photographed in the roost there on 23rd. The first Slavonian Grebe of the year visited Hollowell Reservoir on 11th and 12th and another was reported at Fotheringhay at Perio Mill on 28th and 29th. A Bearded Tit was seen again at Stanwick GP on 4th and 28th and two Bewick’s Swans visited Kislingbury GP briefly on 14th. A Mealy Redpoll was recorded at Delapre Northampton on 20th. Up to six Cattle Egrets were at Ringstead GP, two at Stanwick GP and singles at Barnwell CP, Woodford and Earls Barton GP.

Blatherwycke Lake: Up to two Scaups were present, a Pink-footed Goose (3rd), a Great White Egret, a Green Sandpiper and in the churchyard, a peak count of eight Hawfinches.

Clifford Hill GP: A Pink-footed Goose (10th), four Red-crested Pochards, a Black-tailed Godwit, three Snipes, Yellow-legged Gull and a Great White Egret were noted.

Daventry CP: There were five Snipes, a Jack Snipe, 50 Golden Plovers, up to two Red-crested Pochards a Caspian Gull and a Great White Egret.

Earls Barton GP: Up to seven Black-tailed Godwits were present, 106 Golden Plovers, two Green Sandpipers and a Jack Snipe. A Whooper Swan flew through (25th), and a Red-crested Pochard and two Pintails, three Great White Egrets and a Stonechat were seen.

Hollowell Reservoir: A Bittern was seen on two days, also two Caspian Gulls, five Snipes, two Jack Snipes and three Stonechats.

Pitsford Reservoir: A drake Smew (2nd), a Pink-footed Goose, two Mediterranean and a Yellow-legged Gull, a Merlin and two Stonechats were noted.

Stanford Reservoir: The gull roost included three different Caspian, two Mediterranean and 183 Great Blck-backed Gulls, also present were a Whooper Swan (9th), two Pintails and a Great White Egret.

Other sites: Hawfinches were at Deene Churchyard (2-3), Brixworth Hall Park and Cottesbrooke. Ditchford GP hosted four Whooper Swans (9th), a Pintail and two Stonechats. A Caspian Gull was at Boddington Reservoir and another at Ravensthorpe Reservoir along with two Whooper Swans (29th). Two Short-eared Owls were at Harrington Airfield. Stanwick GP hosted a Dunlin and two Redshanks and Ringstead GP a Whooper Swan (1st). A Bittern was seen on two dates at Thrapston GP and three Whooper Swans on the adjacent Aldwincle flood (9th). Wicksteed Park held a Pink-footed Goose and a ringed Caspian Gull. ‘Ringtail’ Hen Harriers were noted at Wicken Wood and twice between Tiffield and Gayton. Floodwater at Woodford attracted a Whooper Swan (1st) and four Great White Egrets. A Merlin was at Tiffield, a Jack Snipe at Barnes Meadow and the feral Ruddy Shelduck remained at Winwick.


Highlights: A Glossy Ibis spent the month at Earls Barton GP, mostly on the Summer Leys section. A’ringtail’ Hen Harrier was seen daily at the same site from 1st to 12th with males also present on 5th and 14th. Males were also recorded near Brixworth on 1st, Ashton and Bozenham Mill on 7th and at Staverton on 10th. Other ‘ringtails’ were at Harrington airfield on 7th, between Cottesbrooke and Hanging Houghton on 11th and over Wellingborough on 29th. A Brent Goose was at Clifford Hill GP on 4th, a Black Redstart at Braunston from 4th to 6th and Yellow-browed Warblers were seen at Kettering on 5th and near Barton Seagrave on 7th. Two Bearded Tits were at Stanwick GP from 5th with at least one still present at the end of the month. Seven Kittiwakes visited Pitsford reservoir on 18th with one at Stanford reservoir the same day and another at Boddington reservoir on 19th. A Great Northern Diver was at Clifford Hill GP on 25th and 26th with one, possibly the same, at Pitsford from 26th to 31st. A Bewick’s Swan visited Stanford reservoir on 28th. Cattle Egrets were noted at Ditchford GP and Stanwick GP, where up to eight, three at both Ringstead GP and Chacombe and one at Thrapston GP.

Blatherwycke Lake: Eight Whooper Swans (9th), a Common Scoter (9th), a Scaup, Red-crested Pochard, Pintail and two Hawfinches were noted with up to eight in the adjacent churchyard.

Boddington Reservoir: Nine Hawfinches flew over (4th). Up to five Caspian, 12+ Yellow-legged and three Mediterranean Gulls visited the gull roost, also noted, a Ring Ouzel (6th), a Red-crested Pochard and nine Golden Plovers.

Clifford Hill GP: Seven Whoopers Swans (2nd), five Avocets (5th), a Knot, three Great White Egrets, two Red-crested Pochards, a Yellow-legged Gull and a Short-eared Owl visited.

Daventry CP: There were a Caspian and three Mediterranean Gulls, 90 Golden Plovers, a Great White Egret, two Jack Snipes and 32 Snipes.

Earls Barton GP: Up to two Marsh Harriers were present, a Pink-footed Goose, a Whooper Swan (9th), six Pintails, eight Great White Egrets, a Peregrine, five Stonechats and a Yellow-legged Gull and a good selection of waders: up to 300 Golden Plovers, 50 Snipes, single Bar-tailed Godwit, Grey Plover, Turnstone, Common Sandpiper (16th) and Jack Snipe and three Green Sandpipers.

Harrington Airfield: A Short-eared Owl was seen on six dates, a Merlin twice, also 80 Golden Plovers and two Stonechats and three Hawfinches flew over (5th).

Pitsford Reservoir: Four Whooper Swans flew over (1st) and 20 Pink-footed Geese (2nd) and another from 27th, also two Red-crested Pochards and a Pintail, 48 Snipes, single Caspian and Yellow-legged Gulls, a Green Sandpiper and two Stonechats.

Stanford Reservoir: There were seven Whooper Swans (2nd), six Red-crested Pochards, a Pintail, a Pink-footed Goose, Ruddy Shelduck, two Great Egrets, a Short-eared Owl, two Hawfinches (12th), Peregrine, Stonechat, and three Mediterranean and two Caspian Gulls fairly regularly in the gull roost.

Stanwick GP: Up to two Bitterns, a Pink-footed Goose, a Pintail, two Red-crested Pochards, and two Redhanks were seen.

Thrapston GP: A Bittern was seen on three days, 18 Pink-footed Geese flew over (16th), also present nine Great White Egrets, a Red-crested Pochard and a Green Sandpiper.

Other sites: Ditchford GP hosted a Knot, five Dunlins and a Red-crested Pochard. Five Red-crested Pochards were at Stortons GP and one at Kislingbury GP. At Hollowell Reservoir, there was a Mediterranean and two Caspian Gulls and four Stonechats and a Crossbill over the village. Hawfinches were regular at Cottesbrooke with up to eight, also Deene Church (4), Thenford (3), Short Wood (4), Welton (5), Lamport (2), Hanging Houghton (3) and Corby Eurohub (2). Overflying Pink-footed Goose flocks included 30 over Deene and 55 over Moulton (12th), 63 over Oundle (15th) and seven over Maidwell (20th). Merlins visted Lilbourne Meadows and Hanging Houghton and two Short-eared Owls were at Maidwell and one at Nobottle. A Pink-footed Goose was at Wicksteed Park and a Ruddy Shelduck again at Winwick.

Highlights: Three Yellow-browed Warblers were ringed at Stanford reservoir, present between 1st and 26th, others were at Ringstead GP on 11th and 12th, at Earls Barton GP on 18thand by the canal at Grafton Regis on 30th and 31st. A Glossy Ibis remained at Earls Barton GP all month but visited Wellingborough on 11th and Stanwick GP on 13th. Two juvenile Gannets flew south-west over Ditchford GP on 2nd. Stanford reservoir hosted a female Ferruginous Duck on 11th and a male Firecrest, which was ringed on 24th and a ‘ringtail’ Hen Harrier between 17th and 19th. Another ‘ringtail’ was at Earls Barton GP on 28th and 30th. Hawfinches were noted at Dallington Cemetery, Northampton on 5th and over Byfield on 30th. A first-winter Shag visited Ravensthorpe reservoir on 21st. A juvenile Red-throated Diver spent a few hours at Boddington reservoir on 31st, the first since 2008. Up to eight Cattle Egrets were at Ringstead and Woodford, with four at Stanwick GP, three at Chacombe, and singles at Ditchford GP and Boddington reservoir. Boddington Reservoir: A Red-crested Pochard remained all month, also present a Pintail, a Common Sandpiper, 30 Golden Plovers, a Peregrine and the gull roost provided 12 Yellow-legged, three Caspian, and two Mediterranean .
Daventry CP: There were three Common Scoters (9th), two Red-crested Pochards, a Jack Snipe (7th) and a Yellow-legged Gull.
Earls Barton GP: A Marsh Harrier was reported on 11 days and a Bittern twice. Up to 13 Pintail were present also two Red-crested Pochards, a Wood Sandpiper (23rd), single Ruff, Black-tailed Godwit and Common Sandpiper, two Green Sandpipers, 300 Golden Plovers and 21 Snipes. Two Mediterranean and three Yellow-legged Gulls visited along with a Peregrine, two Stonechats and up to eight Great White Egrets.
Harrington Airfield: A Ring Ouzel (16th), Short-eared Owls on 3rd and 19th, four Stonechats and 25 Golden Plovers were noted.
Hollowell Reservoir: There were two Caspian Gulls, a Black Tern, a Golden Plover, a Common Sandpiper and two Stonechats.
Pitsford Reservoir: A late Redstart was ringed (4th) a Whooper Swan visited also a Red-crested Pochard, two Common Sandpipers and a Black Tern stayed until 15th.
Stanford Reservoir: There was a series of Whooper Swan records between 13th and 30th with up to four present. Also up to seven Red-crested Pochards, a Pintail, a regular Pink-footed Goose, two Mediterranean and one Caspian Gull, an Osprey, a Peregrine, three Great White Egrets, two Stonechats and a Ruddy Shelduck.
Stanwick GP: Single Bittern, Marsh Harrier, Caspian Gull and Mediterranean Gull on two days, seven Pintails and a peak of nine Great White Egrets were recorded.
Thrapston GP: An Arctic Tern (2nd), up to two Bitterns, four Whooper Swans (13th), 11 Pintails, three Dunlins and a Common Sandpiper visited.
Other sites: A Merlin was between Cottesbrooke and Hanging Houghton on two days along with six Stonechats and a Brambling. An Osprey was over Lowick (9th) and Marsh Harriers were at Grafton Regis and at Ditchford GP. Clifford Hill GP hosted four Black Terns, seven Great White and 13 Little Egrets. A Short-eared Owl was at Blueberry Farm (30th) and 20 Crossbills over Brackmills Northampton. A female Ruddy Shelduck was again at Winwick pools and a Black-tailed Godwit at Elton GP.


Highlights: A female Ferruginous Duck was present on 3rd. A Quail was flushed at Nassington on 14th and a Glossy Ibis arrived at Summer Leys on 21st being seen most days until the end of the month and one was reported over Foster’s Booth on 23rd. Ringtail Hen Harriers were over Brixwoth CP on 8th, Borough Hill on 14th, and Harrington Airfield on 16th and a male was at Maidwell on 14th. A Kittiwake was at Stanwick GP on 22nd. At Stanford Reservoir, a White-fronted Goose flew over on 28th and Yellow-browed Warblers were ringed on both 28th and 29th with a third present on 30th. Single Cattle Egrets were at Clifford Hill GP, Ecton SF, and Raunds with two at Stanwick GP.

Boddington Reservoir: A Black-necked Grebe stayed just a day, a Mediterranean Gull was present in three roosts also a Little, two Caspian and nine Yellow-legged Gulls. An Osprey passed through, also a Merlin (16th), two Hobbies and a Peregrine. Three Sandwich Terns, a Red-crested Pochard, three Common Sandpipers and single Whinchat, Stonechat, Redstart and Wheatear were logged.

Clifford Hill GP: A Black-necked Grebe remained for more than two weeks. Four Avocets, four Turnstones, Black-tailed Godwit, Ruff, Ringed Plover, three Snipes and two Common Sandpipers were complemented by up to four long-staying Black Terns, a drake Common Scoter (6th) and four more on 7th, Pintail, Hobby, Peregrine, up to six Whinchats, three Wheatears, Redstart, Stonechat and four Yellow Wagtails.

Daventry CP: Mediterranean Gulls were present on three days also single Caspian and Yellow-legged Gulls. A Sandwich Tern, a Black-necked Grebe, for one day, single Pintail and up to six Great White Egrets visited and waders included single Ruff, Redshank and Common Sandpiper and five Green Sandpipers, five Ringed Plovers and nine Golden Plovers.

Earls Barton GP: Up to two Marsh Harriers were seen almost daily and up to two Bitterns were regular. Six Sandwich Terns (6th), single Little and Black Terns, three Garganeys, six Pintails, nine Great White Egrets, two Hobbies and a Peregrine visited along with Black-tailed Godwit, five Ruffs, three Greenshanks, four Green and one Common Sandpiper, single Dunlin, Redshank, Ringed, Little Ringed and Golden Plovers.

Harrington Airfield: A Marsh Harrier on three days, up to three Redstarts, two Wheatears, two Whinchats and a Golden Plover visited.

Hollowell Reservoir: A Pink-footed Goose (24th), single Black-tailed Godwit and Golden Plover, two Common Sandpipers, six Snipes, Caspian Gull, Osprey, Peregrine and Hobby, three Stonechats, two Whinchats and a Wheatear were seen.

Naseby Reservoir: Up to two Caspian Gulls were present, including a returning German ringed individual, also a Pink-footed Goose (17th), Great White Egret, two Ringed Plovers, a Green and seven Common Sandpipers.

Pitsford Reservoir: Ospreys visited on four days and Marsh Harriers on two, also present were a Peregrine, a Black Tern, seven Yellow-legged Gulls, four Great White Egrets, five Green Sandpipers, two Whinchats and single Stonechat, Wheatear and Redstart.

Stanford Reservoir: Sandwich and Arctic Terns both visited on two days, single Little and Mediterranaean Gulls, two drake Common Scoters (6th), up to seven Red-crested Pochards, four Pintails and a Ruddy Shelduck. A Bittern was present for nine days, and Ospreys on three, also a single Marsh Harrier and two Hobbies. Common Sandpipers peaked at eight, also two Ruffs, Great White Egret, two Whinchats and 12 Yellow Wagtails.

Stanwick GP: There was a Bittern, a Pintail, two Black-tailed Godwits, a Caspian and five Yellow-legged Gulls.

Thrapston GP: Fifteen Common Scoters visited briefly on 7th with one more on 13th. Up to two Ospreys visited along with Marsh Harriers twice, also Hobby and a Bittern. Three Black Terns, a Yellow-legged Gull, single Greenshank and Black-tailed Godwit, five Dunlins, a Green and two Common Sandpipers.

Other sites: Ditchford GP hosted both Black and Sandwich Terns. Three Black Terns passed through Stortons GP. Ravensthorpe reservoir hosted a Mediterranean Gull, four Yellow-legged Gulls, Great White Egret and Ruddy Shelduck. A Marsh Harrier was near Wadenhoe. In the Hanging Houghton, Cottesbrooke and Maidwell area, there was a Marsh Harrier on five days, two Hobbies, a Green Sandpiper and two Golden Plovers, up to four Whinchats, two Stonechats, two Redstarts and a Wheatear. A Mediterranean Gull was seen over Raunds, Borough Hill hosted four Redstarts, four Whincahts, two Stonechats and three Wheatears. Whinchats were also at Orlingbury and Brackley with two at Priors Hall along with a Stonechat. A Redstart was at Lamport.


Highlights: The County’s sixth Lesser Yellowlegs stayed at Lilbourne Meadows from 11th to 20th along with a Pectoral Sandpiper from 10th to 13th. Black-necked Grebes, the first for the year, were seen at Ditchford GP on 9th, Clifford Hill GP from 21st to the end of the month and at Stanford reservoir from 23rd to 26th. A Corn Bunting, another first for the year, was between Cottesbrooke and Hanging Houghton briefly on 28th and a good showing of Cattle Egrets included peaks of 12 at Stanwick GP, 10 at Thrapston GP, seven at both Irthlingborough Lakes and Meadows and Summer Leys and singles at Clifford Hill GP and Brackley, these birds move around a lot.

Clifford Hill GP: A Wood Sandpiper stayed five days. Other waders included a Sanderling, two Black-tailed Godwits single Dunlin and Common Sandpiper. A Black Tern and three Sandwich Terns (30th), two Redstarts and a few Yellow Wagtails were present.

Daventry CP: A Caspian, juvenile Mediterranean and two Yellow-legged Gulls were noted. A Whimbrel flew over and single Dunlin, Ringed Plover, Common Sandpiper and 10 Green Sandpipers, a Great White Egret and a Redstart were logged.

Ditchford GP: Whimbrel, Black-tailed Godwit, Greenshank, Redstart and Pintail (20th) visited.

Earls Barton GP: Marsh Harriers were seen daily with up to three different individuals involved, Osprey and Hobby also visited. A Bittern was noted from 25th, and up to three Garganeys from 7th. A Wood Sandpiper stayed 10 days, four Turnstones (24th), three Greenshanks, three Black-tailed Godwits, a Ruff, three Green and four Common Sandpipers, two Redshanks, four Ringed and two Little Ringed Plovers, two Great White Egrets, and five Crossbills (25th) were seen.

Hanging Houghton/Cottesbrooke/Blueberry: Up to four Whinchats and three Redstarts were regular, also several flyover Tree Pipits, a Wheatear, a Hobby and a Marsh Harrier several times.

Harrington Airfield: Marsh Harriers were reported on 11 days, also four Whinchats, two Redstarts, two Crossbills, two Tree Pipits and a Wheatear.

Hollowell Reservoir: Both Ospreys and Marsh Harriers were seen several times, also three Black Terns, a Caspian and two Yellow-legged Gulls, two Great White Egrets, up to three Whinchats, Tree Pipit and Hobby. Osprey and Yellow-legged Gull were at neighbouring Ravensthorpe reservoir.

Lilbourne Meadows: A leucistic Marsh Harrier was a spectacular visitor, a Garganey, a Redstart, a Greenshank, two Dunlins, three Little Ringed Plovers and four Green Sandpipers were seen.

Pitsford Reservoir: Up to three Ospreys were seen almost daily and a Marsh Harrier on six days, Hobby and Peregrine too. A Red-crested Pochard was joined by three more mid-month. Waders included a Whimbrel, two Ringed Plovers, three Green and two Common Sandpipers. Other visitors were up to five Great White Egrets and five Yellow-legged Gulls, two Whinchats and a Redstart.

Stanford Reservoir: Another site where Ospreys and Marsh Harriers were regular, the former all month, Hobby and Peregrine were also noted. A ‘Northern’ Willow Warbler was trapped and ringed (27th), along with a number of Redstarts, two Tree Pipits and two Whinchats. Six Black Terns passed through, a Little Ringed Plover, three Common Sandpipers, a Great White Egret and the female Ruddy Shelduck remained.

Stanwick GP: Two Turnstones, a Wood Sandpiper, two Ruffs, a Greenshank, three Common and one Green Sandpiper, juvenile Mediterranean and Caspian Gulls, three Yellow-legged Gulls and a Marsh Harrier were all noted.

Thrapston GP: There were up two Marsh Harriers, regular Osprey sightings, a Greenshank, two Green and a Common Sandpiper, a Ringed Plover and three Yellow-legged Gulls.

Other sites: A Marsh Harrier passed over Borough Hill and Crossbills over Corby and Pitsford. A Red-crested Pochard was at Billing GP and Tree Pipits were noted over Brackley and Brixworth STW. Three Redstarts were seen at Woodford Halse, two at Lamport and Honey Hill and singles at Stortons GP, Duston, Desborough airfield, Foxholes Crick, Hartwell and Boddington reservoir. Wheatears were also at Braunston, Hinton airfield and between Finedon and Cranford.

JULY 2024

Highlights: A Quail was still in song near Walgrave until 2nd. A Spoonbill was briefly at Summer Leys on 4th, with a report of a Red-necked Grebe there on 20th and 21st. A Black Redstart visited Harrington airfield on 8th with two present on 9th. Cattle Egrets bred again at a site in the River Nene valley and up to 6 were present at Stanwick GP, with singles at Earls Barton GP and Lilbourne Meadows.

Clifford Hill GP:  Two Little Terns visited on th 9th, and waders included a high count of 24 Black-tailed Godwits (12th), a Curlew, three Redshanks, four Little Ringed Plovers, a Dunlin and two Common Sandpipers. A Redstart was also seen.

Daventry CP: There were three Garganeys , six Black-tailed Godwits, eight Green and one Common Sandpiper, a Yellow-legged Gull and an early returning Arctic Tern (25th).

Earls Barton GP:  Black-tailed Godwits were frequent visitors, with peaks of eight on 6th and 10th. Wood Sandpipers visited on 6th and 20th also two Greenshanks, three Green Sandpipers, both Osprey and Marsh Harrier and a Little Tern on 17th.  

Hollowell Reservoir:  There was a daily Whinchat from 20th with two on 28th , regular Ospreys and a Common Sandpiper.

Lilbourne Meadows: The flood-pools attracted a Wood Sandpiper, Greenshank, Black-tailed Godwit, six Green and two Common Sandpipers, seven Little Ringed Plovers, a Marsh Harrier, and up to three Redstarts were in the hedgerows.

Pitsford Reservoir: Present were two Black-tailed Godwits, single Common Sandpiper, Yellow-legged Gull, Whinchat and Redstart.

Ravensthorpe Reservoir: Up to two Ospreys were noted fishing, also Ruddy Shelduck and a Yellow-legged Gull.

Stanford Reservoir: A Common Scoter visited on 3rd and a Bittern on 26th. Up to two Osprey were seen regularly and Marsh Harriers on three dates along with three Hobbies. Also present a Sandwich Tern on 17th, a Ruddy Shelduck, a Black–tailed Godwit, two Common Sandpipers and a Redstart.

Stanwick GP: A Wood Sandpiper on 16th, a peak of eight Black-tailed Godwits, four Little Ringed Plovers, five Common and two Green Sandpipers, a Pintail on 20th, a Marsh Harrier and a Yellow-legged Gull were logged.

Thrapston GP: A female Common Scoter was present on 16th, also Osprey and Black-tailed Godwit.

Other sites: DIRFT 3 held up to 18 Yellow-legged Gulls (26th) and two Caspian Gulls. Harrington airfield hosted a series of Redstart sightings and Marsh Harriers on three dates. A ‘ringtail’ Harrier was near Brixworth and further Marsh Harriers were also at Barnwell and Blueberry Farm Maidwell, where also two Crossbills and two Redstarts. A Ruddy Shelduck spent three days at Winwick pools and a Red-crested Pochard visited Billing Aquadrome. More Redstart sightings came from Woodford Halse, Honey Hill, Ramsden Corner, Lamport Hall, Old and between Cottesbrooke and Hanging Houghton  where also two Whinchats.  

JUNE 2024

Highlights: A female Red-backed Shrike was present near Cottingham on 23rd, a male Montagu’s Harrier was belatedly reported near Brackley on 24th and up to two Quails were singing near Walgrave from 25th to 30th.  A Wood Warbler remained at Harry’s Park Wood until 20th, a Common Scoter was at Stanford Reservoir on 3rd, two Avocets visited Summer Leys on 4th, and a Little Tern was at Hollowell Reservoir on 22nd. Cattle Egrets were noted at Ecton, and gravel pits at Earls Barton, Stanwick and Thrapston.

Earls Barton GP: A Wood Sandpiper visited on 2nd, a Ruff on 4th and eight Black-tailed Godwits (30th), Bitterns were noted several times, also a Marsh Harrier and a Great White Egret.

Pitsford Reservoir: Ospreys were present on 10 dates, also recorded were single Dunlin, Red-crested Pochard, Hobby and Dunlin.

Stanford Reservoir: Single Whimbrel, Ringed Plover, Pink-footed Goose, Osprey and a singing Brambling were noted.

Stanwick GP: Three ‘Tundra’ Ringed Plovers on 4th were still heading north but 30 Black-tailed Godwits on 28th were probably failed breeders, single Greenshank, Green and Common Sandpipers were also returning. Three Mediterranean Gulls (25th) two Marsh Harriers and two Great White Egrets also visited.

Other sites: A drake Garganey was present at Lilbourne Meadows until 4th and return passage Redstarts there from 29th. Ospreys were noted twice at Hollowell reservoir and a female Ruddy Shelduck re-appeared. Two Black-tailed Godwits were at Ditchford GP with an Osprey over Irthlingborough. Clifford Hill GP hosted Ringed and Little Ringed Plovers. Ospreys were also noted at Achurch, Brixworth, Desborough and Ravensthorpe Reservoir. A Whimbrel flew over Hanging Houghton on 4th and single Short-eared Owls were still present at Harrington Airfield on the very late date of 3rd and between Cottesbrooke and Hanging Houghton on 5th.

MAY 2024

Highlights: A female Ring-necked Duck at Ditchford GP was last present on 6th and a drake Eider at Boddington reservoir on 15th was the first record this century. The latter site hosted an Avocet on 16th and a Spotted Redshank flew over Thrapston GP on 10th. A female Red-necked Phalarope spent half a day at Lilbourne Meadows on 22nd and a ‘ringtail’ Montagu’s Harrier was photographed near Bozeat on 26th. A Wood Warbler spent the last week of the month at Harry’s Park Wood and Cattle Egrets were noted at seven sites along the Nene Valley, including Cogenhoe and Nether Heyford but never more than four birds.

Clifford Hill GP: Waders included two Turnstones, two Sanderlings, a Grey Plover, nine Dunlins, five Ringed and two Little Ringed Plovers and two Common Sandpipers. Three Arctic Terns, a Little Gull, two Wheatears, a Whinchat, a White Wagtail, a Short-eared Owl and a Peregrine visited too.

Daventry CP: A Little Tern (22nd), four Arctic Terns, a Hobby and a Greenland Wheatear were seen.

Ditchford GP: Two Little Terns (3rd), three Black Terns, a drake Red-crested Pochard and two Sanderlings were logged.

Earls Barton GP: A good selection of waders included a Wood Sandpiper (6th), seven Turnstones, single Grey Plover, Sanderling, Bar-tailed and Black-tailed Godwits, two Greenshanks, eight Dunlins, seven Ringed Plovers and two Common Sandpipers. A light passage of Arctic Terns continued all month along with several Black Terns and one Little Tern (3rd). Ospreys were noted on six days, also Marsh Harriers on three, Peregrine and one or two Hobbies, a Short-eared Owl present for four days at the end of the month was unusual. A drake Garganey was seen on four days and a Red-crested Pochard was regular. Bittern and Great White Egrets were noted too.

Hollowell Reservoir: A Sandwich Tern (26th) was just the third this year, three Arctic Terns, a Marsh Harrier and Ospreys were recorded on several dates.

Lilbourne Meadows: A Wood Sandpiper stayed three days, also noted, a Greenshank, Dunlin, Ringed and Little Ringed Plovers, two Common Sandpipers and a drake Garganey.

Stanford Reservoir: Twenty Black Terns (10th) was the highest count also eight Arctic Terns, a drake Garganey, and an unseasonal Pink-footed Goose, Ospreys on three days, a Hobby also three Whimbrels, single Sanderling and Greenshank, seven Ringed Plovers and three Common Sandpipers visited.

Stanwick GP: A Grey Plover, two Black-tailed Godwits, a Dunlin, two Black Terns, an Osprey and a drake Garganey were seen.

Thrapston GP: Black Terns were noted on two days, with six on 9th, also 12 Arctic Terns, Greenshank, five Common Sandpipers, a Ringed Plover and an Osprey.

Other sites: Single Ospreys were noted at Boddington, Cransley and Pitsford reservoirs, Biggin Lake Oundle and two over Spratton. Short-eared Owls were also present at Harrington airfield, between Cottesbrooke and Hanging Houghton, South Hill Farm Wellingborough and Blueberry Farm Maidwell. Ravensthorpe reservoir hosted an Osprey, a Caspian Gull and a Common Sandpiper. Two parties of Whimbrels were heard over Kettering, a male Ring Ouzel was between Brixworth and Hanging Houghton, a Marsh Harrier over Barton Seagrave, a Whinchat near Hanging Houghton, a White Wagtail near Orlingbury and the first Spotted Flycatcher at East Carlton CP on 6th.

APRIL 2024

Highlights: A female Ring-necked Duck remained at Ditchford GP all month. Stanford Reservoir hosted an adult Purple Heron on 9th and 10th and a drake Ferruginous Duck on 15th. A Spoonbill was reported over Wood Burcote on 17th and one visited Clifford Hill GP briefly on 21st. A White Stork was reported over Earls Barton GP on 18th. A ‘ringtail’ Hen Harrier was at Stortons GP on 2nd and a male photographed over Bucknell Wood 26th. A Hawfinch was at Cottesbrooke on 6th, a Mealy Redpoll at Summer Leys on 1st with several more at Wicksteed Park on 1st and 7th. A Firecrest was at Badby Wood on 29th. Nine Waxwings were at Clifford Hill GP on 8th, up to six were still present at Warth Park, Raunds on 8th and 13th and one was in Northampton on 29th. Up to eight Cattle Egrets were at Stanwick GP, five at Ditchford GP, three at Earls Barton GP, three at Cogenhoe , two at Thrapston GP and singles at Clifford Hill GP and Upton CP. Away from the Nene Valley, seven were at Sibbertoft and two near Wicksteed Park.

Aynho flood: A’Channel’ Wagtail stayed four days, also present , a White Wagtail and up to 17 Yellow Wagtails, two Dunlins, and both Ringed and Little Ringed Plovers.

Brampton Valley near Hanging Houghton and Maidwell: There were up to three Short-eared Owls, at least two Ring Ouzels, two Bramblings, two Redstarts, two Wheatears, two Whinchats and a Jack Snipe.

Clifford Hill GP: A Ring Ouzel stayed 12 days. Waders included single Whimbrel and Bar-tailed Godwit, five Black-tailed Godwits, Greenshank, a remarkable flock of 71 Redshanks and several Dunlins, Ringed and Little Ringed Plovers and Common Sandpipers. Also, the first Arctic Tern (9th), with four more later in the month, Osprey, Peregrine, four Wheatears, Redstart, three White Wagtails and the equal first Swifts (21st).

Ditchford GP: The first Reed Warbler (8th), Grasshopper Warbler (11th) and equal first Swift (21st), Pink-footed Goose, Greenshank, Curlew, Black-tailed Godwit and a Black Tern visited.

Earls Barton GP: Small numbers of Whimbrels, Black-tailed Godwits, Common Sandpipers and Greenshanks passed through also Ringed and Little Ringed Plovers, Redshanks and a Curlew. Hobby (9th), Osprey, Marsh Harrier and Peregrine visited along with up to five Arctic Terns, a Little Gull, three Pintails, single Red-crested Pochard and Wheatear and up to three White and 12 Yellow Wagtails.

Harrington Airfield: There were two Short-eared Owls on 1st with one remaining all month, also two Ring Ouzels, Whinchat, four Wheatears, a series of Redstarts, two Bramblings, 12 Golden Plovers and an Osprey.

Hollowell Reservoir: Ospreys were regular and a last Jack Snipe (23rd) and up to five Common Sandpipers.

Pitsford Reservoir: Ospreys visited on six days, also the earliest ever Whinchat (13th), Redstart, White Wagtail, three Little Gulls, Yellow-legged Gull, Black-tailed Godwit, Dunlin and two Common Sandpipers..

Stanford Reservoir: The first Common Sandpiper (4th), Swift(21st) and Lesser Whitethroat (9th), joined by a Pink-footed Goose, two Common Scoters, Whimbrel, Ospreys, Marsh Harrier, Redstart and Wheatear and terns which included Sandwich (6th), five Black and an Arctic.

Stanwick GP: The first Nightingale (11th), a pair of Garganey, Turnstone, Greenshank, Curlew, Little Gull and Marsh Harrier were logged.

Thrapston GP: Single Bittern, drake Garganey, Marsh Harrier, Black-tailed Godwit, Arctic and Black Terns were noted.

Other sites: Lower Barnwell Lock flood hosted Bar-tailed Godwit, Greenshank, four White Wagtails and a Great White Egret. Daventry CP held two Black-tailed Godwits and the first House Martin (3rd). Borough Hill had Whinchat, Redstart and Wheatear. Honey Hill hosted up to three Ring Ouzels and a Redstart, with other Ring Ouzels at Cottesbrooke and Newham Hill where also a Redstart. Further Ospreys were noted at Corby, Deene Lake, Welford, Chapel Brampton, Ravensthorpe reservoir, Orton and Oundle. A Merlin was at Sibbertoft (19th) and a Short-eared owl at Finedon with four near Lamport. Four Wheatears were at Laxton and Old and Redstarts at Boughton Park and Stoke Albany. A Ruddy Shelduck was again at Crick. The equal first Nightingale at Shire Hill Lodge and Cuckoo at Cosgrove, were both on 11th.

MARCH  2024

Highlights: A drake Green-winged Teal was again at Stanwick GP from 1st to 3rd. A female Ring-necked Duck was still at Ditchford GP from 5th to the end of the month. Two White Storks flew over Cosgrove on 18th and singles over Hemington on 21st and near Oundle on 31st and a Glossy Ibis flew over Ravensthorpe Reservoir on 22nd. Four White-fronted Geese were at Thrapston GP and nearby Wadenhoe Meadows from 4th to 24th and a flock of 16 Brent Geese visited Clifford Hill GP on 12th. Common Scoters were heard over the Brampton Valley at night on 11th, a drake was at Boddington reservoir on 22nd, another at Ditchford GP from 25th to 27th and three, two drakes, stayed at Ravensthorpe Reservoir on 26th. Three Avocets visited Summer Leys on 7th, a Firecrest was at Stanford reservoir on 9th and up to two Mealy Redpolls were in Duston from 9th till the end of the month and two more at Wicksteed Park on 30th. Nine Waxwings were again at Priors Hall, Corby on 15th, up to 16 (three colour-ringed) were in Far Cotton Northampton from 15th to 17th and a single was in Brackley on 29th. Up to seven Cattle Egrets visited Ditchford GP, with three at Earls Barton GP and Aldwincle, two at Wellingborough and Thrapston GP, and singles at Daventry CP, Clifford Hill GP and Stanford on Avon. A Bittern was at Stanwick GP on 6th.

Clifford Hill GP: A ‘redhead’ Smew remained until 26th, also noted were a Red-crested Pochard, three Goosanders, a Peregrine, a Little Gull, single Knot , Dunlin, Wheatear and a Redstart on 30th, the earliest ever in Northants.

Daventry CP: Mediterranean and Caspian Gulls were both noted on three dates, also Yellow-legged Gulls, two Red-crested Pochards, two Black-tailed Godwits, two Jack Snipes and two Great White Egrets.

Ditchford GP: A drake Garganey was last seen on 13th and a drake Scaup stayed four days, also present were three Pintails, four Black-tailed Godwits, a Curlew, five Redshanks, a Jack Snipe, four Great White Egrets, a Marsh Harrier and the first Willow Warbler (22nd).

Earls Barton GP: Marsh Harriers visited on six dates, Merlins twice, Peregrines and an Osprey. Waders included a Grey Plover, three Ruffs, two Curlews, five Dunlins, up to three Black-tailed Godwits, eight Redshanks, 25 Snipes, 300 Golden Plovers and two Little Ringed Plovers. A Scaup stayed all month and Red-crested Pochard and Pintail were noted, two Little Gulls, a Caspian Gull and four Great White Egrets. Earliest migrants were a Sand Martin (12th), White Wagtail (25th) and Sandwich Tern (29th).

Harrington Airfield: Two Merlins, two Short-eared Owls, two Bramblings and a Wheatear visited.

Hollowell Reservoir: Three Caspian and two Mediterranean Gulls were logged also a Pink-footed Goose, two Pintails, two Stonechats, two Jack Snipes and Ospreys three times.

Pitsford Reservoir: A’redhead’ Smew and a drake Red-crested Pochard were present, two Little Gulls, two Jack Snipes, a Merlin and the joint earliest Swallow (20th).

Stanford Reservoir: An adult Mediterranean Gull visited the gull roost twice, a Caspian and two Yellow-legged Gulls was also seen along with White Wagtail, Wheatear and the first Yellow Wagtail (30th)

Stanwick GP: Marsh Harriers were present on seven dates, also two Little and one Mediterranean Gull, three Pintails, 10 Goosanders, 10 Redshanks and three Black-tailed Godwits.

Thrapston GP: Three Little Gulls, four Great White Egrets, single Ruff, Black-tailed Godwit and Marsh Harrier visited. The first Swallow arrived on 20th and Common Tern on 31st.

Other sites: Merlins were seen at Lamport, Hanging Houghton and Ravensthorpe reservoir. Four Short-eared Owls were near Lamport and another near Maidwell. A Whimbrel was calling at night over the Brampton Valley (11th) and 12 Black-tailed Godwits visited Barnwell flood. A Mediterranean Gull was at Boddington reservoir and a Little Gull at Wicksteed Lake. Crossbills were at Bucknell Wood and three over Scotland Wood. The first Osprey flew over Bozenham Mill (18th) and another over Braunston. Other firsts were a Little Ringed Plover at Braunston flood (14th), Wheatear at Clipston (18th) and Sedge Warbler at Wadenhoe (30th).


Highlights:  A Glossy Ibis roosted at Thrapston GP on 3rd and a drake Green-winged Teal was present at Stanwick GP from 5th to 10th and again from 29th. A Bewick’s Swan was briefly at Clifford Hill GP on 13th and a ‘redhead’ Smew was again there from 21st. A drake Garganey at Irthlingborough Lakes and Meadows from 27th was the earliest ever in Northants by 10 days. Waxwings were still present, with 12 at Dallington cemetery on 10th, up to 10 near Oundle between 18th and 28th, seven still at Corby until 3rd, five over Stanford reservoir on 24th and one at Brackmills CP on 27th. Up to six Cattle Egrets were at Ditchford GP, three at Earls Barton GP and singles at Stanford on Avon, Stanwick GP, Upton CP and Wicksteed Park water meadows. 

Brampton Valley near Hanging Houghton and Maidwell:  Merlins on five dates, a Peregrine, up to four Short-eared Owls and two Stonechats were recorded.

Daventry CP: Up to 108 Snipes and 10 Jack Snipes were present on flood pools below the dam. Three Caspian and a Yellow-legged Gull were noted along with a flyover Crossbill, a Great White Egret and a Stonechat.

Earls Barton GP:  A first-winter drake Scaup was present all month. Also seen were a Red-crested Pochard, six Pintails, 400 Golden Plovers, four Redshanks, 13 Snipes, a Dunlin, a Caspian and two Yellow-legged Gulls, four Great White Egrets, four Stonechats and Marsh Harriers on four days.

Hollowell Reservoir:  A first-winter drake Scaup was noted along with 10 Snipes and two Jack Snipes, eight Stonechats and two Caspian Gulls with another at nearby Ravensthorpe reservoir.

Pitsford Reservoir:  A Whooper Swan visited (20th), also a Mediterranean Gull and a Merlin.
Stanford reservoir: A Pink-footed Goose was noted regularly also a Marsh Harrier and a Great White Egret.

Stanwick GP: A Ruff, five Redshanks and a Marsh Harrier passed through.

Other sites: Harrington Airfield hosted a Merlin and a Short-eared Owl with up to four Short-eared Owls at Neville’s Lodge, Finedon. Up to 12 Crossbills remained at Fineshade Wood and singles at East Carlton CP and over Corby. Two Mediterranean Gulls were reported over Kettering. A Caspian Gull and two Pintails were at Irthlingborough.


Highlights:  A second-winter Kumlien’s Gull roosted overnight at Stanford reservoir on 11th. A female Ring-necked Duck visited Stanwick GP on 17th and 18th before being re-located at Thrapston GP from 25th to 28th. A Great Northern Diver remained at Pitsford reservoir all month, a Mealy Redpoll was at Daventry CP on 15th and a Hawfinch at Fineshade Wood on 16th. Waxwings included 12 at Brackmills CP, two at East Hunsbury and three at Duston Northampton, six in Priors Hall Park Corby, three at Stanion, and singles at Brixworth and Earls Barton GP. A ‘ringtail’ Hen Harrier visited Harrington airfield on three dates. Up to nine Cattle Egrets were at Stanwick GP, three at Ditchford GP, two at Stanford reservoir with a single nearby at Stanford on Avon and another at Earls Barton GP.
Brampton Valley near Hanging Houghton and Maidwell:  Merlins were seen on five days also a Jack Snipe, two Green Sandpipers and two Stonechats. 

Clifford Hill GP:  A ‘redhead’ Smew stayed from 5th to 16th and two Scaup, four Whooper Swans, a Pintail, a Caspian Gull and two Stonechats were present.

Daventry CP: High totals of 102 Snipe and up to 18 Jack Snipes were counted also 36 Golden Plovers, both Caspian and Yellow-legged Gulls and two Great White Egrets.

Ditchford GP: There were a Marsh Harrier, a Merlin, a Pintail and two Stonechats.
Earls Barton GP:  Marsh Harriers were recorded on seven days, a Scaup was present along with a Red-crested Pochard, both Caspian and Yellow-legged Gulls, 100+ Golden Plovers and two Stonechats.

Hollowell Reservoir: A Scaup and a Pink-footed Goose were present, also three Caspian Gulls, two Jack Snipes, a Ruddy Shelduck briefly, three Stonechats and a Great White Egret. The Scaup also visited neighbouring Ravensthorpe reservoir where also a Whooper Swan briefly.

Stanford Reservoir: Four different Mediterranean Gulls visited the roost, also two Caspian and a Yellow-legged Gull.  Three Whooper Swans (7th), a Pink-footed Goose, 10 Pintails, two Red-crested Pochards, a Marsh Harrier, a Short-eared Owl and a Great White Egret also visited.

Stanwick GP: There was a Siberian Chiffchaff (8th), up to four Ruffs, eight Redshanks, two Dunlins, 50 Golden Plovers, a Great White Egret, Marsh Harriers on three dates and a Merlin. 

Other sites:  Three Whooper Swans flew over (8th) and a Marsh Harrier was noted at Thrapston GP. Two Whooper Swans visited Pitsford reservoir (17th), also a Yellow-legged Gull and a Stonechat. Blatherwycke Lake held a Pink-footed Goose and a Green Sandpiper. Harrington airfield hosted two Short-eared Owls a Merlin ad three Whooper Swans flying over. Short–eared Owls were also at Whilton Locks and three at Neville’s Lodge Finedon. A Red-crested Pochard was at Billing GP and two Green Sandpipers and Stonechat nearby. A Merlin flew over Wicksteed Park and Willowbrook Industrial Estate Corby hosted a Jack Snipe, two Stonechats and a Yellow-legged Gull. Lilbourne Meadows and DIRFT 3 held 350 Golden Plovers, Jack Snipe, Caspian Gull, Great White Egret and Peregrine. Seven Whooper Swans visited Oundle flood meadows (9th) and a Ruddy Shelduck was at Winwick Pools. Fineshade Wood hosted up to 12 Crossbills and nearby Wakerley Great Wood up to 41 along with 30 Bramblings.                      


Highlights: Two Glossy Ibises were still at Stanwick GP and one at Earls Barton GP on 1st and a Great Northern Diver was seen at Pitsford reservoir intermittently all month. A Firecrest was at Summer Leys on 3rd and a Bittern at Fawsley Park Lake on 22nd. ‘Ringtail’ Hen Harriers visited Neville’s Lodge Finedon from 11th, with two on 16th, with other sightings at Stanwick GP and between Hanging Houghton and Cottesbrooke both on 24th and near Maidwell on 31st. Waxwings were at last tied down with two in Higham Ferrers from 24thto 30th, up to six in Northampton on 26th and one in Brixworth on 28th and 29th. Finally, a Shag was briefly at Pitsford on 31st.

Daventry CP: An adult Mediterranean Gull was seen twice, also a Caspian Gull, two drake Red-crested Pochards and a Great White Egret.

DIRFT 3 Pools: A Little Gull (8th), two Yellow-legged and a Caspian Gull visited.
Hollowell Reservoir: A Pink-footed Goose was regular along with two Caspians and a Yellow-legged Gull, up to eight Stonechats, a Jack Snipe, five Snipes and a female Ruddy Shelduck again. Nearby Ravensthorpe reservoir held a female Common Scoter from 5th to 8th and a Caspian Gull.

Pitsford Reservoir: A drake Smew visited Pitsford Res on 11th, a first-winter Scaup stayed from 5th and three Red-crested Pochards were present.

Stanford Reservoir: A flock of 46 Barnacle Geese, of unknown origin, visited on 5th, two Red-crested Pochards, a Pintail, a Great White Egret and a Peregrine were noted. Gulls included up to two regular first-winter Mediterranean Gulls and a Caspian. Nearby, near Stanford on Avon, two Cattle Egrets remained from 10th until 31st.

Stanwick GP: Up to seven Cattle Egrets were present all month, a Marsh Harrier was noted on seven dates and five Redshanks were present.

Other sites: Eight Cattle Egrets and a Marsh Harrier were at Thrapston GP. Single Cattle Egrets were also at Wicksteed Water Meadows from 8th to 28th, over Wellingborough Embankment on 18th.and at Summer Leys on 31st, where also two Great White Egrets.  Marsh Harriers were also noted at Earls Barton GP (two), Ditchford GP and Wellingborough Embankment and Merlins at Neville’s Lodge, Ditchford GP and Lamport, where also two Stonechats. Up to seven Short-eared Owls visited Neville’s Lodge and a Ruddy Shelduck was again at Winwick Pools. Two Crossbills were at Lamport, one at Harrington airfield, 40+ at Wakerley Great Wood and 20+ at Fineshade Wood. Boddington reservoir held both Caspian and Yellow-legged Gulls. A Caspian Gull was at Rushton Landfill and a Red-crested Pochard at Clifford Hill GP.


Highlights: A female or first-winter Ring- necked Duck was at Thrapston GP from 12th to 24th. A Glossy Ibis visited Summer Leys on 14th and Irthlingborough Lakes and Meadows on 21st. Hoopoes were photographed at Everdon on 16th, Lower Harlestone from 19th to 23rd and at Chapel Brampton on 23rd and 24th. A Wryneck was at Dallington, Northampton on 1st, Bitterns at Earls Barton GP between 7th and 20th and at Stanwick GP from 29th to 31st. Five Avocets were at Pitsford reservoir on 12th, a Nightjar was picked up in Corby and taken into care on 18th and a Bearded Tit was at Stanwick GP from 19th to 22nd. Up to 12 Cattle Egrets were at Stanwick between 3rd and 30th, with singles at Earls Barton from 6th to 28th and at Chacombe on 28th.

Brampton Valley near Hanging Houghton and Maidwell:  Merlins were noted on six dates, Short-eared Owls on three and Ring Ouzels also on three. Parties of 10 Pink-footed Geese flew over 20th and 18 on 23rd. Two Stonechats were also present.
Daventry CP: Two Short-eared Owls flew over. Also present a Rock Pipit, two Pintails, a Peregrine, single Mediterranean Gull, Dunlin and Green Sandpiper.
Earls Barton GP:  Marsh Harriers were present on nine dates, a Whooper Swan, a Little Gull, two Mediterranean and a Yellow-legged Gull, a peak of 16 Great White Egrets, three Red-crested Pochards, a Pintail, nine Egyptian Geese, a Peregrine, five Stonechats, and a Brambling. Waders included three Jack Snipes, 180 Golden Plovers, two Ringed Plovers, and single Ruff, Dunlin, Redshank, Green and Common Sandpiper.

Harrington AF: Merlins and Ring Ouzels were both seen on three days, two Short-eared Owls, a Marsh Harrier, two Bramblings, four Stonechats and a Wheatear and 25 Golden Plovers were also noted.

Hollowell Reservoir: An Arctic tern was last seen on 24th, two Rock Pipits, two Caspian and a Yellow-legged Gull, a Pink-footed Goose, a Ruddy Shelduck, a Pintail, a Great White Egret, five Stonechats, a Brambling, a Jack Snipe (3rd), 16 Dunlins and two Ringed Plovers. 

Pitsford Reservoir: Seventeen Barnacle Geese (13th) and three Whooper Swans , a Mediterranean, three Caspian and seven Yellow-legged Gulls, a Marsh Harrier, 10+ Pintails, a Red-crested Pochard, 25 Snipes, a Jack Snipe, a Green Sandpiper and three Stonechats were logged.

Ravensthorpe Reservoir:  A Pink-footed Goose was regular, a Whooper Swan, a Caspian Gull and a Great White Egret visited.

Stanford Reservoir:  Marsh Harriers were noted on 12 dates and Merlins twice. Five Whooper Swans, five Red-crested Pochards, nine Pintails and a Garganey stayed until 13th. At least two Mediterranean, two Caspian and two Little Gulls and six Great White Egrets were noted. A lyhjate Garden Warbler and Spotted Flycatcher were noted on 1st, Hobby on 7th and a Wheatear on 16th, 3560 Redwings passed over and a probable Northern Willow Warbler ringed on 9th. Three Bramblings, two Stonechats and Peregrine were seen.

Stanwick GP: Two Caspian, eight Yellow-legged and five Little Gulls  were seen, a late Common Tern (21st), a Rock Pipit, a Merlin, Greenshank, Redshank, two Ruffs, two Dunlins, a Common Sandpiper, three Pintails, a Merlin and a Marsh Harrier.

Thrapston GP: Eight Whooper Swans and 43 Barnacle Geese which may have been wild, not feral  passed through on 12th, a Little Gull on 21st and Marsh Harriers on two days.

Other sites:  Ditchford GP hosted four Little Gulls, a Yellow-legged Gull and a Marsh Harrier. Naseby reservoir held a German-ringed Caspian Gull and two Great White Egrets. Boddington reservoir hosted two Caspian and nine Yellow-legged Gulls 40 Golden Plovers and a Stonechat. Short-eared Owls were present at Borough Hill, Welford and Helmdon and Merlins at Hinton airfield, Irthlingborough and DIRFT 3 pools where also a Curlew, 46 Golden Plovers and two Caspian Gulls. A Crossbill was at Deenethorpe, a Marsh Harrier at Aynho, a Caspian Gull at Chacombe and a Wheatear was at Orlingbury.


Highlights:  Black-necked Grebes were at Pitsford Reservoir on 1st and at Thrapston GP from 17th to 28th. Cattle Egrets re-appeared, with up to four moving between gravel pits in the Nene valley.  Two noted at Thrapston on 7th and one on 24th, four at Stanwick on 11th, two on 29th and one on 22nd, one at Ditchford beween 17th and 21st and two on 22nd and 24th, and at Summer Leys, one on 25th and 26th. Pectoral Sandpipers visited Earls Barton from 10th to 19th and Stanwick from 17th to 22nd,   A Little Stint remained at Hollowell Reservoir from 7th to 13th. A Corn Bunting was near Hanging Houghton on 8th, a Quail flushed there on 14th and a Black Redstart at nearby Maidwell on 21st and a ‘ringtail’ Hen Harrier there on 30th. A Honey Buzzard flew over Stanford Reservoir on 15th and a Hoopoe was seen on a rooftop in Oundle on 22nd.

Brampton Valley near Hanging Houghton and Maidwell: Four Redstarts, five Whinchats, four Stonechats, seven Wheatears, a Tree Pipit and a Marsh Harrier were seen.
Clifford Hill GP: There was a Ruff, a Common Sandpiper, three Wheatears, single Whinchat and Redstart and a Black Tern which stayed three days.

Daventry CP: A Caspian and two Yellow-legged Gulls, a Red-crested Pochard, a Pintail, two Green and two Common Sandpipers, a Hobby and two Great White Egrets were logged.

Ditchford GP: there were two Ruffs and single Ringed Plover, Green and Common Sandpiper, Pintail and Stonechat. 

Earls Barton GP:  A Bittern was noted on 11 dates between 5th and 30th. An Osprey, Marsh Harriers on four days, up to seven Great White Egrets, two Hobbies, a Peregrine and a Yellow-legged Gull visited and waders included a Turnstone (1st),  several Black-tailed Godwits, seven Ruffs, eight Ringed Plovers, four Common and one Green Sandpiper, two Dunlins, a Redshank and four Little Ringed Plovers. 

Hollowell Reservoir: There was a Wood Sandpiper, four Greenshanks, 10 Ringed Plovers, four Dunlins, a Redshank, seven Common and two Green Sandpipers, Peregrine, Hobby, Ospreys on two days, a Ruddy Shelduck, a Pink-footed Goose, two Great White Egrets, a Caspian Gull, four Whinchats, two Stonechats and a Wheatear.

Pitsford Reservoir: A Garganey, seven Pintails, a Red-crested Pochard, A Black Tern, an Osprey, two Hobbies, two Crossbills, single Redstart and Wheatear, were noted also  Wood Sandpiper, Greenshank, Ringed Plover, four Green and two Common Sandpipers. 

Stanford Reservoir: Up to three Marsh Harriers present for most of the month included two with wing-tags ringed as juveniles this year. An Osprey , two Hobbies, up to four Red-crested Pochards, 11 Pintails, a Ruddy Shelduck, a Great White Egret, two Golden Plovers, three Ringed Plovers, three Common  and one Green Sandpiper also three Whinchats, a Redstart and a Wheatear.

Stanwick GP: There was a Tree Pipit, two Hobbies, a Marsh Harrier, three Great White Egrets, two Pintails, three Ruffs, three Common Sandpipers and five Yellow-legged Gulls.

Thrapston GP:  A Bittern (23rd), a Ruff, a Ringed Plover, single Hobby, Great White Egret and two Yellow-legged Gulls were seen.

Other sites: Mediterranean and Caspian Gulls visited Ravensthorpe reservoir. Boddington reservoir hosted two Red-crested Pochards, a Caspian and three Yellow-legged Gulls and three Common Sandpipers. A Marsh Harrier was seen on four dates at Harrington airfield along with four Redstarts, three Whinchats and a Wheatear. An Osprey flew over Cogenhoe on 3rd and an early Merlin at Hartwell on 1st. Two Crossbills were at Yardley Chase and Naseby reservoir hosted a German-ringed Caspian Gull, two Great White Egrets and single Green and Common Sandpipers. A Ruddy Shelduck visited Foxholes Crick. Three Whinchats were at Woodford Halse and singles at Kislingbiury GP, Sywell CP, Old, Lamport and Willowbrook Corby. Three Redstarts were at Lamport, two at both Old and Honey Hill and a single at Hardingstone GP. Wheatears were near Kettering, Brockhall and Honey Hill.


Highlights:  Four Sandwich Terns flew through Thrapston GP on 3rd and two visited Hollowell reservoir on 10th where also an Avocet on 4th. A ‘ringtail’Hen Harrier was at Harrington Airfield on 7th and Stanford Reservoir hosted a  Shag on 15th and a Wryneck on 28th. Cattle Egrets returned to Earls Barton GP on 11th, with two at Stanwick GP from 18th and three by 28th and one visited Clifford Hill GP on 20th. Pied Flycatchers were noted at three sites on 23rd, at Creaton, Stanwick GP and Lamport with a further sighting at the latter on 26th. The best birds of the month were the Honey Buzzard at Everdon Stubbs on 26th and a Nightjar roosting on a wall in Great Harrowden on 28th.

Brampton Valley near Hanging Houghton and Maidwell:  A Marsh Harrier was seen on five dates with peaks of at least three Redstarts, five Whinchats, two Wheatears, a Crossbill, two Hobbies  and two Golden Plovers.

Clifford Hill GP: Four Black Terns visited with one staying for nine days. An Arctic Tern, three Common Sandpipers, an Osprey and two Wheatears were noted.

Earls Barton GP:  Marsh Harriers and Ospreys both visited on four days. Two Black-tailed Godwits, two Ruffs, a Little Ringed Plover, two Ringed Plovers, three Green and two Common Sandpipers, six Pintails, Mediterranean and Yellow-legged Gulls, Great White Egret and single Whinchat and Redstart were logged.

Harrington Airfield:  Up to four Redstarts were present along with two Wheatears, three Tree Pipits, a Whinchat, Marsh Harrier on three dates, two Yellow-legged Gulls and two Crossbills.

Hollowell Reservoir: Ospreys were regular throughout the month, a Marsh Harrier also visited along with a Turnstone, two Greenshanks, single Black-tailed Godwit, Dunlin, Little Ringed and Golden Plover, peak counts of seven Ringed Plovers, seven Common and 6 Green Sandpipers. A Pink-footed Goose was present for three weeks, a Ruddy Shelduck on several days, four Great White Egrets, a Garganey, a Black Tern, two Yellow-legged Gulls, a Tree Pipit and two Whinchats.

Lilbourne Meadows: A Marsh Harrier, two Redstarts, a Black-tailed Godwit, eight Green and one Common Sandpiper were noted.

Pitsford Reservoir: Up to three Red-crested Pochards visited along with single Garganey and Pintail, Marsh Harriers on five dates, an Osprey twice, two Hobbies and a Peregrine. Four Ruffs, single Greenshank and Redshank, two Green and three Common Sandpipers. A Caspian and three Yellow-legged Gulls, up to four Great White Egrets, four Whinchats, two Wheatears, a Tree Pipit and a Redstart were logged.

Stanford Reservoir: A Black Tern, single Mediterranean Gull, Marsh Harriers on four dates, single Black-tailed Godwit and Ruff and up to five Common Sandpipers were noted. Redstarts were in double figures with a total of 12 ringed on two separate dates with the overall total nearly 50. Also present were two Tree Pipits, two Whinchats, a Great White Egret and two Yellow-legged Gulls.

Stanwick GP: Three Mediterranean Gulls visited, also Caspian Gulls on three dates, up to 11 Yellow-legged Gulls, two Wood Sandpipers, four Black-tailed Godwits a Common Sandpiper and a Whinchat.

Other sites: Ravensthorpe reservoir hosted Ospreys, a Pink-footed Goose and single Caspian ad Yellow-legged Gulls. Ospreys visited Thrapston GP on six dates also two Greenshanks and a Yellow-legged Gull were seen. At Wicksteed Park, gulls included a Caspian, two Yellow-legged and a Mediterranean. Single Caspian Gulls were at Naseby reservoir and Ashton and a Tree Pipit at Wakerley Great Wood.  Ditchford GP hosted an Osprey, four Ruffs, a Black-tailed Godwit, a Common Sandpiper, and a Great White Egret. A Wood Sandpiper was at Daventry CP. A Ruddy Shelduck visited lakes at Crick and Winwick, Redstarts were at Honey Hill and Old, both  three, Duston, Old and Lamport, all two, and singles at Woodford Halse, Geddington, Great Doddington, and Denton Wood. Whinchats visited Great Doddington and Willowbrook and Wheatears were at Old, two, Ecton and Orlingbury.

JULY 2023

Highlights:   A Caspian Tern visited Hollowell Reservoir on 18th and it or another was at Summer Leys, Earls Barton GP briefly on 23rd. A Bearded Tit at Pitsford Reservoir was last recorded on 10th. Up to four Black-necked Grebes, an adult and three juveniles, were present at Thrapston GP from 12th with two still on 17th, another juvenile was at Stanford reservoir on 15th and an adult at Pitsford from 20th to 25th. A Quail was singing at Stanford on 20th and another flew over Kettering at night on 27th. A Bittern was seen at Summer Leys on 23rd.

Clifford Hill GP: Two Sanderlings, a Dunlin, a Ringed Plover, two Barnacle Geese,  a Marsh Harrier and a Wheatear  visited.

Earls Barton GP: A Turtle Dove was photographed on 8th. A Garganey was present the first week and both Osprey and Marsh Harrier were seen three times along with Hobby. A Wood Sandpiper, up to seven Black-tailed Godwits, single Greenshank and Ruff, three Little Ringed Plovers, and some Redshanks and Snipe were logged. A Great White Egret and a Redstart were also present and a Whinchat nearby.

Hollowell Reservoir:  Ospreys were noted on several dates along with a Ruddy Shelduck. Waders included single Black-tailed Godwit, Greenshank and Dunlin, four Green and four Common Sandpipers, two Redshanks and two Little Ringed Plovers. Up to two Ospreys were at neighbouring Ravensthorpe reservoir and two Arctic Terns (29th).

Pitsford Reservoir:  Two Red-crested Pochards, a Goldeneye, Great White Egret, Osprey, Hobby, Yellow Legged Gull, Redshank, three Black-tailed Godwits and a Redshank visited.

Stanford Reservoir:  A Whimbrel (17th), up to five Black-tailed Godwits, two Redshanks, seven Common Sandpipers,  a Red-crested Pochard, three Whinchats, a Redstart, two Hobbies and a Peregrine visited.

Stanwick GP: An adult Mediterranean Gull, adult Caspian and 11 Yellow-legged Gulls were logged, also a Whimbrel, three Black-tailed Godwits and a Common Sandpiper.

Other sites: A Marsh Harrier was over Byfield, six Crossbills at Fermyn Wood and Redstarts at Blueberry Farm, Maidwell (three), Stanford on Avon (two) and Woodford Halse. A Garganey stayed at Daventry CP and a Common Sandpiper was present. Harrington airfield hosted two Redstarts, a Whinchat, a Marsh Harrier and a Hobby. Thrapston GP hosted an Osprey and a Yellow-legged Gull.

JUNE 2023

Highlights:  A Purple Heron remained at Earls Barton GP from 8th to 15th, with a Bittern seen there on 10th and 12th and a single Bearded Tit on 10th and another at Pitsford reservoir from 18th to 30th. Singing Quails visited Maidwell on 2nd, Higham Ferrers on 10th and Cottesbrooke on 16th. An Avocet was at Pitsford on 16th and a Slavonian Grebe at Thrapston GP on 16th and 17th.

Clifford Hill GP:  A Grey Plover stayed five days and up to three Sanderlings for four days. A Turnstone, two Golden Plovers, five ‘tundra’ Ringed Plovers and a Little Ringed Plover and a Yellow-legged Gull visited.

DIRFT 3 and Lilbourne Meadows:  Wood Sandpiper, two Sanderlings, Greenshank, Black-tailed Godwit, four Redshanks, two Little Ringed and up to 12 ‘tundra’ Ringed Plovers, a Dunlin and a Common Sandpiper were noted.

Earls Barton GP: A Black-necked Grebe (8th), a couple of Marsh Harriers, an Osprey, a Garganey,  single Turnstone and Sanderling, two Greenshanks, two Common Sandpipers and two Ringed Plovers were present.

Hollowell Reservoir: Ospreys were noted regularly, a Greenshank, a Redshank, three Dunlins, four Little Ringed Plovers, three Green and two Common Sandpipers, a Great White Egret, a Crossbill and a Ruddy Shelduck returned.

Pitsford Reservoir: Three Little Terns (9th), a Sanderling, two Black-tailed Godwits, a Red-crested Pochard and a party of six Crossbills were logged.

Stanford Reservoir:  Thirteen Common Scoters, including three drakes (1st) and up to eight Black Terns and a Crossbill visited.

Stanwick GP: Two Sanderlings, a Wood Sandpiper, a Black-tailed Godwit, 11 ‘tundra’ Ringed Plovers, an Osprey and a single Black Tern passed through.

Thrapston GP: Two Black Terns, a Golden Plover, an Osprey and two Marsh Harriers visited.

Other sites: Ospreys were noted at Biggin Lake and over Mears Ashby, an early returning Redstart was in Kettering (14th), a Turnstone at Ditchford GP, and a Ruddy Shelduck remained at Winwick Pools. Crossbills were noted at Fineshade Wood, Wakerley Great Wood, Harry’s Park Wood, and over Wellingborough, Hanging Houghton, Earls Barton, and Harrington Airfield usually two birds.

MAY 2023

Highlights: A Black Kite was reported over Bearshank Wood on 7th, the same day that four Black-winged Stilts visited Townholme Meadows at Ditchford GP, with a later record of one at Summer Leys, Earls Barton GP on 26th and 27th. Single White Storks flew over Oundle on 3rd and Wicksteed Park, Kettering on 17th, with one also at Barnwell Lock floods on 28th. A Temminck’s Stint visited the DIRFT 3 pools site on 18th, with 3 Curlew Sandpipers at the adjacent Lilbourne Meadows on 29th.  A Little Stint was present at Stanwick GP on 30th briefly and single Little Terns passed through Clifford Hill GP on 3rd and 31st where also three Avocets on 7th with one remaining until 9th.

Clifford Hill GP:  Single Turnstone, Wood Sandpiper, Sanderling and Ruff, five Whimbrels, three Dunlins, three Redshanks, three Ringed Plovers, two Little Ringed Plovers and three Common Sandpipers passed through, also  Black Tern, Hobby,  up to five Wheatears, the first Whinchat on 1st and two Barnacle Geese.

DIRFT 3 and Lilbourne Meadows:  Waders included peak counts of five Wood Sandpipers, 16 Ruffs, four Greenshanks, five Ringed and three Little Ringed Plovers, two Dunlins, two Common Sandpipers, Grey Plover, Curlew,  three Caspian Gulls, a drake Garganey and two Greenland Wheatears.

Ditchford GP:  Sightings included Greenshank, a Common Sandpiper, two Hobbies and two late Bramblings on 4th.

Earls Barton GP:  Marsh Harriers were seen on several days, Ospreys twice, with a peak count of 10 Hobbies and a Peregrine. Parties of four and six Sanderlings passed through with peaks of three Grey Plovers, 11 Ruffs, six Black-tailed Godwits, nine Ringed Plovers, three Greenshanks, two Dunlins and single Turnstone, Bar-tailed Godwit and Common Sandpiper.  Other visitors comprised two Black Terns, a Wheatear and unusually, just two sightings of a drake Garganey.

Pitsford Reservoir: A Black-necked Grebe (24th), up to three Black Terns and a Sanderling passed through and a Red-crested Pochard remained.

Stanford Reservoir:  Two Sanderlings, a Black Tern, a Garganey and Ospreys twice, were logged.

Stanwick GP: Parties of 14 and 15 Arctic Terns passed through, also a Kittiwake (12th), a Short-eared Owl (13th) and a Black Tern. Waders included 10 Ringed Plovers, four Turnstones, Greenshank, Ruff and Dunlin. A Hobby and two Peregrines were noted.

Thrapston GP:  A flock of 32 Black-tailed Godwits, a Common Sandpiper and two Black Tern visited. Raptors comprised Osprey, Marsh Harrier and up to nine Hobbies.
Other sites: Ospreys were noted at Hollowell Reservoir on a number of dates also a Caspian Gull and two Dunlins, Ospreys were also at neighbouring Ravensthorpe Reservoir where up to five Common Sandpipers. Ospreys were also at Castle Ashby lakes, Biggin Lake and over Brackley. Five Black Terns visited Boddington reservoir, three Wood Sandpipers and three Ruffs were at Aynho flood and a Wood Sandpiper, Little Ringed Plover and a Common Sandpiper at Braunston flood. A Pink-footed Goose remained at Wicksteed Park and Whinchats visited Great Doddington and Harrington airfield. Priors Hall hosted two Stonechats ad two Wheatears.

APRIL 2023

Highlights: A male Kentish Plover visited Summer Leys reserve at Earls Barton GP from 11th to 14th, with two Cranes there on 12th and a White Stork on 11th and 12th too. Other sightings of White Stork were over Oundle on 6th, Thrapston GP on 14th and near Spratton and Cottesbrooke on 16th. A female Ring-necked Duck remained at Ravensthorpe Reservoir until 8th and one was present at Ditchford GP on 23rd. Daventry CP hosted a Black-necked Grebe on 4th with two on 17th and at Pitsford Reservoir one visited on 10th with two on 19th.  Two drake Red-breasted Mergansers were  at Pitsford Reservoir on 10th. Black Redstarts were at Daventry on 7th and Harrington airfield on 8th and male Bearded Tits were at Stanwick GP on 9th  and Summer Leys on 23rd  where also an Avocet on 29th. A Pied Flycatcher visited a Kettering garden and a Cattle Egret flew through Ditchford GP on 9th and Kittiwakes were at Stanford Reservoir on 10th and Daventry CP on 11th. Two Hen Harriers, including a male, were near Weston on 21st and a Wood Warbler was singing in Northampton on 26th. An injured Stone Curlew was found near Hackleton on 30th and taken into care. An influx of Arctic Terns on 24th included flocks of 81+ at Boddington Reservoir and 50+ at Pitsford Reservoir.

Clifford Hill GP: Waders included peaks of six Black-tailed and five Bar-tailed Godwits some of which remained for several days, six Dunlins, five Little Ringed and two Ringed Plovers, Whimbrels on four days, Greenshank, Ruff and Common Sandpiper. Two Black Terns, up to four Arctic terns and a peak of 24 Little Gulls (19th). Up to 22 Wheatears included six Greenland race, two Redstarts, the first Whinchat (24th) and up to 15 Yellow Wagtails were noted.
Daventry CP: Single drake Common Scoter and Garganey passed through also Osprey, a Whimbrel,  16 Snipes,  two Jack Snipes three Little Gulls and a Common Sandpiper.

DIRFT 3 and Lilbourne Meadows: Three Caspian Gulls, two Whimbrels, a Greenshank, 12 Dunlins, three Ringed and two Little Ringed Plovers, three Common Sandpipers, an Osprey, a Redstart, three Greenland Wheatears and two White Wagtails were present.

Earls Barton GP: Up to two Marsh Harriers were seen regularly near the end of the month, Cuckoo (7th), Grasshopper Warbler (11th), Lesser Whitethroat (21st), a Tree Pipit which remained for four days and two Wheatears were the pick of the passerines. Thirty Bar-tailed Godwits passed through on 19th, up to five Black-tailed Godwits, Wood Sandpiper (26th), Whimbrel, Greenshank, four Ringed and two Little Ringed Plovers, Common and two Green Sandpipers. Little Gulls peaked at 14 on 19th and Arctic Terns at eight. Two Mediterranean Gulls, three Great White Egrets and a Hobby were also logged.

Harrington Airfield:  A Ring Ouzel was present for three days, up to three Wheatears, single Whinchat, Redstart and Tree Pipit (19th) also present.

Hollowell Reservoir: An Osprey was regular, two Caspian Gulls, two Jack Snipes and six Snipes and Garden Warbler (15th) visited.

Pitsford Reservoir:  Ospreys, a Marsh Harrier, 40 Snipes, two Jack Snipes, three Common Sandpipers, a Little Ringed Plover, single Arctic Tern, two Little Gulls, two Redstarts, up to 25 Yellow and two White Wagtails, Wheatear and Great White Egret were noted.

Stanford Reservoir:  A drake Common Scoter (7th) and a pair (23rd), two Black and two Arctic Terns, Dunlin, Hobby, Whinchat and Wheatear visited.

Stanwick GP:  Up to 11 Bar-tailed Godwits, four Whimbrels, Greenshank, Black-tailed Godwit, Curlew, Dunlin, two Little Ringed Plovers and two Common Sandpipers, a Jack Snipe, up to 12 Little and four Mediterranean Gulls passed through. A Pink-footed Goose stayed until 25th, a drake Garganey, Marsh Harriers noted on six dates, two Great White Egrets, Reed Warbler (13th) and Whinchat. 

Thrapston GP:  Single Marsh Harrier, Greenshank, and Swift (from 13th) and 37 Arctic Terns (28th) visited.

Other sites:  Single Ring Ouzels were at Honey Hill, Polebrook Airfield and  Blueberry Farm with two at Borough Hill, where also two Redstarts, a Whinchat and four Wheatears. Oundle floodwater held single Garganey, Wood Sandpiper, Greenshank and great White Egret. Marsh Harriers visited Polebrook Airfield and Irthlingborough and Ospreys Kelmarsh and Thornby. A Short-eared Owl was at Maidwell also Redstart and two Wheatears. A Black Tern was at Billing GP. Boddington Reservoir hosted single Little Gull and Arctic Tern and two Redstarts. Redstarts were noted at Wicksteed Park where also a Pink-footed Goose, Lamport, Burton Latimer, Honey Hill. Wheatears were at 10 more sites with peaks of nine at Willowbrook Corby, six at Collingtree and five at Hemington and Honey Hill. Ditchord GP hosted a Whinchat.

MARCH 2023

Highlights: A female Ring-necked Duck stayed at Ravensthorpe reservoir all month apart from visiting nearby Hollowell reservoir on 17th and 23rd. Another female was discovered at Ringstead GP on 23rd. Fifteen Bewick’s Swans stayed overnight at Summer Leys on 6th and two drake Red-breasted Mergansers visited Daventry CP on 29th. A male Bearded Tit was seen again at Stanwick GP on 15th with a Water Pipit there on 31st and another Water Pipit at Ravensthorpe on 29th.Two Siberian Chiffchaffs remained at Ecton SF until 15th and a radio-tagged White-tailed Eagle, from the Isle of Wight scheme, crossed the county, passing unseen over Ravensthorpe on 19th. Summer Leys hosted three Avocets on 14th and a large flock of 163 Black-tailed Godwits on 21st staying overnight.

Brampton Valley near Hanging Houghton and Maidwell: Several Wheatears, a Brambling, a Peregrine and up to 80 Golden Plovers visited.

Clifford Hill GP: A drake Scaup, single Curlew, Redshank and Dunlin, a Great White Egret, two Stonechats and a Peregrine were noted.

DIRFT 3 pools: Three Little Ringed and two Ringed Plovers, two Black-tailed Godwits, two Curlews a Redshank and a Caspian Gull were noted here and the adjacent Lilbourne Meadows.

Daventry CP: Three Caspian Gulls visited along with a Great White Egret and the first House Martin (29th).

Earls Barton GP: The first two Sand Martins arrived on 13th, two Little Ringed Plovers on 15th and a pair of Garganey on 18th. Two Mediterranean Gulls were noted along with a Marsh Harrier (12th). Waders included several small parties of Black-tailed Godwits, 250 Golden Plovers, two Curlews, eight Redshanks, seven Dunlins, two Green Sandpipers and a Ringed Plover. Two Red-crested Pochards visited, along with a Pintail, a Caspian Gull, up to five Great White Egrets, seven Barnacle Geese and two Stonechats.

Hollowell Reservoir: The first two Common Terns passed through on 28th, also noted were an Osprey, a Curlew, eight Snipes,  a Yellow-legged Gull and three Caspian Gulls and up to five Stonechats.

Pitsford Reservoir: Ospreys were seen on two days, up to 80 Snipe and a Jack Snipe were present along with three Black-tailed Godwits, five Pintails, a Yellow-legged Gull, 40 Sand Martins, a Brambling and three Stonechats.

Stanford Reservoir: Two Whooper Swans flew over (26th), the first this year; also noted were 13 Goosanders, a Curlew, a Redshank, both  Caspian and Mediterranean Gulls, two Great White Egrets, a Peregrine and a Stonechat.

Stanwick GP: The first Willow Warbler arrived on 23rd and Sedge Warbler, 29th. A Curlew, 13 Redshanks, three Dunlins and a Ringed Plover, also nine Great White Egrets, a Caspian Gull and 15 Goosanders were present.

Thrapston GP: A Caspian Gull, three Great White Egrets and the first Yellow Wagtail arrived on 20th.

Other sites: The first Osprey was in the north of the county on 17th with others nearby and at Welford reservoir (25th).  A female Scaup stayed at Ravensthorpe until 17th and the first Swallow arrived there on 23rd. A drake Scaup was at Billing GP all month, a Pink-footed Goose still at Wicksteed Park where also a Caspian Gull. A Barnacle Goose visited Upton CP along with two Pintails and two Stonechats and a female Ruddy Shelduck remained at Winwick pools. A Merlin was at Boughton Crossing on 17th and a Jack Snipe at Stortons GP. Two Bramblings, two Wheatears and 12 Golden Plovers were at Harrington airfield. Wheatears were also noted at Spratton, Hinton airfield, with three at Polebrook airfield and five at Willowbrook Corby.


Highlights: A female Ring-necked Duck remained at Ravensthorpe reservoir all month and up to two Siberian Chiffchaffs were still at Ecton sewage farm until 24th. A Slavonian Grebe was reported at Pitsford reservoir on 5th and two Bearded Tits stayed at Stanwick GP from 11th and a Bittern flew over on 21st. A Wheatear was reported at Lyveden on 15th, the earliest ever here.

Blatherwycke Lake: A drake Scaup stayed three days, a pair of Smew for eight and a Pink-footed Goose arrived.

Daventry CP: A Mediterranean, two Caspian and a Yellow-legged Gull were noted along with a Red-crested Pochard.

Earls Barton GP: A female Red-crested Pochard stayed all month and five Great White Egrets, 150+ Golden Plovers, two Redshanks, two Bramblings  and a Caspian Gull were noted.

Hollowell Reservoir: Up to four Caspian Gulls visited and a female Scaup from 3rd which also visited neighbouring Ravensthorpe reservoir frequently. A Pintail, nine Snipe, two Jack Snipe and three Stonechats were seen.

Pitsford Reservoir: Single drake Smew and Red-crested Pochard were present also a Jack Snipe, 80 Snipes, a Yellow-legged Gull, two Great White Egrets and two Stonechats.

Stanford Reservoir: Three different Caspian Gulls were regular in the roost also two Mediterranean Gulls. A Red-crested Pochard was a long-stayer and two Great White Egrets were noted.

Other sites: In the Brampton Valley near Hanging Houghton, a Merlin was seen twice and a Marsh Harrier on 6th. A Short-eared Owl was good find near Canons Ashby. A Pink-footed Goose was at Lilbourne Meadows and another at Wicksteed Park. Boddington Reservoir hosted single Mediterranean and Caspian Gulls and at DIRFT3 pools three Caspian Gulls included one German ringed. A Merlin and three Great White Egrets visited Ditchford GP. A Jack Snipe was near Brixworth.


Highlights:  Two Yellow-browed Warblers remained at Earls Barton GP until 2nd at least and one until 8th. A male Hen Harrier was over Mears Ashby on 3rd, two Twites were reported by the canal at Yardley Gobion on 9th and a Hawfinch in the village there on 19th. A party of around 20 Waxwings were seen in flight near Cosgrove on 5th and nearby on 10th. Siberian Chiffchaffs were present along the outflow from Ecton Sewage Farm from 20th until the end of the month with up to four individuals along with up to 70 Chiffchaffs. A female Ring-necked Duck was discovered at Ravensthorpe reservoir on 26th staying to the end of the month at least and another female at Thrapston GP on 27th and 28th. A White-tailed Eagle visited Everdon Stubbs on 27th and a White Stork was seen on a rooftop in Moulton on 29th. A Cattle Egret was at Summer Leys on 15th and two there on 21st. A possible male Lesser Scaup was photographed at Thrapston GP on 2nd and would be the first county record if accepted. 

Clifford Hill GP: Adult Caspian and Yellow-legged Gulls, 17 Golden Plovers, 12 Snipes, two Goosanders, Great White Egret and Stonechat were seen.

Daventry CP: An adult Kittiwake was on the dam (5th), first-winter Mediterranean and both Caspian and Yellow-legged Gulls visited along with a Pink-footed Goose and six Snipes.

Ditchford GP: Two Jack Snipes, eight Snipes, single Caspian and Yellow-legged Gulls, seven Goosanders  and three Great White Egrets visited.
Earls Barton GP: A Scaup was reported and a Red-crested Pochard stayed. A Jack Snipe, up to 200 Golden Plovers, three Great White Egrets and a male Merlin and a Peregrine visited.

Hollowell Reservoir: A female Scaup remained for more than two weeks and a Pink-footed Goose was seen twice. Caspian Gulls peaked at four (30th). A single Golden Plover, a Jack Snipe and 15 Snipes were present.  Stonechat, Peregrine and a Ruddy Shelduck were seen.

Pitsford Reservoir:  Of three drake Smews on 1st, one remained until the end of the month, a Scaup was noted a couple of days and a Red-crested Pochard and up to eight Pintails too. A Marsh Harrier visited (14th), up to 40 Snipe were present, a Redshank, two Caspian and a Yellow-legged Gull, a Great White Egret and a Stonechat.

Stanford Reservoir:  Up to five Caspian Gulls visited the roost along with a Kittiwake (9th), a Yellow-legged Gull and Mediterranean Gulls twice. Twenty Goosanders was a high count also three Pintails, a Red-crested Pochard. Two Great White Egrets and a Green Sandpiper were logged.

Other sites: At Ravensthorpe reservoir, a Pink-footed Goose, a Scaup and a Caspian Gull were seen. At Stanwick GP, five Great White Egrets, 13 Goosanders and a Redshank visited. DIRFT 3 pools hosted two Caspian Gulls and a count of 713 Golden Plovers. Harrington airfield held two Bramblings, 50 Golden Plovers and a Peregrine. Merlins were seen at West Farndon, New Duston, Greens Norton and Yardley Gobion. Blatherwycke Lake held a redhead Smew and 25 Mandarin Ducks, two Pink-footed Geese flew over Maidwell, a Red-crested Pochard was at Hardingstone GP, a Barnacle Goose and two Green Sandpipers were at Upton CP, two Caspian Gulls and two Goosanders at Naseby reservoir and a Ruddy Shelduck at Winwick pools. A Marsh Harrier and a Jack Snipe were at Barnes Meadow and a Jack Snipe, up to four Green Sandpipers, a Great White Egret and two Stonechats were at Ecton SF.


Highlights: A drake Smew at Pitsford reservoir from 2nd was joined by a second from 22nd with a redhead from 24th and a drake and a redhead visited Thrapston GP on 15th. Three White-fronted Geese visited Stanford reservoir on 2nd and eight Pink-footed Geese flew over Hartwell on 15th. A Bearded Tit was seen again at Stanwick GP from 8th to 10th. Black Redstarts included one released from inside Northampton General Hospital on 12th and another killed by a cat at Sywell CP on 7th. A  Shag made a brief appearance at Daventry CP on 14th and best of all were the two Yellow-browed Warblers giving great views at Earls Barton GP from 16th to the end of the month. A juvenile Great Northern Diver was also at Present at this site on 27th only. Up to seven Cattle Egrets were at Stanwick GP with singles at Irthlingborough, Thrapston GP, Kettering, Earls Barton GP and at Thorpe Malsor reservoir, where one was later found dead. A Waxwing was reported in Dallington Northampton on 26th.
Brampton Valley near Hanging Houghton and Maidwell: A ‘ringtail’ Hen harrier was reported on three dates and also a Merlin.

Clifford Hill GP:  Twelve Golden Plovers, a Redshank, 13 Snipes, six Goosanders, a Peregrine and two Stonechats were seen.

Daventry CP: Up to four Jack Snipes, a Green Sandpiper, three Red-crested Pochards and a Great White Egret visited along with a Short-eared Owl (15th)and a Yellow-legged Gull. 

Earls Barton GP:  A male Hen Harrier (27th), a Marsh Harrier on four dates, a Peregrine, two Red-crested Pochards and a Peregrine were noted.

Harrington Airfield:  A’ ringtail’ Hen Harrier was seen twice also a Merlin. 

Hollowell Reservoir: Two adult Caspian Gulls, an adult Mediterranean Gull, two Dunlins, two Jack Snipes, a Redshank, two Pintails, a Brambling and up to five Stonechats visited. At neighbouring 
Ravensthorpe reservoir, a Pink-footed Goose was seen regularly also a Pintail, a Redshank and a Green Sandpiper. 

Pitsford Reservoir:  A Wood Sandpiper remained until 7th and up to five Green Sandpipers were present along with a Redshank, two Jack Snipes, six Great White Egrets, 10 Pintails, two Red-crested Pochards, and a Crossbill (13th).

Stanford Reservoir:  Up to nine Red-crested Pochards, a Pintail, three different Caspian Gulls,  Mediterranean Gull , two Yellow-legged Gulls, a Great White Egret, a Green Sandpiper and a Merlin visited.

Stanwick GP:  A Marsh Harrier visited on four dates, also a Peregrine, five Great White Egrets, a Pink-footed Goose (9th), up to 250 Golden Plovers, a Redshank and four Stonechats.

Other sites: A Wood Sandpiper visited Upton CP (29th) and a female Red-crested Pochard and a Yellow-legged Gull were at Hardingstone GP. A male Hen Harrier was seen near Mears Ashby (27th), a Short-eared Owl near Sywell  (6th), a Merlin at Burton Latimer. A Crossbill passed over Oundle (4th), where also a Stonechat and up to six Stonechats were at Sywell CP.


Highlights: A Great Northern Diver spent two days at Pitsford reservoir from 11th, two Avocets visited Boddington reservoir on 13th and a Bearded Tit was again at Stanwick GP from 19th to the end of the month. A ‘ringtail’ Hen Harrier was in the Blueberry farm, Maidwell area on 4 dates from 1st and a male visited Gretton on 29th. Black Redstarts were noted at Pitsford reservoir on 22nd, at DIRFT 3 on 27th and at Harrington airfield on 28th. A Bittern was at Stortons GP on 24th and 10 Waxwings visited Long Buckby briefly on 26th. A skein of 22 Pink-footed Geese flew over Harrington airfield on 4th and a Brent Goose was present at Stanwick GP from 25th. Cattle Egrets at Stanwick GP peaked at 13, four visiting Ditchford GP and one Earls Barton GP.

Boddington Reservoir: A Ring Ouzel (14th), a Caspian and three Yellow-legged Gulls visited.

Daventry CP: A Red-crested Pochard stayed all month, also present were two Pintails, 15 Snipes, two Green Sandpipers, two Dunlins, two Ringed Plovers until 18th, single Caspian and Yellow-legged Gulls and four Whooper Swans flew over on 18th.

DIRFT 3: Up to 450 Golden Plovers were on site, also three Dunlins, 10 Snipes and a Redshank, a Merlin and two Caspian Gulls.

Ditchford GP: A Marsh Harrier, a ‘Siberian’ Chiffchaff and a Jack Snipe were noted.

Earls Barton GP: A Marsh Harrier was seen almost daily from 19th and an adult Kittiwake (25th) was the first record for this year. A Water Pipit was present (6th). Two Little Gulls passed through (20th), up to 370 Golden Plovers were present, 27+ Snipes, a Green Sandpiper, a Merlin, four Great White Egrets, two Stonechats, and a Yellow-legged Gull.

Harrington Airfield:  A late Wheatear (2nd), 10+ Bramblings, two Stonechats, a Short-eared Owl, a Peregrine and 180 Golden Plovers were present.

Hollowell Reservoir: A Jack Snipe, two Stonechats and a Caspian Gull were noted and at nearby Ravensthorpe reservoir, a Black-tailed Godwit and two Green Sandpipers.
Pitsford Reservoir: A Wood Sandpiper was still present on 30th, the day a drake Smew arrived. A Little Stint, four Dunlins, eight Green Sandpipers, Redshank and Common Sandpiper and up to 50 Snipes too. Up to 10 Red-crested Pochards, 21 Pintails, two Caspian, three Yellow-legged and two Mediterranean Gulls visited, also a Peregrine, five Stonechats and a peak count of 21 Great White Egrets (4th).

Stanford Reservoir:  Red-crested Pochards peaked at 14 and 13 Pintails were noted along with four Mediterranean, two Caspian and two Yellow-legged Gulls, a Merlin on two days, three Green Sandpipers, a Great White Egret and four Bramblings.

Stanwick GP: Two Marsh Harriers, four Great White Egrets, 200 Golden Plovers and a Redshank were logged.

Other sites: In the Brampton Valley near Hanging Houghton and Maidwell, a Short-eared Owl was noted twice and a Merlin and a Short-eared Owl was near Farthingstone on three dates. A Marsh Harrier visited Thrapston GP and Merlins were noted at Lilbourne Meadows, Brixworth, Stowe-nine-Churches and Gretton. At Clifford Hill GP, five Red-crested Pochards and two Stonechats were seen. A Red-crested Pochard visited Wicksteed Park Lake. A Ring Ouzel was at Lamport Hll (3rd) and a late ‘Swift sp.’ over Wellingborough (2nd).


Highlights:  An immature Red-backed Shrike was at Duston on 3rd and a juvenile Sabine’s Gull visited Pitsford reservoir on 10th, a second Yellow-browed Warbler for the autumn was ringed at Stanford reservoir on 14th. A Firecrest was at Byfield Pool on 6th, three Hawfinches flew over Cosgrove on 8th and a Water Pipit visited Harrington airfield on 13th. An adult White-tailed Eagle was at Brigstock on 18th. A small influx of Bearded Tits started on 19th with six at Stanwick GP, at least one of which was still present on 30th, two more were at Earls Barton GP o 21st with two also at Wicksteed Park Lake on 28th. Up to eight Cattle Egrets visited Stanwick GP with singles also at Ringstead GP and Earls Barton GP.

Boddington Reservoir:  Two different Mediterranean Gulls were each noted twice. Also present were a Caspian and five Yellow-legged Gulls, single Ringed Plover, Redshank and Green Sandpiper and two Stonechats. 

Brampton Valley between Hanging Houghton and Maidwell: A Short-eared Owl was seen on three days also a Marsh Harrier, a Whinchat and a peak of eight Stonechats. Six Pink-footed Geese flew over Maidwell (28th),

Clifford Hill GP: A Rock Pipit, a Whinchat, a Peregrine, two Green and a Common Sandpiper visited.

Daventry CP: Three Caspian, two Yellow-legged Gulls, two Red-crested Pochards, four Pintails, a Dunlin, three Green Sandpipers, 18 Snipes, a Merlin, a Rock Pipit and three Great White Egrets were seen.

Ditchford GP: A Black Tern stayed five days. Other sightings were a Little Stint, a Black-tailed Godwit, a Rock Pipit and three Stonechats.

Earls Barton GP:  Marsh Harriers visited five times, also Hobby, Great White Egret, three Red-crested Pochards and up to eight Stonechats. Waders included a single Black-tailed Godwit, a Greenshank, two Dunlins, two Ringed Plovers, two Green Sandpipers, 12 Snipes and 100+ Golden Plovers were present by the end of the month.

Harrington Airfield:  A Ring Ouzel (6th), a Tree Pipit, Merlin twice, Short-eared Owls on two dates, two Bramblings, and up to four Stonechats were recorded.

Hollowell Reservoir: A Pink-footed Goose was regular and two Whooper Swans visited, also five Red-crested Pochards, single Grey Plover, Black-tailed Godwit, Jack Snipe, Green Sandpiper and Golden Plover, two Dunlins, two Great White Egrets, two Caspian and a Yellow-legged Gull noted and passerines included a Rock Pipit, two Whinchats and four Stonechats.

Pitsford Reservoir: A Garganey stayed until 2nd, up to 42 Pintails and 11 Red-crested Pochards were present and two Scaups reported. Three Whooper Swans visited, also a Marsh Harrier, Peregrine, two Little Gulls two Yellow-legged and a Mediterranean Gull. A Wood Sandpiper (9th), two Ruffs, five Dunlins, two Common and three Green Sandpipers visited. Great White Egrets increased to 13 and passerines included a Ring Ouzel (15th), a Whinchat, five Stonechats and a White Wagtail.

Stanford Reservoir:  Seven Whooper Swans passed through (14th), up to 12 Pintails and six Red-crested Pochards were present and a Ruddy Shelduck returned. Merlin, Peregrine, Rock Pipit, Wheatear, Redstart, two Stonechats, two Mediterranean and a Caspian Gull, Greenshank and four Green Sandpipers were logged.

Stanwick GP: Seven Great White Egrets, single Caspian and Yellow-legged Gulls, 70 Golden Plovers, two Ringed Plovers, a Common Sandpiper and a Stonechat visited.

Thrapston GP: A Grey Plover stayed three days, two Ruffs and two Jack Snipes, a Dunlin, a Hobby and a Short-eared Owl were noted.

Other sites:  A Short-eared Owl was at Borough Hill, a Ring Ouzel was near Greens Norton (30th), a Wheatear at Hartwell and Naseby Reservoir hosted a German-ringed  Caspian Gull and two Yellow-legged Gulls.


Highlights:  A Blyth’s Reed Warbler was trapped and ringed at Stanford reservoir on 8th and is the first county record and only the second for the Midlands. At the same site, a Yellow-browed Warbler was ringed on 30th, the seventh ringed here. A first-winter drake Ferruginous Duck was last reported at Daventry CP on 15th after a 10 day gap 9n reports.  Cattle Egrets peaked at 21 roosting at Stanwick GP on 13th a new county high, 16 flew through Earls Barton GP on 12th, up to eight visited Thrapston GP, five were at Ditchford GP and two at Stanford reservoir a first for the site. ‘Ringtail’ Hen Harriers visited Maidwell on 4th an 5th, Harrington airfield on 5th and 15th and Fortheringhay on 13th. Pied Flycatchers were noted at Maidwell on 7th and in a Haycock Hill garden on 10th.
Boddington reservoir:  Two Black Terns (9th), two Caspian and a Yellow-legged Gull, an Osprey, a Redstart, four Ringed Plovers, three Green and two Common Sandpipers and a Dunlin visited.

Brampton Valley near Hanging Houghton and Maidwell:  A Marsh Harrier on two dates, a Merlin, a Corn Bunting (13th), the first Redwing (17th), two Redstarts, two Wheatears, up to eight Stonechats and six Whinchats and a Brambling were logged.

Clifford Hill GP: A Marsh Harrier (30th), two Redstarts, four Whinchats, a Wheatear, two Hobbies, a Common Sandpiper and six Snipes were seen.

Daventry CP:  A male Marsh Harrier, an Osprey, a Hobby,  a Pink-footed Goose, which stayed for three weeks at least, two Caspian and three Yellow-legged Gulls, A Ruff, five Ringed and one Little Ringed Plover, up to nine Green and four Common Sandpipers and eight Snipes visited.

Earls Barton GP:  A Little Stint (20th), two Spotted Redshanks, Wood Sandpiper which stayed four days, two Greenshanks, two Ruffs, six Black-tailed Godwits, five Green and two Common Sandpipers, two Little Ringed and two Ringed Plovers and a Dunlin were present. A juvenile Marsh Harrier was seen on several occasions, also a Hobby, two Great White Egrets, a Pintail, a Yellow-legged and a Caspian Gull, six Stonechats, a Whinchat and a Wheatear.

Harrington Airfield:  A Short-eared Owl (5th), a Ring Ouzel (24th) and three Crossbills were the highlights along with the earliest Brambling for at least 50 years on 24th. A Merlin was present on two dates also a Peregrine, four each of Redstart, Whinchat and Stonechat, three Wheatears and up to 25 Golden Plovers.

Hollowell Reservoir:  A Hobby, two Redstarts, two Whinchats, five Stonechats, the first returning Jack Snipe (21st), four Dunlins, six Ringed Plovers, a Common Sandpiper and a Ruddy Shelduck were noted.

Naseby Reservoir: A German ringed Caspian Gull was present for 10 days, also seen were six Ruffs, six Green and four Common Sandpipers and a Great Whites Egret.

Pitsford Reservoir: A Curlew Sandpiper was present for three days and a Wood Sandpiper for seven. Other waders included two Spotted Redshanks, seven Black-tailed Godwits, four Greenshanks, two Ruffs, six Ringed Plovers, five Dunlins, six Green and one Common Sandpiper and 17 Snipes. A Garganey was present for most of the month and a single Red-crested Pochard but Pintails increased to 32. As water levels receded up to eight Great White Egrets were noted, two Ospreys were fishing and Peregrine and Hobby sighted. A Whinchat, three Stonechats, a Wheatear and four Yellow-legged Gulls were counted.

Ravensthorpe Reservoir: A Caspian Gull, three Pintails, a Green Sandpiper and a Ruddy Shelduck visited.

Stanford Reservoir: Five each of Red-crested Pochard and Pintail were seen also an Osprey and single Redshank, Ruff, Common and  four Green Sandpipers, 21 Golden Plovers  and two Great White Egrets. A number of Redstarts were ringed, a Stonechat and up to four Whinchats were present.

Stanwick GP: A Pink-footed Goose remained, a Mediterranean and up to six Yellow-legged Gulls passed through also a Merlin, three Dunlins, a Ringed Plover, three Common and one Green Sandpiper, two Pintails and two Great White Egrets.

Thrapston GP: A Wood Sandpiper (13th), Grey Plover and Little Stint (29th), two Ruffs and a Black-tailed Godwit,  an Osprey, a Red-crested Pochard, a Yellow-legged Gull and two Stonechats were seen.

Other sites: A Bittern flew over Broughton (21st) and a Mediterranean Gull was at Duston. A Black-tailed Godwit and two Common Sandpipers visited Ditchford GP. Redstarts were noted at Woodford Halse, Fawsley, Yardley Chase, Orlingbury, Old and Honey Hill, where also a Peregrine. Whinchats visited Woodford Halse, Borough Hill (four), Upton CP (three), Little Brington, Chelveston, Willowbrook Corby, Fleetlands - Duston and Fawsley. Wheatears visited Barton Seagrave, Duston, Orlingbury, Sywell and Boughton.


Highlights: The juvenile drake Ferruginous Duck was seen throughout the month at Daventry CP, a Honey Buzzard was reported over Islip on 12th  and a juvenile Shag visited a small garden pond in Towcester on 13th. A Wryneck visited a Woodend garden on 21st , another was trapped and ringed at Stanford reservoir on 30th. Pied Flycatchers were at Maidwell on 1st , Eydon on 4th , Hollowell reservoiron 18th  and Stanford on 28th . Corn Buntings were noted at Stanford on 12th and Ditchford GP on 21st. A Cattle Egret was present at Stanwick GP between 11th and 23rd and at Earls Barton GP on 25th and one was at Stanford on 28th.

Brampton Valley near Hanging Houghton and Maidwell: Marsh Harriers were seen on six dates and a Short-eared Owl was photographed.  Three were four Whinchats, three Redstarts, a Wheatear andthree Tree Pipits and a Merlin was at nearby Lamport (24th).

Clifford Hill GP: Single Whimbrel and Black-tailed Godwit, two Common Sandpipers, single Redstart and Whinchat and a female Scaup were seen and a Goldeneye remained.

Daventry CP: Caspian Gulls were seen on three dates, also a Pink-footed Goose, Osprey, Hobby, Pintail and Yellow-legged Gull. Waders included Black-tailed Godwit, Curlew, Ruff, Redshank, Little Ringed Plover and peaks of 10 Green and eight Common Sandpipers.

Earls Barton GP: One or two Wood Sandpipers were present between 1st and 19th. Up to seven Black-tailed Godwits, Ruff, Dunlin, two Ringed Plovers, Little Ringed Plover, five Common and two Green Sandpipers were seen, also an Osprey, Marsh Harriers on seven dates, a Great White Egret, two Yellow-legged Gulls and a Wheatear.

Harrington Airfield: Up to five Whinchats and four Redstarts were present for a large part of the month also a Wheatear, a male Marsh Harrier (15th) and five Tree Pipits over (11th ) and another on 29th.

Hollowell Reservoir: A peak count of 13 Black-tailed Godwits, two Ringed Plovers, single Dunlin, and Common Sandpiper were present. Up to two Ospreys visited on several days and Redstart and Whinchat were noted.

Naseby Reservoir: An Osprey, up to 10 Green Sandpipers, Black-tailed Godwit, Greenshank, three Common Sandpipers and a Yellow-legged Gull were seen.

Pitsford Reservoir: A Garganey, up to five Red-crested Pochards, four Pintails, Marsh Harrier, Osprey, Peregrine and a Hobby were noted. Waders included parties of up to 10 Black-tailed Godwits, two Ruffs, Greenshank, Ringed Plover, four Green and two Common Sandpipers. There were three Black Terns, up to two Redstarts, Wheatear, Tree Pipit, three Yellow-legged Gulls and up to five Great White Egrets.

Stanford Reservoir: An Osprey was present for five days, a Marsh Harrier, a Garganey, two Black Terns, juvenile Mediterranean Gull (4th),Tree Pipit, four Whinchats, a Wheatear, a peak of 17 Black-tailed Godwits (19th), two Green and two Common Sandpipers visited. Also 3076 new birds were ringed between 20th and 30th, including 1395 Blackcaps, 409 Whitethroats, 349 Sedge Warblers, 40 Grasshopper Warblers and 14 Redstarts.​

Stanwick GP: A Bittern was filmed (15th), a Black Tern stayed for 10 days. Marsh Harrier, Peregrine, Hobby, two Great White Egrets, two Yellow-legged Gulls, Little Ringed Plover, Dunlin and seven Common Sandpipers visited.

Thrapston GP: A Little Stint (31st) was the year’s first. Sanderling (17th), Greenshank, Dunlin, four Ringed Plovers, Little Ringed Plover, Green and Common Sandpiper, Black Tern, Osprey, Yellow-legged Gull, Pink-footed Goose, Wheatear and Redstart were noted.

Other sites: Boddington Reservoir hosted a Black Tern, two Green and two Common Sandpipers. A party of 18 Whimbrel flew over Borough Hill (16th) also two Whinchats and a Wheatear there. Two Garganeys visited Cransley reservoir. A Tree Pipit flew over Duston, and an Osprey over Guilsborough. Redstarts were noted at Woodford Halse (2), Lamport (2), Eydon, Lilbourne Meadows, Welford (3), Stanford on Avon (2), Old Stratford and Chipping Warden, Wheatears at Wollaston, Duston, and Welford reservoir and an early Stonechat was at Wollaston weir (30th)

JULY 2022

Highlights: A Pectoral Sandpiper visited Lilbourne Meadows and the adjacent DIRFT pools on the 2ndand 3rd . A Quail was reported at Grimscote on 12th  and two Cattle Egrets visited Thrapston GP on 25th and Pitsford reservoir on 31st . A juvenile male Ferruginous Duck was at Daventry CP from 31st  and at Harrington airfield, a Black Redstart was present on 28th  and two Pied Flycatchers on 30th.

Daventry CP: An adult Mediterranean Gull, single Greenshank and Black-tailed Godwit and several Green and Common Sandpipers were noted.

Earls Barton GP: Juvenile Marsh Harriers were seen almost daily from 19 th , with three on 21st . A Bittern was seen several times in flight from 22nd  and two Great White Egrets were present. Waders included Wood Sandpiper and two Whimbrels (30th), a light passage of Black-tailed Godwits throughout which peaked at eight; Greenshank, Ruff, Dunlin, two Green and two Common Sandpipers.

Hollowell Reservoir: Two Sanderlings (22nd), four Dunlins, Redshank, regular Ospreys and up two Ruddy Shelducks were seen.

Pitsford Reservoir: Six Common Scoters (31st), up to three Red-crested Pochards, a Garganey and a Ruddy Shelduck were noted. Waders included three parties of Black-tailed Godwits with the highest being 20 (9th) and 28 (31st), also Whimbrel, Greenshank, Green and Common Sandpipers. Up to three Great White Egrets arrived, along with five Yellow-legged Gulls, Osprey, Hobby and one or two Redstarts from 20th .

Stanford Reservoir: A Garganey stayed from 12th  and a juvenile Marsh Harrier for three days. Ospreys were seen on four dates and a trickle of Black-tailed Godwits peaked at 10 birds. Five Common Sandpipers and single Redshank, juvenile Mediterranean Gull, Yellow-legged Gull and Hobby were also logged.

Stanwick GP: Black-tailed Godwit, Yellow-legged Gull, Green and Common Sandpiper visited.

Other sites: At Lilbourne Meadows, up to eight Green Sandpipers, four Curlews several Little Ringed Plovers visited and a male Redstart remained from 4th . Up to three Redstarts were at Harrington airfield and a Crossbill (31st) flew over. Thrapston GP hosted a single Black-tailed Godwit and a Pink-footed Goose. Marsh Harriers were noted at Lamport, Sulby and near Hanging Houghton on three dates and Ospreys over Little Irchester, Guilsborough and Naseby reservoir. Whimbrels flew over Ringstead GP (17th) and two over Ditchford GP (30th). Up to three Redstarts were at Maidwell, two at Stanford on Avon and Old and singles at Braunston, Scaldwell, Hanging Houghton, Woodford Halse, Lamport Hall and Honey Hill. Single Crossbills were also at Denton Wood and Lamport Hall and a Wheatear at Hanging Houghton.

JUNE 2022

Highlights: A White-tailed Eagle was reported over Naseby (A14) on 2nd . A White Stork returned to the flood at Lower Barnwell Lock on 5th  and 6th  and three were photographed over Earls Barton GP on 19th. Three Avocets visited the pools at DIRFT 3 on 8th , a Bee Eater was heard over Clifford Hill GP on 21 st  and a Golden Oriole seen near Cotterstock on 28th.

DIRFT 3 pools and Lilbourne Meadows: Three Wood Sandpipers (29th ), nine Green Sandpipers, four Dunlins, nine Ringed Plovers and a Redstart (30th ) were present.

Earls Barton GP: Five Sanderlings (5th ), single Green and Common Sandpipers, a drake Garganey from 3rd  to 7th  a Marsh Harrier (12th ) and a Great White Egret visited.

Hollowell Reservoir: An Osprey was a regular visitor, a Ruddy Shelduck returned and a Black-tailed Godwit and two Green Sandpipers passed through.

Pitsford Reservoir: A first-summer Arctic Tern, a Caspian and three Yellow-legged Gulls and a Green Sandpiper were noted.

Stanford Reservoir: Ospreys visited on three days, three continental race Black-tailed Godwits, a first-summer Arctic Tern, three Hobbies and a Great White Egret (1st ) were logged.

Other sites: Stanwick GP hosted two Caspian Gulls and a tundra race Ringed Plover. A Pink-footed Goose was at Irchester Lakes and meadows and a Barnacle Goose at Clifford Hill GP. An Osprey visited Blatherwycke lake and Green Sandpipers arrived at Lower Barnwell Lock and Thrapston GP and a Common Sandpiper visited Welford Reservoir.

MAY 2022

Highlights:  A Glossy Ibis remained at Stanwick GP until 27th at least and visited Summer Leys on 14th. Up to five Cattle Egrets were also regular at Stanwick GP for most of the month, with singles reported at Summer Leys on four dates.  Honey Buzzards passed over Byfield on 15th and Hartwell on 31st and a White-tailed Eagle flew over M1 junction 15A on 21st. A White Stork was present on floodwater at Barnwell between 5th and 11th and one was seen over Earls Barton GP also on 5th, when also a Black Redstart at Little Brington. A Pectoral Sandpiper at Earls Barton GP on 11th was an unusual spring record and Little Terns visited Ditchford GP on 3rd and Daventry CP briefly on 23rd. A Curlew Sandpiper visited the DIRFT 3 pools on 1st, a Ring Ouzel remained at Honey Hill until 2nd and six Sandwich Terns flew through Stanwick GP on 3rd. A pair of Avocets toured gravel pits at Stanwick, Clifford Hill, Earls Barton and Ditchford on 7th and one was at Warmington GP on 9th.

Clifford Hill GP:  Waders included single Turnstone, Sanderling and Bar-tailed Godwit, two Ruffs, three Ringed Plovers, three Dunlins and two Common Sandpipers. Up to four Wheatears, including two of the Greenland race, two Whinchats and two Hobbies also visited.

DIRFT Pools:  Grey Plover and Bar-tailed Godwit, seven Sanderlings, an impressive peak of 46 Ringed Plovers (11th) and 20+ on three other dates, six Dunlins and a Wheatear. At the adjacent Lilbourne Meadows reserve, Wood Sandpiper, Turnstone and Greenshank, two Ringed Plovers and a drake Garganey visited.

Earls Barton GP: Up to three Garganeys remained until 15th and a Red-crested Pochard was noted. Osprey, several Hobbies and Marsh Harriers visited twice. Waders included three Spotted Redshanks (3rd), four Turnstones, six Bar-tailed Godwits, two Whimbrels, single Wood Sandpiper, Greenshank, Jack Snipe and Sanderling ,  peaks of 12 Dunlins, five Ringed Plovers, four Ruffs and  3 Common Sandpipers. Two Mediterranean Gulls prospected, Arctic Tern, Great White Egret and Wheatear were visitors.

Hollowell Reservoir: An Osprey was a regular sight, a Jack Snipe remained until 3rd, two Arctic Terns, a Whinchat and three Common Sandpipers were logged.

Pitsford Reservoir: Three Bar-tailed Godwits stayed a week with two for five more days. A Sanderling, a Turnstone, four Dunlins, two Common Sandpipers and a Black Tern were noted.

Stanford Reservoir:  Two groups of Arctic Terns totalled 22 (7th), a Black Tern, two Red-crested Pochards, two Mediterranean Gulls, single Marsh Harrier, Garganey, Greenshank, Dunlin, Common Sandpiper, Whinchat and White Wagtail visited.

Stanwick GP: A Hawfinch (24th), 17 Arctic Terns, a Garganey, a Yellow-legged Gull, five Hobbies, a Great White Egret, three Turnstones, single Sanderling, Bar-tailed Godwit, Dunlin and three Common Sandpipers were seen.

Thrapston GP: Up to three Garganeys included one still at the end of the month, up to three Whimbrels were present also Dunlin, Common Sandpiper and Hobby.

Other sites:  Boddington Reservoir hosted three Black Tens, Wheatear and Hobby. Ditchford GP hosted  Bar-tailed Godwit and  Peregrine. A  Red-crested Pochard visited Wicksteed Park, and a Caspian Gull was at Daventry CP. Harrington airfield hosted a Short-eared Owl (14th) and a Redstart. Two Whimbrels flew over the Brampton Valley and another over Daventry town. Ospreys were noted at Biggin Lake, Walgrave and Blatherwycke Lake, Whinchats at Priors Hall, Elkington, Hanging Houghton and Upper Harlestone and Wheatears at Hartwell, Sixfields, Priors Hall, Willowbrook, Hanging Houghton, Ashton STW, Honey Hill and Yardley Hastings. Two Arctic Terns visited Ringstead GP.

APRIL 2022

Highlights:  A Glossy Ibis stayed at Stanwick GP all month and a female Ring-necked Duck remained at Ringstead GP until 20th, visiting Stanwick GP on 10th and 11th. A ‘ringtail’ Hen Harrier was at Collyweston on 4th, a Black Redstart visited a Wellingborough garden on 4th and White Storks were much in evidence with one over Earls Barton GP and Blisworth on 12th and a ringed female at Earls Barton GP on 21st and at Stanwick GP on 21st and 22nd and one flew over Oundle on 30th. An Avocet was at Irthlingborough Lakes and Meadows on 11th, a Spoonbill flew over Earls Barton GP on 13th. A second-year female White-tailed Eagle from the Isle of Wight re-introduction scheme roosted overnight at Stanford reservoir on 13th and next day was at the Hemplow Hills. A male Dotterel was near Hemington on 29th and Cattle Egrets visited four sites with up to nine at Woodford from 1st to 3rd, eight at Stanwick GP on 18th, two at Ringstead GP on 22nd, and a single at Great Doddington and Earls Barton GP.

Boddington Reservoir:  A Little Gull, two Arctic Terns, a Hobby and a Wheatear were noted.
Clifford Hill GP:   Four Little Gulls passed through on 12th with 13 more on 23rd. Up to two Bar-tailed Godwits and two Whimbrels were present on two dates each. Four Greenshanks, Common Sandpiper and Little Ringed Plovers were noted. The first Arctic Tern on 16th also a Yellow-legged Gull, two Wheatears, White Wagtail and up to six Yellow Wagtails were present.

Daventry CP: A Marsh Harrier, an Osprey, a Redstart and six Little Gulls (23rd) passed through.
DIRFT Pools:  Single Black-tailed and Bar-tailed Godwits, two Greenshanks, a Dunlin and two Common Sandpipers were noted.

Earls Barton GP: A spotted Redshank , one or two Bar-tailed Godwits over 10 days, up to three Whimbrels, four Black-tailed Godwits, a Wood Sandpiper,  five Sanderlings, three Ruffs, two Greenshanks, 12 Redshanks, three Dunlins, three Common and one Green Sandpiper, 3 Jack Snipes and 33 Snipes along with several Ringed and Little Ringed Plovers was a good wader tally. Little Gulls peaked at 32 on 23rd, four Sandwich Terns (13th), five Arctic Terns, up to five Garganeys included three drakes, two Pintails and a Goldeneye lingered. Two Great White Egrets, single Bittern, Marsh Harrier, Osprey and Hobby, a female Ring Ouzel (27th), eight Bramblings, a Wheatear and two White Wagtails were logged.

Harrington Airfield: A male Ring Ouzel (26th), a Redstart, four Wheatears, a Marsh Harrier and eight Bramblings visited.

Hollowell Reservoir: An Osprey was a regular visitor, two Jack Snipes and up to eight Snipes remained, a Common Sandpiper, a Little Gull and a Great White Egret passed through.

Pitsford Reservoir: Up to five Little Gulls were recorded on two dates and an Osprey three times. A Sanderling, two Greenshanks, a Dunlin, a Common Sandpiper, an Arctic Tern, and a Wheatear were noted with up to 25+ Yellow and two White Wagtails around the dam.

Stanford Reservoir: A Marsh Harrier visited on two dates also an Osprey and two Hobbies. A Whimbrel, two Curlews, a Greenshank, a Garganey, a Wheatear and a White Wagtail complemented a good total or warbler species.

Stanwick GP: Waders included two Grey Plovers, a Bar-tailed and two Black-tailed Godwits, three Whimbrels, two Ruffs, single Dunlin, Green and Common Sandpipers. Two Mediterranean Gulls, up to seven Little Gulls (29th), and four Arctic Terns, four Great White Egrets, a Garganey, a Barnacle Goose, 10+ Bramblings, Osprey, Marsh Harrier and Hobby all visited.

Thrapston GP: Up to three Garganeys were present, both Marsh Harrier and Osprey visited along with three Little Gulls, two Curlews, Green and Common Sandpipers and up to five Yellow Wagtails.

Upton CP: A Marsh Harrier, a long-staying Wood Sandpiper, a Great White Egret, a Green Sandpiper and a White Wagtail visited.

Other sites:  Four Sandwich Terns flew over Ditchford GP on 22nd and a Greenshank was noted. A party of 13 Bar-tailed Godwits passed over Byfield on 23rd and a Redstart was seen there.  Chelveston airfield hosted a Ring Ouzel (9th), a Wheatear and 40 Golden Plovers. At Honey Hill, Ring Ouzels were present from 3rd to 29th with a peak count of six on 12th. A Ring Ouzel and two Mediterranean Gulls were at Ringstead GP (14th). Another Ring Ouzel visited West Farndon from 21st to 24th. Ospreys were reported from Kelmarsh and over Duston with Marsh Harriers at Stortons GP on two dates and in the Brampton valley near Maidwell. A Little Gull visited Kislingbury GP, a Red-crested Pochard was at Wicksteed Park Kettering and a Ruff at Lower Barnwell Lock. A Great White Egret was at Woodford and Wheatears were reported at eight further sites with peaks of five at Hartwell and seven in Corby.

MARCH 2022

Highlights:  A female Ring-necked Duck was at Thrapston GP from 1st to the 8th and was refound at Ringstead GP on 30th. A Glossy Ibis was present at Stanwick GP all month apart from a visit to Irthlingborough Lakes and Meadows on 25th and a Great Northern Diver was still at Pitsford Reservoir until 27th at least. A Spoonbill visited DIRFT 3 pools on 8th, where also a juvenile Glaucous Gull from 6th to 8th and a White Stork passed over Stanwick GP and Clifford Hill GP on 21st. A satellite-tagged White-tailed Eagle flew over Stanford Reservoir on 28th, two Avocets were at Clifford Hill GP on 15th and another at Summer Leys  on 20th, where also a Water Pipit on 28th. A drake Common Scoter stayed at Stortons GP from 4th to 13th, one visited Pitsford on 13th and a pair was present at Hardingstone GP on 30th. The first Ospreys arrived, with singles over Kettering on 17th, Yelvertoft on 19th and Deene Lake on 25th. Black Redstarts were noted at Ravensthorpe reservoir from 2nd to 12th, at Borough Hill from 23rd to 25th and in a Long Buckby garden on 27th. Cattle Egrets were still present, with up to five at Stanwick GP and three at Ringstead GP. A Mealy Redpoll was reported from a Farthingstone garden.

Clifford Hill GP:  A Marsh Harrier (24th), two Peregrines, a Jack Snipe, a Little Ringed Plover, four Dunlins, a drake Red-crested Pochard, a Barnacle Goose, a Stonechat and the first Common Tern (26th) arrived.

Daventry CP: An adult Mediterranean Gull was seen on two dates, also a Little Gull ,a drake Red-crested Pochard, two Peregrines, and a high count of 12+ Jack Snipe.

DIRFT pools: The first Little Ringed Plover of the year (11th), a Dunlin, a second-winter Caspian Gull on three days and a Mediterranean Gull visited.

Earls Barton GP: A Ruff stayed all month and a Spotted Redshank arrived on 29th, 35+ Snipes , two Jack Snipes, two Curlews, eight Redshanks, 20 Golden Plovers, three Ringed and a Little Ringed Plover, four Black-tailed Godwits and four Dunlins were joined by up to six Garganeys, single drake Pintail and Red-crested Pochard. Seven Little Gulls, a Mediterranean Gull, two Great White Egrets, five Bramblings at the feeding station and a Marsh Harrier (31st) were noted.

Hollowell Reservoir: An Osprey visited twice, a Caspian Gull was noted o two days and two Jack Snipes and a Stonechat were seen.

Pitsford Reservoir: The first Garganey arrived on 15thwith two drakes on 21st. Up to six Little Gulls were present between 21st and 25th. A Common Sandpiper remained and up to 30 Snipe were counted. A Wheatear, a Stonechat and two Bramblings were present along with a Barnacle Goose and a Yellow-legged Gull.

Stanford Reservoir:  Three White-fronts were still present on 6th, three Great White Egrets, a Mediterranean and a Caspian Gull were seen in the gull roost also noted, four Goosanders, a Jack Snipe and the first Swallow (29th).

Stanwick GP: Three White-fronts remained until 15th, the first Sand Martin (11th), up to five Garganeys, 24 Goosanders, two Pintails, 12 Great White Egrets, single Bar-tailed and Black-tailed Godwits, seven Redshanks, three Ruffs, Green Sandpiper, Dunlin and 40 Golden Plovers, two Caspian and a regular Mediterranean Gull were seen.  
Other sites:  A Whooper Swan remained near Yardley Gobion until 3rd. Eight Garganeys, seven drakes, were at Stortons GP on 16th with two on 27th. Three Garganeys and two Great White Egrets visited Thrapston GP. A flood at Lower Barnwell Lock held five Ruffs, a Curlew and two Black-tailed Godwits. A Black-tailed Godwit was also at Ditchford GP. Boddington reservoir had two Jack Snipe, 30 Snipe and a Little Gull. Ringstead GP held a Little Gull, a Crossbill was at Wakerley Great Wood and Wheatears were noted at Polebrook airfield and Hanging Houghton. Three Caspian Gulls visited Rushton Landfill site.


Highlights:  A Dartford Warbler stayed at Duston Mill from 2nd to 17th, a Black Redstart at Borough Hill was last seen on 5th. A juvenile Great Northern diver remained at Pitsford reservoir all month and a Shag was noted there on 2nd. An elusive female Ring-necked Duck was at Thrapston GP on 9th and again from 26th. A Glossy Ibis stayed at Stanwick GP from 24th to the end of the month. And two Cranes flew south-east over Ravensthorpe reservoir on 26th. A Hawfinch visited Ashton on 3rd, with two at Cottesbrooke from 11th to 20th and four at Lilford on 17th. Siberian Chiffchaffs were identified at Duston Mill on 6th and in a Kettering garden from 11th to 15th. Cattle Egrets peaked at five at Stanwick GP with singles at Earls Barton GP and Irthlingborough Lakes and Meadows. 

Clifford Hill GP:   A Marsh Harrier (8th), a Caspian Gull, a Great White Egret, 11 Goosanders and 27 Golden Plovers were noted.

Ditchford GP: Four Great White Egrets, eight Goosanders, two Stonechats and a Woodcock were logged.

Earls Barton GP: A drake Red-crested Pochard was present from 17th, also single Ruff, Dunlin, Curlew and up to 100 Golden Plovers were noted along with two Great White Egrets and a Peregrine.

Hollowell Reservoir:  Three Caspian and a Yellow-legged Gull, two Great White Egrets, six Stonechats and a Jack Snipe were noted.

Pitsford Reservoir: A drake Smew was logged (10th), 88 Goldeneye, three Pintails, three Goosanders, a Mandarin Duck, a Barnacle Goose, Common and Green Sandpipers, a Woodcock, a Redshank and up to 40 Snipe also a Great White Egret and two Yellow-legged Gulls.

Ravensthorpe Reservoir:  A Pink-footed Goose was present for almost the whole month. A drake Smew was noted on four dates and a Red-crested Pochard from 22nd. Great White Egrets peaked at five and a Jack Snipe was nearby.

Stanford Reservoir: Adult Mediterranean Gulls were present in the roost on several dates also four different Caspian and a Yellow-legged Gull. Waders included 130 Golden Plovers and single Curlew, Woodcock and Dunlin. Three Great White Egrets, a Peregrine, 10 Bramblings and five Goosanders were logged. Three White-fronted Geese were present nearly all month at nearby Stanford on Avon.

Stanwick GP: Three White-fronted Geese were present all month with four at times. A peak of 15 Great White Egrets roosted, also present were 22 Goosanders, 200 Golden Plovers, two Redshanks and a Dunlin.
Thrapston GP: Three White-fronted Geese visited (6th), also three Great White Egrets, four Goosanders and a Peregrine.

Other sites: At least six different Caspian Gulls visited Rushton Landfill and three Caspian Gulls, two Stonechats and a Peregrine visited DIRFT 3 pools. A White-fronted Goose was at Sywell CP from 4th to 13th and a Whooper Swan near Cosgrove for a week. Merlins visited Ashton and Daventry and a Mediterranean Gull was at Bodington reservoir. Two Crossbills were at Harlestone Heath and Harrington airfield hosted 70+ Bramblings, 100 Golden Plovers, two Woodcocks and a Peregrine. Stonechats were near Bucknell Wood, Duston Mill, Yardley Chase and Upton CP where three along with a Green Sandpiper.


Highlights:  A Glossy Ibis paid a brief visit to Summer Leys on 10th, and a female Ring-necked Duck was reported again at Thrapston GP on 12th. One or two Hawfinches were seen most days at Blatherwycke until 17th and five on one date. A Black Redstart remained all month at Borough Hill Daventry. A male Hen Harrier was near Bulwick on 5th and a Bittern roosted at Stortons GP on 28th. A Shag visited Pitsford reservoir at the beginning of the month and two first-winters were at Daventry CP from 10th to 13th. A highlight for many was the two Corn Buntings near Hanging Houghton from 7th and a Great Northern Diver, the first of the winter, arrived at Pitsford on 23rd. Cattle Egrets were still present with up to 13 at Stanwick GP, seven at Ringstead GP and four at Ditchford GP moving between sites.

Clifford Hill GP:   A Brent Goose stayed until 17th, also present were 13 Goosanders, a Yellow-legged Gull, 13 Golden Plovers, two Stonechats and a Peregrine.

DIRFT pools: A Whooper Swan visited (15th) and three different Caspian Gulls were identified during the month along with a Yellow-legged Gull.

Ditchford GP: A White-fronted Goose was noted (2nd) and a drake Smew (26th), also a Great White Egret, Goosander and Redshank.

Earls Barton GP: Two Ruffs were seen intermittently, along with 14+ Snipe, 200 Golden Plovers, a Red-crested Pochard, two Great White Egrets and three Bramblings at the feeding station.

Hollowell Reservoir:  A Pink-footed Goose, a Great White Egret, a Golden Plover, two Caspian Gulls, a Jack Snipe, six Stonechats and a returning Ruddy Shelduck were noted.

Pitsford Reservoir: Up to three drake Smews remained until 12th, also present were seven Pintails, a Barnacle Goose, six Great White Egrets and a long-staying Wood Sandpiper, last noted on 17th. Other waders were three Dunlins, a Redshank and 10+ Snipe.

Ravensthorpe Reservoir: A Pink-footed Goose was seen regularly, also a drake Smew (31st), three Pintails, three Great White Egrets, a Caspian Gull and three Jack Snipes nearby.

Stanford Reservoir:  Three White-fronted Geese moved between here and nearby Stanford on Avon all month. Up to eight Red-crested Pochards, three Pintails, 12 Goosanders, a Ruddy Shelduck, three Caspian and two Yellow-legged Gulls, a Green Sandpiper, a Peregrine and six Bramblings visited.

Stanwick GP: A peak of 14 Great White Egrets (27th) roosted, a White-fronted Goose was seen early month but there was later three (27th). Waders included two Jack Snipes, three Dunlins, a Redshank and 15 Golden Plovers. Up to 28 Goosanders and two Stonechats were present.

Thrapston GP: A ‘redhead’ Smew and a Scaup were noted (7th) and up to four White-fronted Geese were present for the second half of the month and a Pink-footed Goose on one date.

Other sites:  Eleven Whooper Swans visited Blatherwycke Lake (15th) with ca12 over Gretton (18th) and a single at Cosgrove from 25th. Rushton Landfill hosted four Caspian and a Yellow-legged Gull. A White-fronted Goose joined the Greylag flock at Sywell CP from 17th, with a Great White Egret and 58 Golden Plovers there. Merlins were recorded near Hanging Houghton on two dates and at Hinton Airfield on three along with 160 Golden Plovers and 20+ Bramblings. Another Merlin was at Harrington Airfield along with 21 Golden Plovers and 50+ Bramblings. Naseby Reservoir hosted two Caspian Gulls and a Great White Egret.


Highlights:  A Water Pipit at Summer Leys from 1st to 11th was joined by a second on 3rd. A Brent Goose remained at Clifford Hill GP all month and a Spoonbill flew over Earls Barton GP on 12th. A Black-necked Grebe visited Pitsford Res on 14th, with a first-winter Shag present from 15th and two on 18th and a Siberian Chiffchaff was present on 24th. A Black Redstart was at Borough Hill from 22nd until the end of the month. A first-winter female Ring-necked Duck visited Thrapston GP on 30th. Up to eight Cattle Egrets were at Stanwick GP and Irthlingborough and seven at Ringstead GP.

Clifford Hill GP:  Two Whooper Swans (21st), a Great White Egret, a Pintail, 25 Goosanders, a Stonechat and a Yellow-legged Gull visited. 

Daventry CP: A pair of Red-crested Pochard, a Mediterranean Gull and seven Jack Snipes were noted.
Ditchford GP/Irthlingborough Lakes and Meadows:  A pair of Red-crested Pochards, two Great White Egrets, six Jack Snipes and two Stonechats were logged. 

Earls Barton GP: A Black-tailed Godwit, two Ruffs, 57 Snipes, 1000 Lapwings, 100 Golden Plovers, a Mediterranean Gull, a Great White Egret, two Goosanders and two Bramblings were seen.
Harrington airfield: A Merlin was seen on two dates also up to 300 Bramblings and a Short-eared Owl.
Hollowell reservoir: Two drake Smews and three White-fronted Geese visited (21st). Also present were a Caspian Gull, a Jack Snipe and five Stonechats.

Pitsford Reservoir: Two Whooper Swans (20th) and five (21st), when also four White-fronted Geese flew over. Two drake Smews from 10th were joined by a third from 30th, a drake Scaup visited, peaks of 22 Pintails, 13 Red-crested Pochards and a Barnacle Goose were joined by a Wood Sandpiper which stayed all month, (the first to over-winter in Northants), two Green Sandpipers, single Redshank and Dunlin and 61 Snipes. Peregrine, Yellow-legged Gull, Stonechat and six Bramblings were also seen.

Ravensthorpe Reservoir: A Pink-footed Goose remained for two weeks, also seen were a Merlin, a Brambling and seven Jack Snipes nearby.

Stanford Reservoir:  A Marsh Harrier (10th), A Whooper Swan (21st), three White-fronted and a Pink-footed Goose, a Red-crested Pochard, two Pintails, a Great White Egret, two Caspian and two Yellow-legged Gulls, a Dunlin and a Peregrine all visited.

Stanwick GP: A high count of 17 Great White Egrets roosted on three dates, three White-fronted and a Pink-footed Goose, 10 Golden Plovers, two Redshanks and five Dunlins were logged.

Thrapston GP: A ‘redhead’ Smew remained and three Great White Egrets, two Pintails and a Pink-footed Goose joined the Greylags present.

Other sites:  Two Whooper Swans flew over Denton Wood (21st) and a small flock of Pink-footed Geese flew over the Brampton Valley near Hanging Houghton. A female Scaup was noted at Stortons GP and also at nearby Kislingbury GP/Upton CP where also six Red-crested Pochards and a Stonechat. Single Caspian and Yellow-legged Gulls were at Rushton landfill and Borough Hill hosted two Stonechats.


Highlights:  A Pale-bellied Brent Goose at Boddington reservoir on 27th is the first county record of this subspecies. A Dark-bellied Brent Goose stayed at Clifford Hill GP from 17th until the end of the month. A satellite-tagged male Hen Harrier was at Earls Barton GP from 12th and ‘ringtails’ were at Harrington airfield on three dates between the 1st and 21st with possibly the same bird between Brixworth and Cottesbrooke on 7th, and an unidentified Harrier was at Maidwell on 10th. A Hawfinch was at Hanging Houghton on 10th, three at Lilford on 17th and three over Harrington airfield together with a Water Pipit on 29th. Cattle Egrets peaked at 16, at Ringstead GP on 16th and 17th, four were at Irthlingborough on 2nd and two visited Stanwick GP on two dates.

Boddington Reservoir: A Ring Ouzel (14th), a Common Scoter (27th) with two more the next day, a Pink-footed Goose (28th), two Red-crested Pochards, four Goosanders, adult Caspian and four Yellow-legged Gulls visited.

Clifford Hill GP:  Two Great White Egrets, a Pintail, two Goosanders, 13 Golden Plovers and two Stonechats were noted.

Daventry CP: A Scaup stayed four days from 1st with a different bird present from 8th to 17th. A Whooper Swan, Peregrine, 30+ Golden Plovers and both Caspian and Yellow-legged Gulls visited.

Earls Barton GP: A late Osprey was present (1st), also Merlin, Peregrine and Bittern seen just once. Two Ruffs were present, also a Dunlin, a late Common Sandpiper (8th) and up to 400 Golden Plovers along with five Pintails and a Great White Egret.

Harrington Airfield: A late Ring Ouzel (22nd), a Merlin, a total of up to 300 Bramblings (21st), 100 Golden Plovers and a Peregrine were present.

Hollowell Reservoir:  A Pink-footed Goose was present for most of the month making occasional visits to nearby Ravensthorpe reservoir. A female Scaup (3rd), Pintail, Ruddy Shelduck and a party of nine Whooper Swans(21st), a maximum count of five Great White Egrets was a good site total. A Caspian Gull and four Stonechats were also seen.

Pitsford Reservoir: A Garganey was last seen on 4th and a Wood Sandpiper remained until the month’s end, other waders included up to 55 Snipe, Jack Snipe, Ruff, Curlew and three Green Sandpipers. Peak counts of 18 Red-crested Pochards and 18 Pintails were made and a female Scaup (7th), two Common Scoters (28th), Mandarin and Barnacle Goose visited. The highest ever county total of 18 Great White Egrets was recorded (25th). Twenty Bramblings, a Peregrine and a Yellow-legged Gull also visited.

Stanford Reservoir:  A Marsh Harrier (4th), a Pink-footed Goose (9th), three Red-crested Pochards, two Pintails, seven Goosanders, Redshank, Green Sandpiper, up to four Great White Egrets, Caspian Gull, Brambling and Peregrine were all recorded.

Thrapston GP: A Black-necked Grebe stayed from 1st to 5th, three Red-crested Pochards, 400+ Golden Plovers, two Jack Snipes and two Great White Egrets visited.

Other sites:  Ringstead GP hosted two Smews from 19th to 23rd and up to nine Great White Egrets. A Ring Ouzel visited Hanging Houghton (18th), a Black-tailed Godwit was at DIRFT 3,a Crossbill flew over Brackley (8th). Merlins were noted at Hinton airfield, Hartwell (two), Harlestone Lake, Barnwell, Sywell airfield, and between Hanging Houghton and Maidwell , where also 50 Bramblings. Blatherwycke Lake hosted 47 Mandarin Ducks. A Jack Snipe was near Ravensthorpe, a Green Sandpiper and two Stonechats at Upton CP and Sywell CP hosted a Stonechat and 400+ Golden Plovers.


Highlights:  AA Leach’s Petrel visited Pitsford Reservoir on 2nd and a juvenile Gannet flew over Weedon Bec on 7th. A Spoonbill was at Summer Leys reserve on 9th and a Yellow-browed Warbler was ringed at Stanford Reservoir on 12th, the seventh at this site. A male Hen Harrier was at Daventry CP on 18th and a Black-necked Grebe stayed at Thrapston GP from 12th to 31st. Up to nine Cattle Egrets were at Ringstead GP, four at Stanwick GP, three at Ditchford GP, two at Earls Barton GP and two at Thrapston GP, all records probably involving the same nine birds. A Red-breasted Merganser visited Stanwick GP on 21st and 22nd. An influx of Whooper Swans commenced on 15th with six over Earls Barton GP, two at Pitsford Reservoir on 19th and one there on 22nd. On 21st, four at Clifford Hill GP, three at Stanford reservoir and three over  Stanwick GP and five there the next day.

Boddington Reservoir:  A Common Scoter visited on 20th and a Mediterranean, three Caspian and up to six Yellow-legged Gulls visited the roost. An adult showing the characteristics of Baltic Gull was present on 4th.

Clifford Hill GP:  A White-fronted Goose (13th), Merlin (3rd), two Dunlins and three Stonechats were noted.
Daventry CP:  A Short-eared Owl, female Scaup, Caspian Gull, Great White Egret, Pink-footed Goose (23rd), three Bramblings and a Green Sandpiper were logged.

DIRFT3 pools: A Brent Goose stayed three days, also present were a Merlin (29th), a Ruff, 20 Golden Plovers, a Caspian and four Yellow-legged Gulls, three Stonechats and a Ruddy Shelduck.

Earls Barton GP: A Bittern was present nearly all month and an Osprey from 11th to 31st. Two Garganeys, two Pintails, three Great White Egrets, Caspian Gull, Peregrine, two Hobbies and two Stonechats, and waders included 53 Golden Plovers, single Curlew, Ruff, Redshank, Green and Common Sandpipers.

Hollowell Reservoir: A Pink-footed Goose from 25th, four Great White Egrets, two Pintails, single Caspian Gull and Brambling and up to five Stonechats were present.

Pitsford Reservoir:  A Garganey and 12+ Pintails, a Barnacle Goose, five Great White Egrets. A Caspian and two Yellow-legged Gulls, two Green Sandpipers, a Stonechat and a Brambling visited.

Stanwick GP:  A Pink-footed Goose (3rd), a Pintail, two Bramblings, a Rock Pipit (17th), three Great White Egrets, a Ringed Plover, 30 Golden Plovers and a Hobby were logged.

Thrapston GP: Black-tailed Godwit, a Common Sandpiper, three Great White Egrets, two Red-crested Pochards, a Pintail, a Brambling, four Stonechats and five Yellow-legged Gulls were noted.

Other sites:  Ditchford GP hosted a Bittern (13th), a Garganey and a Great White Egret. Flocks of 13 and nine Pink-footed Geese passed over Corby (11th) and Hanging Houghton (26th) respectively. A Short-eared Owl was at Harrington airfield along with ca200 Golden Plovers and 15 Bramblings. Stanford Reservoir hosted a Caspian and two Mediterranean Gulls and a Wheatear. A female Scaup (21st) and 40 Golden Plovers visited Sywell CP.  Ospreys were noted over Moulton and Billing GP and a Merlin at Hinton Airfield, two Jack Snipes reported near Great Oxendon and two Great White Egrets at Ringstead GP. A Ruddy Shelduck was regularly present at Foxholes Fisheries Crick. A Crossbill and a Stonechat were at Harlestone. A Whinchat and three Stonechats remained at Moulton Quarry (2nd) and 10 Stonechats were at Borough Hill. Bramblings were noted at Braunston, Hinton Airfield and gardens in Kettering and Blisworth. A Lesser Spotted Woodpecker was present in a Grendon garden.


Highlights:  Cattle Egrets were present at Stanwick GP from 5th to the end of the month with a peak of seven on 9th. One also visited Ditchford GP on 20th. A female White-tailed Eagle from the re-introduction scheme passed through the county on 18th when it flew south over Corby and west over Stanwick GP. A Goshawk flew over Byfield on 25th.

Blueberry Farm Maidwell: A Merlin (1st), three Redstarts, two Whinchats and a Wheatear were logged.

Boddington Reservoir: A Merlin (2nd), Great White Egret, two Caspian and two Yellow-legged Gulls visited.

Daventry CP: Two Black-necked Grebes were present (2nd and 14th), up to four Garganeys, two Pintails, two Black and two Arctic Terns, 2 Mediterranean, two Caspian and four Yellow-legged Gulls. Waders included peaks of three Black-tailed Godwits, Curlew, two Greenshanks, Redshank, Ruff, three Golden Plovers, eight Green and four Common Sandpipers also present two Great White Egrets and a Redstart.

DIRFT3 pools: Three Little Stints from 1st with two from 8th to 15th, four Ruffs, three Curlews, two Dunlins, three Ringed and three Little Ringed Plovers, two Redshanks and a Common Sandpiper were the best waders. A Caspian and seven Yellow-legged Gulls rested, a Redstart, a Ruddy Shelduck and a Cackling Goose were also noted.

Earls Barton GP: Marsh Harriers were seen twice, also two Hobbies and a Peregrine. A Bittern was regular from 16th to 21st and up to four Great White Egrets were present. Two Pintails visited and waders were Black-tailed Godwit, two Ruffs, three Green Sandpipers and single Dunlin, Ringed Plover, Redshank and Common Sandpiper.

Harrington Airfield: A Tree Pipit (9th), three Stonechats, two Wheatears, two Redstarts and a Whinchat were noted.

Hollowell Reservoir: Three Stonechats, a Whinchat, two Great White Egrets, a Black-tailed Godwit and a Pink-footed Goose (29th) were seen.

Pitsford Reservoir:  A Black-necked Grebe (4th), a Red-crested Pochard, up to five Pintails and a Garganey and up to six Great White Egrets, Merlin (3rd), Marsh Harrier, Peregrine, Black Tern and four Yellow-legged Gulls visited. A Little Stint stayed four days on the dam and other waders were three Ruffs, Black-tailed Godwit, Greenshank, Ringed Plover, three Green and two Common Sandpipers. Two Wheatears and a Redstart were present.

Stanford Reservoir:  Marsh Harriers were seen on three dates, an Osprey  and up to three Red-crested Pochards, five Pintails, a Black Tern, at least three Redstarts, a Whinchat and a Tree Pipit (4th).
Stanwick GP: One or two Garganeys stayed three weeks, a Pintail, three Great White Egrets, Marsh Harrier (1st), a Hobby, two Caspian and 11 Yellow-legged Gulls and single Dunlin, Green and Common Sandpipers all visited.

Thrapston GP: A Little Stint, two Green and two Common Sandpipers, three Red-crested Pochards, two Great White Egrets and two Hobbies were noted.

Other sites:  A Black-necked Grebe visited Clifford Hill GP on 6th with three Red-crested Pochards at the end of the month. A Bittern was at Stortons GP on two dates.  At Ditchford GP, two Great White Egrets, three Yellow-legged Gulls and two Garganeys were seen. Redstarts were present at 10 sites with a peak of six at Old, Whinchats were at five sites with up to six at Borough Hill and five near Hanging Houghton and Wheatears visited three sites. A Lesser Spotted Woodpecker visited a Grendon garden.


Highlights:  A Wryneck was ringed at Stanford reservoir on 28th, the same day that two Sandwich Terns flew over Ditchford GP. Two Quails were flushed at Harrington airfield on 10th, a Black-necked Grebe arrived at Boddington Reservoir and at Stanwick GP, Cattle Egrets increased from one to four by the end of the month. A Redwing at Stanford Reservoir on 16th is the earliest ever autumn arrival in Northants.

Boddington Reservoir: A Spotted Redshank, Green Sandpiper, a Wheatear and a First-winter Mediterranean Gull were logged.

Borough Hill: Five Whinchats, a Wheatear and a Tree Pipit were noted.

Clifford Hill GP: Two Black Terns visited on 23rd with also a Redstart and waders included  up to four Black-tailed Godwits, two Greenshanks, two Dunlins, two Little Ringed Plovers, Green and Common Sandpipers.

DIRFT pools: Best were the Wood Sandpiper (10th) and Little Stint (31st. Three different Caspian Gulls were indentified and up to 15 Yellow-legged Gulls were present. Other waders included two Ruffs, five Little Ringed and two Ringed Plovers, two Common and one Green Sandpiper and a Dunlin. A female Ruddy Shelduck was seen again.

Earls Barton GP: Three Spotted Redshanks visited briefly also a Knot, two Ruffs, Greenshank, several Black-tailed Godwits, Green and Common Sandpipers.  Marsh Harriers were repoted on four dates and a Great White Egret returned.

Harrington Airfield: A Merlin (9th), Marsh Harrier, Peregrine, four Golden Plovers, a Tree Pipit, at least four Redstarts, several Wheatears and two Whinchats were seen.

Hollowell Reservoir: Four Common Scoters (30th) included two drakes. Marsh harriers and Ospreys were noted twice each.

Pitsford Reservoir: Up to four Great White Egrets arrived with Marsh Harriers on four days and Osprey on two also Hobby and Peregrine. A Red-crested Pochard stayed three weeks and two Pintails arrived (30th). Turnstone and Ruff, the best waders, Caspian and two Yellow-legged Gulls,  two Black Terns, two Whinchats, Redstart and Wheatear visited.

Stanford Reservoir:  About 20 Redstarts were ringed also a Whinchat, five present  and hundreds of warblers. A Red-crested Pochard stayed most of the month and a Garganey was seen. A Tree Pipit flew over on one date, Osprey, Marsh Harrier on four days, Peregrine and Hobby noted too. A single Curlew, two Black-tailed Godwits, Golden Plover, Green and five Common Sandpipers and a Yellow-legged Gull were noted.

Stanwick GP: Garganeys were present most of the month with three from 22nd and up to three Pintail from 27th. A Wood Sandpiper stayed five days and Whimbrel, Curlew, Greenshank, several Black-tailed Godwits, Ruff, Little Ringed and two Ringed Plovers, two Dunlins, five Common and four Green Sandpipers, several Caspian, a peak of 32 Yellow-legged Gulls and a single Mediterranean Gull logged, along with a Marsh Harrier.

Thrapston GP:  Ospreys visited on four dates, Marsh Harriers on two also a Little Gull (29th), Great White Egret, Hobby, Green and Common Sandpipers and Yellow-legged Gull.

Welford Reservoir: An adult Caspian Gull was joined by a Little Ringed Plover, two Whinchats, two Wheatears and a Redstart.

Other sites:   Ospreys were also over Deene Lake and Cottesbrooke and a Short-eared Owl was in the Brampton Valley near Hanging Houghton where also a Marsh Harrier. A Merlin visited Great Oxenden (21st), Redstarts were reported from 14 further sites, Whinchats from four and Wheatears from six more. Several Stonechats were near Cottesbrooke on 20th.

JULY 2021

Highlights: A Gull-billed Tern at Stanwick GP briefly on 27th will be the first county record if accepted. Up to two Cattle Egrets were also at Stanwick GP between 1st and 25th and a Quail was near Brackley on 21st.

Clifford Hill GP:  Parties of seven and eight Black-tailed Godwits, single Whimbrel, Little Ringed Plover and Common Sandpiper and five Dunlins  visited, along with single Barnacle Goose and Yellow-legged Gull.

Daventry CP: Mediterranean Gull, Garganey, Hobby and seven Green Sandpipers were recorded.

DIRFT 3: Waders included two Wood Sandpipers, seven Curlews, peaks of five Black-tailed Godwits, six Little Ringed Plovers, two Greenshanks, four Common Sandpipers, and single Dunlin, Ringed Plover and Redshank. At least 12 Yellow-legged and four Caspian Gulls were present and a Wheatear. 

Earls Barton GP: Two Wood Sandpipers, a peak of 16 Black-tailed Godwits, four Little Ringed Plovers, two Common Sandpipers, a Greenshank and a Dunlin were among the waders present. Up to three Great White Egrets visited.

Pitsford Reservoir:  A Goldeneye re-appeared from 14th and a Garganey was present, 400 Gadwall was a good count. Two Great White Egrets were noted and up to three Yellow-legged Gulls. Waders were scarce, with just four Common Sandpipers, and single Greenshank, Black-tailed Godwit and Redshank. A Crossbill (23rd), Osprey, Hobby and a Redstart were noted.

Stanford Reservoir:  An Osprey was seen twice and a male Redstart stayed for four days.  A flock of 27 Ravens was a high count and waders included six Black-tailed Godwits, five Common Sandpipers and a Redshank. Also noted were a Great White Egret, Yellow-legged Gull and a Hobby.

Stanwick GP:  Single Ruff, Greenshank, Redshank and Dunlin, three Black-tailed Godwits, two Green and three Common Sandpipers, a Caspian and up to 15 Yellow-legged Gulls and a Peregrine were logged.

Thrapston GP: Ospreys visited twice also a Marsh Harrier, Great White Egret, Green Sandpiper and a Ring-necked Parakeet on a few dates.

Other sites: Lilbourne Meadows hosted two long-staying Redstarts, a Common Sandpiper and up to 11 Green Sandpipers.  In the Brampton Valley near Hanging Houghton, Blueberry Farm and Cottesbrooke, two Whinchats and several Redstarts and four Crossbills were present.  Redstarts were also at Harrington Airfield (3+), a Pitsford garden, Honey Hill and Old. Marsh Harriers flew over Moulton and Harrington Airfield and an Osprey over Fermyn Wood. Five Common Scoters spent a day at Ringstead GP. A Caspian Gull visited Welford Reservoir and eight Green and one Common Sandpiper were at Deene Lake.

JUNE 2021

Highlights: Rose-coloured Starlings visited Clifford Hill GP from 12th to 14th and a Grange Park Northampton garden on 19th, the 6th and 7th county records.  An adult Purple Heron re-appeared at Quarry Walk, Earls Barton GP on 2nd and 3rd, and male Golden Orioles were seen at Fotheringhay on 2nd and Glapthorn Cow Pasture on 13th. Quails were heard near Brixworth on 1st, at Geddington on 5th and again between Hanging Houghton and Cottesbrooke between 7th and 16th. Stanwick GP hosted up to two Cattle Egrets from 4th to 27th and two Avocets visited Clifford Hill GP on 24th.

DIRFT 3 Pools: Up to two first-summer Caspian and five Yellow-legged Gulls were seen fairly regularly and waders included the first returning Whimbrel (21st), two Curlews, 13 Little Ringed and two Ringed Plovers.

Earls Barton GP:  A female Garganey was present for two days, up to two adult Mediterranean Gulls were still present, a Great White Egret, a wing-tagged Marsh Harrier(1st), two  Curlews and the first returning Green Sandpiper (11th)and  Black-tailed Godwit (30th).

Stanford Reservoir: A Great White Egret was present on two dates as was an Osprey, a male ‘Channel Wagtail’ was seen twice on the dam. A Curlew, two Hobbies and two Yellow-legged Gulls were noted.

Stanwick GP:  A single Knot (3rd) and three more (10th), Wood Sandpiper (28th), 2 Green Sandpipers, two Redshanks, two Garganeys and two first-summer Mediterranean Gulls were logged.

Other sites: Ospreys were noted at Daventry CP, Naseby and Hollowell reservoirs. Two Black Terns visited Thrapston GP (1st) and an Osprey too. A Marsh Harrier was at Ditchford GP (1st). A Mediterranean Gull and seven feral Snow Geese visited Clifford Hill GP. At Pitsford Reservoir, a Pink-footed Goose remained also two Yellow-legged Gulls.

MAY 2021

Highlights: A pair of Dotterel arrived at Piddington on 1st and stayed until 5th, an adult Purple Heron visited Summer Leys - Earls Barton GP from 27th and a female Red-necked Phalarope was at the same site on 31st. A Hoopoe was in Croyland Park Wellingborough on 18th and a Temminck’s Stint visited DIRFT and nearby Lilbourne Meadows on 6th and 7th. A Quail was singing near Hanging Houghton from 26th to 28th. Three Black-necked Grebes made a one day stay at Ravensthorpe reservoir on 2nd and a Wryneck was at Borough Hill from 2nd to 5th. Singing Wood Warblers were at Barnwell CP on 1st and briefly at Stanwick GP on 11th. A Cattle Egret stayed at Pitsford Reservoir from 7th to 15th (only the second there), one was at Summer Leys on 17th and up to four were present at Stanwick GP. A second-summer, ringed, Baltic Gull was at DIRFT from 16th to 18th and was the first confirmed county record of this Lesser Black-backed subspecies.

Clifford Hill GP:  Whimbrels made an unprecedented lengthy stay of 20 days with up to eight present, Dunlins had peaks of 42 (4th) and 51 (8th), seven Turnstones, six Sanderlings, four Ringed Plovers, four Common Sandpipers and a Curlew also visited along with single Black and Arctic Terns, a Great White Egret, Whinchat, White Wagtail and up to 10 Wheatears and two ‘Greenland’ Wheatears.

DIRFT Pools: A Knot, two Grey Plovers, a Turnstone, a total of 16 Sanderlings, two Whimbrels, two Greenshanks, eight Ringed Plovers and a Common Sandpiper passed through also two Caspian and two Yellow-legged Gulls.
Earls Barton GP: A Sandwich Tern (5th), two Black Terns and four Arctic Terns passed through and a drake Garganey was present. Waders included two Spotted Redshanks, Wood Sandpiper, two Turnstones, Sanderling, two Whimbrels, six Black-tailed Godwits, two Greenshanks, Ruff, Curlew, a peak of 23 Dunlins, five Ringed Plovers and three Common Sandpipers. Osprey, Great White Egret, White Wagtail and a number of Hobbies which gave close views from the hides.

Hollowell Reservoir: An Osprey was seen on several dates, three Whimbrels remained until 2nd, also a Dunlin and the first Spotted Flycatcher of the year (2nd).
Pitsford Reservoir: Two Black and two Arctic Terns visited along with single Great White Egret, Osprey, Greenshank, Common Sandpiper and Caspian Gull.

Stanford Reservoir: Marsh Harriers and Ospreys were noted twice. Little Gull, Black Tern, five Arctic Terns, single Sanderling and Whimbrel and three Common Sandpipers passed through.

Stanwick GP: A Pink-footed Goose was still present until 10th, a Wood Sandpiper, a Whimbrel, a peak of 23 Dunlins, single Ringed Plover, and Common Sandpiper and up to six Arctic Terns arrived.

Thrapston GP: Single Sanderling and Whimbrel, three Dunlins, two Common Sandpipers, Little Gull, Great White Egret and Osprey which visited on three days.

Other sites:  Marsh Harriers were noted at Harrington and Polebrook airfields. Three Greenshanks visited Ecton SF, a Whimbrel overflew Byfield, a White Wagtail and three Common Sandpipers were at Welford Reservoir. Whinchats were seen at Honey Hill, Piddington, Kingsthorpe, Ravensthorpe with two at Borough Hill where also a Tree Pipit and 10 Wheatears visited Piddington, seven at Willowbrook Corby, two at Charwelton, and singles at Deenethorpe, Stortons GP and Boddington Reservoir. 

APRIL 2021

Highlights: A drake Ring-necked Duck was at Clifford Hill GP from 1st to 20th and a Glossy Ibis commuted daily from Stanwick GP to Thrapston GP until 17th. A Bee-eater was heard calling over Earls Barton GP on 17th and a male harrier seen at range at Pitsford Reservoir on 23rd was probably a Pallid Harrier. ‘Ringtail’ Hen Harriers passed over near Kettering on 4th and Stanwick GP on 16th. A Woodlark flew over Onley on 16th and Water Pipits visited Hollowell reservoir on 3rd and Pitsford on 16th. A Hawfinch was heard at Harrington Airfield on 10th and Pied Flycatchers visited Kelmarsh on 23rd and Abington Park on 28th, with singing Wood Warblers at Abington Park Northampton and Earls Barton GP both on 28th.  Two Shags were at Daventry CP on 6th, with one there from 18th to 23rd. Up to four Cattle Egrets were noted at Stanwick GP with one at Ditchford GP on 15th. Two Avocets visited Thrapston GP on 7th, then three at Pitsford on 22nd and one at Clifford Hill GP on 23rd. A Great Northern Diver stayed at Pitsford Res from 14th to 16th. Two Spoonbills were seen at Earls Barton and Stanwick GPs on 8th and at Ditchford GP on 9th. A juvenile Glaucous Gull visited the DIRFT site on 8th and 11th and was accompanied by an Iceland Gull on the 8th. A Mealy Redpoll was present at Wakerley Great Wood. A bumper influx of Little Gulls occurred on 23rd.

Boddington Reservoir: A peak of 40 Arctic Terns (28th), a Black Tern, five Bar-tailed Godwits, a Greenland Wheatear and a Merlin (20th) passed through and a Ring Ouzel was nearby.

Clifford Hill GP:  Four Garganeys  arrived on 1st, high counts of 26 Little Gulls, 10 Whimbrels, six Bar-tailed Godwits, 12 Arctic Terns, seven Wheatears, also Greenshank, Redshank, five Ringed Plovers, nine Dunlins, two Common Sandpipers, Jack Snipe, Great White Egret, Osprey, White and ‘Channel’ Wagtails.

DIRFT: A Caspian and two Yellow-legged Gulls were noted along with two Whimbrels, three Ruffs, three Greenshanks, two Ringed Plovers, Dunlin, Green Sandpiper, White Wagtail and a Whinchat. 
Daventry CP:  Adult Caspian and three Little Gulls, a Redstart and two Pintails were noted.

Ditchford GP:  A drake Smew remained until 9th. Sandwich Tern (9th), Bar-tailed Godwit and Osprey visited.

Earls Barton GP:  A male Blue-headed Wagtail was present for six days and a female for 16, also a ‘Channel’ Wagtail on one date. Marsh Harriers visited on two days and an Osprey. Waders included Wood Sandpiper, Spotted Redshank, 16 Bar-tailed and six Black-tailed Godwits, two Whimbrels, three Ruffs, Curlew, two Green Sandpipers, 20+ Snipe and four Common Sandpipers. Up to four Garganeys and a Pintail were present, also three Mediterranean Gulls, five Arctic Terns, 21 Little Egrets, a Great White Egret, a peak of 16 Little Gulls, 25+ Yellow and 10+ White Wagtails, two Ring Ouzels and two Redstarts. 

Harrington Airfield: A Ring Ouzel stayed four days, 250 Golden Plovers was the peak count. A Short-eared Owl was seen intermittently. Also present were up to 25+ Bramblings, two Redstarts, three Wheatears and a Hobby.

Hollowell Reservoir:  Up to four Whimbrels stayed for a week also a Bar-tailed Godwit, Curlew, Redshank, Jack Snipe, Wheatear, Great White Egret and an Osprey on several days.

Pitsford Reservoir:  A drake Scaup remained until 14th, a pair of Garganey arrived and two Common Scoters were present for two days also a Pintail. Little Gull numbers peaked at 75 (23rd) and a Kittiwake (2nd). Up to four Great White Egrets were present and waders included Spotted Redshank, four Curlews, two Bar-tailed Godwits and a Whimbrel. Also single Arctic Tern and Yellow-legged Gull and Ospreys were noted a few times.

Stanford Reservoir: A White-fronted Goose visited (23rd), other highlights were four Whimbrels,  Grey Plover, Greenshank, Great White Egret, five Little Gulls, three Arctic Terns, two Redstarts, Tree Pipit, Blue-headed Wagtail and two visits from an Osprey.

Stanwick GP: A drake Smew stayed until 5th, two Kittiwakes, two Mediterranean Gulls, two Sandwich (1st) and 76 Arctic Terns (29th), 25 Little Gulls (23rd), a Pink-footed Goose, Pintail and Garganey visited. An Osprey and two Marsh Harriers moved through along with a Whimbrel, four Bar-tailed and two Black-tailed Godwits, two Curlews and two Green Sandpipers. The first Nightingale (11th) and Swift (23rd), a Great White Egret, the first Cuckoo (14th) and a male Blue-headed Wagtail were seen. 

Thrapston GP: Up to four Great White Egrets were present. A drake Smew and a pair of Common Scoters visited. A Kittiwake, three Little Gulls, five Black and 40+ Arctic Terns (28th), Grey Plover, Whimbrel, Black and Bar-tailed Godwits, three Greenshanks, Spotted Redshank,  Blue-headed and White Wagtails, a nearby Ring Ouzel, three Hobbies and an Osprey logged.

Other sites:  Ring Ouzels were also at Upton, Draughton Crossing, Maidwell (two) and Honey Hill (two). Black Redstarts visited Hanging Houghton, Wellingborough, between Alderton and Shutlanger, Chelveston Airfield and Long Buckby. Merlins visited Raunds and Clopton and a flock of Common Scoters was recorded at night over Scaldwell. A Pink-footed Goose was at Cogenhoe, a Mediterranean Gull at Chelveston, a Little Gull at Blatherwycke Lake, Ospreys at nine more sites, Redstarts at seven, Wheatears at eight and four Crossbills were still at Wakerley Great Wood.

MARCH 2021

Highlights:  A drake Ring-necked Duck remained all month, mostly at Ditchford GP but also visiting Stanwick GP and Clifford Hill GP. A Glossy Ibis at Thrapston GP was refound on 7th and stayed all month. Up to five Cattle Egrets were present at Stanwick GP and one visited Thrapston GP on 11th and 12th.  A juvenile Iceland gull was at Rushton landfill on 2nd and 4th, three Black-necked Grebes spent just a day at Earls Barton GP on 19th with one also at Ditchford GP on 31st. A Brent Goose was at the latter site from 23rd to 31st. Avocets arrived on 20th with one at Lower Barnwell Lock, then one at Clifford Hill GP on 23rd, two at Ditchford GP from 26th to 29th and two at Earls Barton GP on 30th and 31st. An ‘eagle sp.’ flew over Byfield on 19th as did a Marsh Harrier. A Crane flew over Thrapston GP on 24th and on the same day, a Black Redstart visited Ashton STW and another was at Harrington Airfield on 30th. A Water Pipit was briefly present at Hollowell Reservoir on 30th and two Sandwich Terns flew over Stanford reservoir on 31st.

Boddington Reservoir:  Single Kittiwake, Mediterranean, Caspian Gulls were seen, also a Merlin.
Clifford Hill GP:  Two Pintails, seven Goosanders and a Red-crested Pochard were joined by two Redshanks, a Dunlin and a Jack Snipe. A Great White Egret flew over and a Stonechat and up to five Wheatears were present.

Daventry CP:  A Pink-footed Goose was noted on 12th and gulls included adult Mediterranean on two days, single Little, Yellow-legged and Caspian.

Earls Barton GP: A ‘redhead’ Smew, Bittern, Marsh Harrier, Barnacle Goose and a Stonechat were all seen on one date only. Four different Mediterranean Gulls were logged, waders included 30+ Snipes, three Black-tailed Godwits, four Dunlins, two Green Sandpipers, two Little Ringed and one Ringed Plover, nine Redshanks and a Curlew. Two Great White Egrets and at least four Pintails were noted.

Harrington Airfield:  A Short-eared Owl was fairly regular and a Merlin was seen on four dates, also Peregrine, up to 16 Bramblings, 240+ Golden Plovers, a Jack Snipe, a Stonechat and two Wheatears.

Hollowell Reservoir:  Crossbills remained all month with peak counts of 15, twice. An Osprey was present twice, a dead Kittiwake was picked up and a Caspian Gull noted.  Up to three Jack Snipe and 14 Snipe noted as were a White Wagtail and two Great White Egrets. An Osprey was noted at nearby Ravensthorpe Reservoir on four days.

Pitsford Reservoir:  A drake Scaup was present all month, 80+ Snipe was an excellent count, also four Jack Snipes, 400 Golden Plovers, Black-tailed Godwit, two Dunlins, and a Curlew. Up to two Crossbills were noted, also Merlin and Peregrine and an Osprey on three days, two Barnacle Geese, two Yellow-legged Gulls and a Wheatear.

Stanford Reservoir:  Several different Mediterranean Gulls and a Kittiwake visited the nightly gull roost. A White-fronted Goose stayed four days. A Marsh Harrier (7th), a Peregrine, two White Wagtails, a Wheatear, a Great White Egret, two Curlews, a Green Sandpiper and five Goosanders were seen. 
Stanwick GP:   Up to three Black-tailed Godwits and three Mediterranean Gull were present also a Kittiwake (16th), drake Smew, Pintail, Rock Pipit, nine Redshanks  and  two Dunlins.

Thrapston GP:  Up to five Great White Egrets were present, a Mediterranean Gull, a Ring-necked Parakeet, a Wheatear and the first Common Tern (26th). Ospreys were present on 29th and 30th.

Other first migrants: Sand Martin Summer Leys on 3rd. Little Ringed Plover over Scaldwell and White Wagtail at Thrapston GP and Stanford Reservoir on 7th. Two Swallows at Clifford Hill GP on 9th. House Martin at Raunds and Osprey over Spratton on 21st. Wheatear at Wigsthorpe on 22nd. Willow Warbler at Northampton and Corby on 28th. Hobby at Hollowell and Sedge Warbler at Stanwick GP on 28th. Redstart at Borough Hill on 31st.

Other sites:  A drake Smew was present at Ditchford GP all month with a ‘redhead’ too until 15th and a Great White Egret was seen. Two Mediterranean Gulls were near Burton Latimer, Common Scoters were sound recorded over Scaldwell on four nights. Ospreys were noted over Bulwick and Billing GP.  A ‘ringtail’ Hen Harrier was near Upper Benefield (6th) and a ‘harrier sp.’over Little Irchester (19th). Merlins were at Stortons GP, Rockingham, Upper Benefield and Hanging Houghton. Salcey Forest hosted 20+ Crossbills, with 10 at Wakerley Great Wood, four at Denton Wood, two at Scotland Wood and one at Bucknell Wood. A White-fronted Goose was at Priors Hall (7th). A Black-tailed Godwit was over Ecton Brook and later at Ecton SF along with three Pintails. Three Bramblings were at Wakerley and two at Bucknell woods. A flock of 300 Golden Plovers visited Deenethorpe airfield.


Highlights: A drake Ring-necked Duck, the 8th county record, was at Ditchford GP from 6th to 28th and a Glossy Ibis, the 7th county record, visited Thrapston GP from 13th to 25th and was also seen by floodwater at Wadenhoe on 22nd. A White-tailed Eagle left Pitsford Reservoir on 1st and was tracked heading southwest, another was over Kettering on 3rd and nearby on 21st. A juvenile Iceland Gull was present at Rushton landfill from 5th to the end of the month when also seen near Kettering. Up to four Cattle Egrets were regular at Stanwick GP and four were at Earls Barton GP on 27th and one at Thrapston GP on 21st. A male Bearded Tit remained all month at Stortons GP and there was a small influx of Smew, with up to three at Ditchford GP from 11th, including two drakes, three ‘redheads’ at Ravensthorpe Reservoir from 13th to 16th when one, a drake at Pitsford on 16th and a ‘redhead’ at Thrapston GP from 23rd to 26th. A flock of White-fronted Geese remained at Stanwick GP with a peak of 33 on 14th and two flew over Byfield on 20th. A single Pink-footed Goose visited Stanwick from 13th to 20th and two were at Ringstead GP on 17th with one still on 20th. A herd of Bewick’s Swans stayed briefly at Stanford Reservoir on 6th and were later that day over Sulby Reservoir, where also five over on 11th and two on 12th, with five over Clipston also on 12th. Great White Egrets were reported from nine sites with peaks of up to 10 at Thrapston GP and eight at Earls Barton GP. 

Boddington Reservoir: A Merlin (24th), a party of 24 Barnacle Geese, seven Snipes and two adult Mediterranean Gulls were the pick. Thirteen Knots flew over Byfield.

Clifford Hill GP:  Two Jack Snipes, 14 Golden Plovers, four Dunlins, a Curlew and two Stonechats seen.  

Earls Barton GP: A Black-tailed Godwit, 3 Dunlins, 40 Golden Plovers, 10 Snipes, Redshank, three Pintails and two Stonechats visited. 

Harrington Airfield:  Up to 470 Golden Plovers were present, also a Merlin on two days, a Short-eared Owl irregularly and five Bramblings.

Hollowell Reservoir:  An adult Caspian Gull was joined by four Yellow-leggeds and a Mediterranean Gull. A female Scaup stayed six days from 6th, a Pintail, four Jack Snipes, 10 Snipes, six Stonechats and up to 15 Crossbills were still present. Two Mandarins were at nearby Ravensthorpe Reservoir.

Pitsford Reservoir:  A Great Northern Diver remained until 23rd. A high count of 58 Snipes was a good total, two Jack Snipes, 310 Golden Plovers, a Dunlin, two Pintails, two Mandarins, a Merlin, a Yellow-legged Gull and three Stonechats were logged.

Stanford Reservoir:  A first –winter, Polish ringed, Caspian Gull was seen on the ice, a second-winter Caspian, a Yellow-legged and four adult Mediterranean Gulls too. A Marsh Harrier (20th), a Barnacle Goose, two Pintails, 22 Snipes, a Jack Snipe, a Green Sandpiper, a Peregrine and two Stonechats all noted.

Stanwick GP:  A Bar-tailed Godwit remained for two weeks, also recorded, a Knot, seven Redshanks, four Dunlins, nine Snipes, seven Pintails and nine Barnacle Geese.

Other sites:  Rushton landfill hosted two Caspian Gulls, another was at the DIRFT 3 site along with a Curlew and a Peregrine. Near Hanging Houghton in the Brampton valley, a Merlin was seen twice, also a Short-eared Owl, Jack Snipe, four Stonechats and a Peregrine. Twenty Crossbills remained at Wakerley Great Wood, five at Harlestone Heath and two at Fineshade Wood. Floods near Gretton hosted a Knot, 30 Dunlins and 81 Golden Plovers. Three Knots were at Kings Sutton floods. Merlins were also at Sutton Bassett and Maidwell and four Jack Snipes were near Ravensthorpe and three at Wicksteed Water meadows. A Ruddy Shelduck was at Foxhole Fisheries Crick. Bramblings visited Woodford Halse and Fineshade Wood.


Highlights: A Greenland White-fronted Goose was at Wicksteed Park on 6th and at Earls Barton GP from 16th to 19th and is only the sixth county record. Five Cattle Egrets were with sheep near Earls Barton GP from 2nd to 5th with up to six at Stanwick GP on 15th, three at Ditchford GP and Irthlingborough   A juvenile Great Northern Diver stayed all month at Pitsford Res and the same site hosted a satellite tagged immature male White-tailed Eagle from the Isle of Wight reintroduction project for the last three days. An Iceland Gull visited Rushton Landfill on 5th and Stortons GP hosted two Bitterns on 6th and two Bearded Tits from 8th to 18th. A Woodlark was reported at Aldwincle on 7th and a Hawfinch at Weldon on 13th. Up to 33 White-fronted Geese were present at Stanwick GP all month with 26 still at Earls Barton GP on 2nd and 22 over Laxton on 3rd. A high count of 35 Whooper Swans was made at Nassington on floodwater on 24th. Three Pink-footed Geese visited Upton CP on 22nd and 23rd with singles also at Hollowell Res on 12th and Thrapston GP on 22nd. Great White Egrets were present at seven sites with a maximum of four at Stanwick GP.

Ditchford GP:  A Marsh Harrier visited (19th) also seven Pintails, 46 Golden Plovers, two Redshanks and two Stonechats.

Earls Barton GP:  A party of 14 Ruffs was unexpected, 400 Golden Plovers, a Jack Snipe, two Pintails, a Peregrine, two Stonechats and a Brambling were logged.

Hollowell Reservoir:  A Caspian Gull was present, up to 30 Crossbills, 10 Bramblings, five Stonechats, five Common and a Jack Snipe and two Woodcocks.

Pitsford Reservoir: Two Red-crested Pochards, a Pintail, two Redshanks, six Stonechats, three Bramblings, a Peregrine and a Mediterranean Gull (19th) were seen.

Stanford Reservoir: Both Caspian and Yellow-legged Gulls, a Barnacle Goose, Jack Snipe, Green Sandpiper, eight Golden Plovers and three Stonechats were noted.

Stanwick GP: Four Pintails, four Redshanks, a Green Sandpiper, 30 Snipes and two Stonechats were present.

Other sites:  Merlins visited Helmdon, Arthingworth, Harrington Airfield, Maidwell - Hanging Houghton, Sixfields Lake Northampton, Hardwick and Braunston. Twenty Crossbills remained at Wakerley Great Wood, six at Harlestone Heath and two at Salcey Forest. Three Caspian Gulls visited Rushton Landfill and another flew over Harrington Airfield where also 250 Golden Plovers and three Bramblings. Two Red-crested Pochards visited both Kislingbury and Stortons gravel pits.  A total of 14 Jack Snipes at Daventry CP was a high total, two were near Ravensthorpe and one was at Wicksteed Water Meadows along with two Stonechats. A Ruddy Shelduck was again at Ravensthorpe Reservoir and two Mediterranean Gulls visited Boddington Reservoir. Ecton sewage farm hosted up to two Green Sandpipers and at least 15 Chiffchaffs. Goosanders were present in low numbers at a number of waters and six Barnacle Geese were at Clifford Hill GP.


Highlights: Long-stayers included a Great Northern Diver at Hollowell Reservoir from the 1st to 22nd and was refound at Pitsford Reservoir from 25th, four Black-necked Grebes at Stanford Reservoir from 1st to 28th, reduced to three on 29th before moving on. Up to 11 Pink-footed Geese were still at Hollowell until 22ndand a flock was heard calling over Wakerley Great Wood on 6th. A Parrot Crossbill at Wakerley Great Wood was photographed again on 1st and a Water Pipit was at Pitsford on 2nd. Four Bewick’s Swans arrived at Pitsford on 4th and three more there on 25th with two on floodwater near Rockingham on 27th. Three Whooper Swans visited Deene Lake on 6th and two more were at Stanford on 6th. A Cattle Egret was near Earls Barton GP on 10th with six the next two days with sheep. One was near Grendon on 16th and up to eight were present at Stanwick GP from 22nd until the year’s end. Single Bitterns were noted on five dates in the Earls Barton GP complex. A ‘redhead’ Smew was briefly at Standford on 15th with five, one drake, at Pitsford on 25th.Two Firecrests were reported at Stortons GP on 17th and a Bearded Tit was heard there again on 20th. A ‘Siberian’ Chiffchaff was at Hollowell on 26th and a Kittiwake visited the gull roost on 28th. Great White Egrets were noted at 16 sites with peaks of six at both Earls Barton and Thrapston GPs, and five at Ravensthorpe Reservoir and Stanwick GP.

Clifford Hill GP:  Two White-fronted Geese stayed from 5th to 20th and 20 Barnacle Geese, 25 Golden Plovers, two Stonechats and a Peregrine visited.

DIRFT 3 - Crick: A Scaup, three Curlews, two Golden Plovers, two Stonechats and at least four different Caspian Gulls visited.

Earls Barton GP: A flock of 13 White-fronted Geese which arrived on 12th had increased to 26 by 27th. Up to 800 Golden Plovers, a Short-eared owl, two Stonechats and a Peregrine were noted.

Harrington Airfield:  A female Merlin visited on two days also two Short-eared Owls, 200 Golden Plovers, a Peregrinse and a few Bramblings.

Hollowell Reservoir: A Caspian Gull was noted several days also two Yellow-legged Gulls. A Redshank, three Jack Snipes and a few Snipes, up to 11 Crossbills, six Stonechats and the Ruddy Shelduck still.

Pitsford Reservoir: Two Pintails, a Red-crested Pochard, 45 Snipes, three Stonechats a flyover Crossbill and two Yellow-legged Gulls were logged.

Stanford Reservoir:  A ‘ringtail’ Harrier (7th), a Merlin, a drake Scaup, Barnacle Goose, Jack Snipe, Green Sandpiper, six Golden Plovers and two Stonechats were present.

Stanwick GP: A White-fronted Goose on 7th had increased to seven by 14th, remaining to the end of the month. Also present were two Red-crested Pochards, 400 Golden Plovers, three Dunlins and three Redshanks.

Thrapston GP: A party of 10 White-fronted Geese flew over (12th), a Red-crested Pochard, two Barnacle Geese, a Peregrine and four Stonechats were also seen.

Other sites:  A Marsh Harrier and five Stonechats visited Ditchford GP. Gulls at Boddington reservoir included both Caspian, Mediterranean and nine Yellow-legged and at Rushton Landfil,l a Mediterranean, two Caspians. Ravensthorpe hosted two Red-crested Pochards and five Jack Snipes.  Five Jack Snipes and a Yellow-legged Gull were at Daventry CP. A Merlin was near Maidwell and peak counts of Crossbills were 50 at Wakerley Great Wood,  26+ at Harlestone Heath, 25 at Fineshade Wood, 23 at Bucknell Wood, three at Badby Wood and one at Brookfield Plantation. Stonechats were noted at several further sites.


Highlights: A Parrot Crossbill, only the second county record, was discovered amongst up to 58 Common Crossbills at Wakerley Great Wood on 15th remaining until the end of the month. Up to nine Cattle Egret were present at Stanwick GP and five of them visiting nearby Ditchford GP and one was reported over Boddington reservoir on 13th. A Shag was at Stanford Reservoir on 3rd and on 4th, a Firecrest was trapped and ringed there and two Hawfinches visited Tansor. An unseasonal Hoopoe was at Pitsford Reservoir on 5th. Nine Bearded Tits at Earls Barton GP on 4th were the forerunners of another there on 6th, up to four at Stortons GP from 5th to 12th and two more at Stanford from 13th. The same site hosted four Black-necked Grebes from 30th. A Bittern was also at Stortons on 10th. Five Whooper Swans flew over Stanford on 22nd and three were at Blatherwycke Lake on 27th. A juvenile Great Northern Diver arrived at Hollowell Reservoir on 13th staying until the end of the month. A skein of 50+ Pink-footed Geese over Harringworth Lodge Lake was a high count for the county. A wing-tagged Marsh Harrier was again at Earls Barton GP until 3rd then at Preston Deanery on 4th. Great White Egrets were noted at 13 sites with peaks of five at Thrapston GP and four at Pitsford.

Clifford Hill GP:  Two Common Scoters (25th), two Red-crested Pochards, 11 Pintails, 41 Barnacle Geese, 50 Golden Plovers, a Dunlin and two Stonechats were noted.

Daventry CP: Four Red-crested Pochards, a high count of 14 Jack Snipes, along with 20 Snipes and a Yellow-legged Gull visited.

Ditchford GP:  A flock of 27 Barnacle Geese flew over and two Pintails, 100 Golden Plovers and a Peregrine were present.

Earls Barton GP: Two Black-tailed Godwits, single Green Sandpiper, Dunlin and Redshank, six Golden Plovers and up to 14 Snipe were counted. Two Pink-footed Geese visited also four Red-crested Pochards and a Brambling at the feeding station.

Harrington Airfield:  A Merlin (18th), 100 Golden Plovers, five Crossbills over and two Bramblings logged.

Hollowell Reservoir:  Up to seven Pink-footed Geese remained all month, 20+ Crossbills favoured the pines.  A Caspian Gull was regular as was a Yellow-legged Gull. Two Pintails, a Red-crested Pochard and a Ruddy Shelduck visited. Waders included a Jack Snipe, two Dunlins, a Green Sandpiper and seven Golden Plovers and up to six Stonechats remained. 

Pitsford Reservoir:  Red-crested Pochards peaked at 13 and Pintails at seven, a Short-eared Owl showed well, adult Mediterranean and Yellow-legged Gulls visited, and a party of 13 Crossbills flew over. A high count was 48 Snipes and a there was a lone Jack Snipe and three Green Sandpipers. Four Stonechats and a Brambling were present.

Stanford Reservoir: Two Pink-footed and two Barnacle Geese and a Pintail were seen. Both Caspian and Yellow-legged Gulls were noted in the roost. A Green Sandpiper, a Jack Snipe and six Snipes, a Peregrine, two Bramblings, two Crossbills and two Stonechats noted.

Stanwick GP:  A Black-tailed Godwit, 150 Golden Plovers, Redshank, Green Sandpiper and two Dunlins were complemented by Merlin (22nd), Peregrine, Mediterranean Gull, two Pintails, single Crossbill and a Brambling.

Other sites:  Thrapston GP hosted six Common Scoters (30th), a Green Sandpiper and four Stonechats and the DIRFT 2 site near Crick hosted up to three Caspian and two Yellow-legged Gulls, three Curlews, 70 + Golden Plovers,  five Ruddy Shelducks and two Stonechats. A Red-crested Pochard visited Stortons GP and a Mediterranean Gull and two Stonechats were at Boddington reservoir. Bucknell Wood still held eight Crossbills with singles also over Hanging Houghton, and Scaldwell. Short-eared Owls were seen near Sywell and at Irthlingborough and a Corn Bunting was trapped and ringed near Grafton Underwood.


Highlights:  Cattle Egrets were present all month at Stanwick GP with a peak of 11 on 12th. A Black Redstart remained at Borough Hill from 1st to 14th. Woodlarks flew over Yardley Chase on 9th and Long Buckby on 11th. A Dartford Warbler visited a Blakesley garden on 17th and is the sixth county record. Two Cranes flew over Crick on 14th and a Hawfinch over Yardley Chase on 15th, Mealy Redpolls visited Stanford Res on 10th and 12th. Ring Ouzels were at Brampton Ash on 21st and Maidwell on 26th. A Firecrest was at Boddington Res on 31st and five Brent Geese at Clifford Hill GP on 4th. Whooper Swans arrived, with one at Stanwick GP on 3rd and four at Earls Barton GP on 7th. Four Spotted Redshanks were on floodwater at Bozenham Mill on 8th. Great White Egrets visited 14 sites with peaks of five at both Pitsford Res and Earls Barton and four at both Stanwick and Hollowell Res.

Clifford Hill GP:  A Greenshank, two Ruffs, four Dunlins and 76 Golden Plovers, a Ringed Plover, four Pintails and four Stonechats visited.

Earls Barton GP: A wing-tagged Marsh Harrier was recorded on 10 dates from 11th with another on 16th. Five Red-crested Pochards and four Pintails were seen along with a Mediterranean Gull, Knot, Ruff, Black-tailed Godwit, Ringed Plover, 10 Snipes and a Common Sandpiper.

Harrington Airfield:  A Merlin was present on two days and an unidentified Harrier passed through. A Short-eared Owl (27th), 2 Stonechats, up to 200 Golden Plovers and a passage of 1500+ Redwings moving west in 2.5 hours on 11th.

Hollowell Reservoir:  Eight Pink-footed Geese arrived on 13th, seven staying until the end of the month. An Osprey (8th), a Black-tailed Godwit, six Crossbills, six Stonechats, two or three Caspian and Yellow-legged Gulls and a Ruddy Shelduck re-appeared.

Pitsford Reservoir:  Four Common Scoters (4th), a female or immature Scaup (31st), up to 15 Red-crested Pochards, eight Pintails, single Knot and Green Sandpiper and two to three Yellow-legged Gulls were logged and passerines included a Rock Pipit, Brambling and 12 Crossbills.

Stanford Reservoir:  Single Mediterranean and Yellow-legged Gulls, Osprey (4th), 12 Pintails, five Black-tailed Godwits, Wheatear and Stonechat noted.

Stanwick GP: Single drake Common Scoter (4th), Red-crested Pochard and four Pintails, a Marsh Harrier, Caspian Gull, Arctic Tern (15th) and a ‘Nordic’ Jackdaw were logged. Waders included two Ruffs, 19 Golden Plovers, Dunlin and Green Sandpiper and Crossbills flew over on three dates with 12 on one, a Peregrine and two Stonechats were on site.

Thrapston GP: A female Common Scoter on 12th and 13th with two males and a female on 20th and four Pink-footed Geese stayed a week. Other notables were five Crossbills, two Pintails, 10 Yellow-legged Gulls and three Stonechats.

Other sites: Ditchford GP hosted a Marsh Harrier and three Stonechats, a Merlin was near Quinton, an Osprey at Pineham (8th) and a Short-eared Owl over Moulton Park. A Pink-footed Goose was at Ecton Sewage Farm and two Grey Plover on floods near Bozenham. Daventry CP hosted a Caspian Gull, a Pintail and 10 Snipe. A Red-crested Pochard, a Wheatear ad a Stonechat were at Kislingbury GP and Yellow-legged gulls were at Priors Hall and Willowbrook Industrial Estate Corby. Twenty Crossbills were still at Wakerley Great Wood, 15 at Bucknell Wood, 12 over Deene, six at Fineshade Wood, four at Harlestone Heath, two over Brackley and singles over Tiffield and Weldon and at Brookfield Plantation. Peaks counts of Stonechats were seven at Borough Hill and four at Yardley Chase.


Highlights: The active ringing group at Stanford Reservoir caught and ringed a Marsh Warbler on 10th, a Wryneck, their second of the autumn, on 14th and a Yellow-browed Warbler on 22nd. Cattle Egrets moved between Stanwick GP where peak counts of 10+ on 23rd and Ditchford GP where five on 9th and 13th. Two Pied Flycatchers visited Lamport on 1st and Bitterns were at Earls Barton GP on 2nd and Stortons GP on 29th. Single Spoonbills were recorded over Billing Aquadrome on 8th and at Ditchford GP on 15th. Up to three Shags were last reported at Pitsford Reservoir on 8th and two at Stanford until 11th. A ‘ringtail’ Hen Harrier was at Lilbourne Meadows on 13th and a Black Redstart was at Borough Hill from 20th to 22nd. Great White Egrets were present at 11 sites, six at Pitsford, four at Thrapston GP, three at both Hollowell reservoir and Stanwick, twos at Ditchford GP, Earls Barton and Naseby reservoir and singles at Stanford and Thorpe Malsor reservoirs, by the River Ise at Geddington  and over Oundle.

Borough Hill: At least nine Stonechats, two Wheatears, single Redstart and Whinchat and a Peregrine were noted.

Clifford Hill GP:  A Ruff, two Dunlins and single Ringed Plover and Common Sandpiper alog with a Whinchat and a Stonechat visited.

Daventry CP: A juvenile Caspian Gull, three Mediterraneans and a Yellow-legged Gull, a Garganey, four Common Sandpipers and a Redshank were logged.

Ditchford GP:  A red-tagged Marsh Harrier (19th and 30th), an Osprey, adult Caspian Gull, 12 Snipe, a Green and two Common Sandpipers were recorded.

Earls Barton GP: A Wood Sandpiper stayed two days, two Greenshanks, a Ruff, two Dunlins and a Common Sandpiper and a Garganey were present.

Harrington Airfield:  A Short-eared Owl (1st) and a Merlin (19th and 30th) passed through and up to six Redstarts, two Tree Pipits, Whinchat, Wheatear and two Stonechats were present and a party of four Crossbills flew over.

Hollowell Reservoir:  A Little Stint, the first of the year, stayed three days (from 18th) also two Ruffs, five Dunlins, three Ringed Plovers, and a Common Sandpiper were seen. A Pink-footed Goose, single Garganey and Pintail, two Hobbies, and an Osprey, both Caspian and Yellow-legged Gulls, Wheatear, Whinchat, six Stonechats and up to five Yellow Wagtails and a Ruddy Shelduck noted. Nearby Ravensthorpe reservoir also hosted both the Pink-footed Goose and Ruddy Shelduck.

Pitsford Reservoir:  A Black Tern, two Mediterranean and up to four Yellow-legged Gulls visited. Up to seven Pintails, a Red-crested Pochard, a Garganey, four Hobbies, an Osprey and a Peregrine were noted. Waders included two Ruffs, a Greenshank, three Dunlins, three Green and three Common Sandpipers despite very high water levels. A Rock Pipit and a Wheatear were present too.

Stanford Reservoir:  More than 10 Redstarts were ringed, three Whinchats, a Stonechat and a Wheatear were noted. A Merlin (9th), Osprey, Marsh Harrier and Hobby visited. A single Pintail and a Rock Pipit also logged.

Stanwick GP: A young female, red-tagged, Marsh Harrier (from Thorpe Marshes Suffolk) was regularly seen. A peak count of 21 Yellow-legged Gulls (2nd), a Caspian and a Mediterranean Gull visited. Five Pintails, a Ruff, five Dunlins, a Ringed and two Little Ringed Plovers, a Green and five Common Sandpipers were also present.

Thrapston GP: Four Pintails, an Osprey, two Peregrines, three Hobbies and a Yellow-legged Gull were seen.

Other sites:  In the Brampton Valley near Hanging Houghton and Brixworth a Merlin was seen twice also an Osprey, a Tree Pipit, four Whinchats and a Stonechat. A Mediterranean Gull visited Welford reservoir. Single Caspian Gulls were at DIRFT and Boddington reservoir where also five Yellow-legged Gulls. A Red-crested Pochard and a Wheatear visited Kislingbury GP. About 40 Crossbills remained at Wakerley Great Wood, 32 at nearby Fineshade Wood, 15+ at Bucknell Wood, 10 over Newnham and four over Kettering. Single Tree Pipits were over Brackley and Higham Ferrers and at Chelveston airfield where also 41 Yellow Wagtails. Redstarts were also at Lamport, Twywell, Old, Shutlanger and Preston Deanery and Whinchats visited Bozeat GP, Braunston, Glapthorn Cow Pasture, Wicksteed water meadows, and Willowbrook Corby where also two Stonechats. Ring-necked Parakeets were present in Little Billing and several areas of Northampton.  The Ruddy Shelduck was also seen at Foxholes Fisheries Crick. The first Redwings of the autumn were at Thrapston on 27th.

AUG 2020

Highlights: A Spoonbill visited Earls Barton GP on 4th. An adult Pacific Golden Plover was seen and heard calling over Hollowell Reservoir on 9th, if accepted would become the first county record. The same day a Wood Warbler, the first this year, was at Stanford Reservoir. The latter site hosted a Wryneck on 27th which was ringed there. A Black Redstart was near Byfield on 15th and 16th. A Quail was heard singing near Hanging Houghton on 27th. Cattle Egrets were regular at Stanwick GP with up to six present and Great White Egrets were at nine sites, with five at Earls Barton GP, three at both Hollowell and Pitsford Reservoirs, two at Stanwick GP and singles at Blatherwycke Lake, Borough Hill, Daventry CP, Boughton Park and over Kettering. In the second half of the month, Pied Flycatchers were at Stanford Reservoir on 15th, Borough Hill on 20th, Denton Wood and Chapel Brampton on 21st and Braunston on 31st.

Boddington Reservoir:  Single Little, Mediterranean and Yellow-legged Gulls were logged. Sanderling and Whimbrel were the best waders with Dunlin and four Common Sandpipers too.
Clifford Hill GP:  A Garganey arrived, also a Yellow-legged Gull, a Hobby and four Wheatears. Waders comprised two Black-tailed Godwits, two Ruffs, a Greenshank, four Dunlins, three Common and one Green Sandpiper, three Ringed and one Little Ringed Plover.

Daventry CP: A drake Common Scoter (15th) and up to seven Green and one Common Sandpiper passed through. A Mediterranean Gull was seen twice, also a Little Gull, a Caspian and four Yellow-legged Gulls.

Ditchford GP: Up to eight Black-tailed Godwits were on site, a Whimbrel, a Greenshank, two Dunlins and a Yellow-legged Gull.

Earls Barton GP: A juvenile Marsh Harrier visited, also regular Hobby and Peregrine. Up to two Wood Sandpipers stayed a week, also present - two Ruffs, three Greenshanks, two Black-tailed Godwits, five Common and four Green Sandpipers, a Dunlin, two Little Ringed Plovers and six Snipe. Single Black and Arctic Terns, a Yellow-legged Gull and a Redstart visited.

Harrington Airfield:  Elusive Redstarts were present for most of the month with up to three present. Whimbrel and Golden Plover flew over, also Osprey, Marsh Harrier and Short-eared Owl. Two Whinchats, two Crossbills and 10+ Tree Pipits (27th) were found.

Hollowell Reservoir:  A Knot, four Whimbrels, two Black-tailed Godwits, Greenshank, Redshank, four Common and one Green Sandpiper, three Dunlins, Ringed Plover and Snipe were noted also Black Tern and Mediterranean Gull. A Caspian Gull and a Pink-footed Goose both stayed for some time and up to three Ospreys visited the site regularly. Redstart, Whinchat, Wheatear and up to 15 Yellow Wagtails were noted. The feral Ruddy Shelduck was still present.

Pitsford Reservoir: Two Garganeys, a Goldeneye and up to six Red-crested Pochards arrived and Ospreys were spotted on five days and juvenile Marsh Harriers on three, along with regular Hobby and Peregrines. The best waders included groups of nine Knots, nine Sanderlings, two Turnstones around the dam along with single Greenshank, Curlew, Redshank, two Green and two Common Sandpipers, three Dunlins and two Ringed Plovers. Three Black Terns, an Arctic Tern and three Mediterranean, a Caspian and two Yellow-legged Gulls were logged. Two Redstarts, Whinchat, Wheatear and flyover Tree Pipit and two Crossbills were recorded.

Stanford Reservoir:  The impressive number of Redstarts trapped and ringed was in double figures and a Northern Willow Warbler too. Four Whinchats, two Wheatears and two Tree Pipits, a Black Tern and two Bar-tailed Godwits added interest and Ospreys visited on six days along with a Marsh Harrier and a Peregrine.

Stanwick GP:  Waders included single Turnstone, Sanderling, Black-tailed Godwit and Ruff, 11 Snipes, four Common and two Green Sandpipers, Redshank, two Dunlins, a Ringed  and two Little Ringed Plovers. An Osprey was seen along with a high count of 22 Yellow-legged Gulls, and single Whinchat and Wheatear.

Other sites:  Ospreys were also seen at Boughton Park, Hanging Houghton, Lamport, Naseby reservoir, Sywell and Fawsley Park where one stayed five days. Chelveston airfield hosted the year’s first Corn Bunting, three Whinchats, a Wheatear, 28 Yellow Wagtails and a flyover Golden Plover. A Whimbrel flew over Harlestone Heath and 37 Yellow-legged Gulls visited Priors Hall quarry and 14 were at Ringstead GP. A flock of 20+ Common Sandpipers visited Ravensthorpe reservoir along with the Ruddy Shelduck. A Mediterranean Gull was on a field near Denton. Crossbills were still present with up to 20 at Bucknell Wood, three at Harlestone Heath, two over Brackley and two at Kentle Wood and one over Weldon.   Five Redstarts were noted near Walgrave, three at Hellidon, two at Borough Hill and singles at Priors Hall, Gretton, Twywell, Lamport and Ashby St Ledgers. The first Stonechats visited Hellidon (16th) and further Whinchats included nine at Borough Hill, four near Hanging Houghton and singles at Hellidon. Tree Pipits flew over Irchester, and Hanging Houghton , two near Brixworth and four over Borough Hill. Wheatears were reported from Little Brington, Lamport, Old and Borough Hill.

JULY 2020

Highlights: Two Cattle Egrets were noted at Ringstead GP on 3rd and up to four stayed at Stanwick GP for most of the month. Two Cranes flew over Duston Northampton on 7th and three White Storks circled over Long Buckby on 13th. A Bittern was at Stanwick GP on 3rd and 4th. Single Spoonbills, perhaps the same bird, visited Earls Barton GP from 17th to 20th, Pitsford Reservoir on 23rd, Hollowell Reservoir on 29th and Thrapston GP on 30th. A Corncrake was an unexpected visitor to a Raunds garden on 23rd. A Black Redstart was near Great Oxenden on 17th and Little Terns were at Stanford Reservoir on 6th and Stanwick GP on 14th. A Caspian Tern flew through Stanford Reservoir and later spent just a few minutes at Earls Barton GP on 26th and is just the seventh county record. A Nightjar was at Stanford Reservoir on 30th. Two juvenile Black-necked Grebes stayed at Summer Leys from 6th to 14th with one remaining until 18th. Three Great White Egrets were at Earls Barton GP, two at Blatherwycke Lake, Stanford Reservoir and Stanwick GP and singles were at Hollowell Reservoir and over Oundle Marina.

Clifford Hill GP: Eight Black-tailed Godwits, a Little Gull and a Redshank visited.

Earls Barton GP:  A series of Black-tailed Godwit records peaked at 24 on 3rd, five Dunlins, four Snipes, three Redshanks, two Curlews, two Little Ringed Plovers, two Green and one Common Sandpiper were also logged. A Marsh Harrier was present almost daily near the end of the month and Peregrine and Hobby were noted. Up to five Egyptian Geese were present.

Hollowell reservoir: Ospreys visited on six dates with up to four present. A Marsh Harrier passed through also Mediterranean Gull and two Yellow-legged Gulls. Single Crossbill and Whinchat were noted along with five Black-tailed Godwits, three Dunlins, six Snipes, six Green and three Common Sandpipers, two Redshanks and two Little Ringed Plovers. A female Ruddy Shelduck was present for most of the month visiting nearby Ravensthorpe reservoir on one date.

Pitsford Reservoir: Ospreys visited on seven dates with up to two present. A Marsh Harrier also from 28th. Black-tailed Godwits peaked at eight and other waders included a Whimbrel, two Curlews, six Redshanks, five Dunlins, a Green and two Common Sandpipers. Up to four Red-crested Pochards, two Yellow-legged Gulls, an Arctic Tern, four Crossbills, a Redstart and two Hobbies were other visitors.

Stanford Reservoir: A Wood Sandpiper, five Whimbrels and a Common Sandpiper passed through. Hobby, Marsh Harrier and Osprey were noted also Winchat, Stonechat and four Crossbills. A Lesser spotted Woodpecker was ringed on site.

Stanwick GP: A Caspian Gull and up to 22 Yellow-legged Gulls arrived near the end of the month and up to five Mediterranean Gulls were present. Up to 40 Black-tailed Godwits was the peak count. Whimbrels were noted on three days, also Curlew, three Dunlins, three Little Ringed Plovers, three Common sandpipers, two Redshanks and a Green Sandpiper. A Peregrine also visited.

Other sites: One or two Redstarts were present but elusive at Harrington Airfield for most of the month and Ospreys were noted on three dates. Three Ospreys were noted at Thrapston GP also three Crossbills. Five Black-tailed Godwits and a Hobby were at Ditchford GP. Ospreys were also seen at Deene Lake and Barton Seagrave. Mediterranean Gulls were over Wellingborough and Daventry CP where also five Green Sandpipers. Crossbills were noted at Wakerley Great Wood (40), Bucknell Wood (21), Upper Harlestone (eight), and singles at Weldon, Denton Wood, Brackley, Harry’s Park Wood, Eastfied Park Wellingborough and East Hunsbury. Redstarts were between Little Brington and Brockhall (three), Foxholes Fisheries Crick, Whilton and Twywell Hills and Dales. An early returning Wheatear was at Deenethorpe Airfield.

JUNE 2020

Highlights: An adult Rose-coloured Starling was photographed in a Hackleton garden on 9th. A Crane flew over East Hunsbury Northampton on 16th and singing Quails visited the Brampton Valley near Hanging Houghton on 1st and 2nd with another at Harrington Airfield from 7th to 9th. An Avocet was at Pitsford Reservoir on 25th and three more at Thrapston GP on 12th. Two Great White Egrets were at both Thrapston GP, and Hollowell Reservoir with another at Stanford reservoir. Cattle Egrets successfully bred for the second year running raising four young and Mediterranean Gulls were again successful at Stanwick GP.

Earls Barton GP: Two Black Terns were present on 1st and a drake Garganey stayed until 5th. A series of Black-tailed Godwit records occurred from the second week with a peak of five. Single Wood Sandpiper and Greenshank, a Curlew, two Green Sandpipers and four Common Sandpipers joined the resident waders.

Hollowell Reservoir:  Four Common Scoters visited (8th) and a Garganey. Osprey was recorded on eight dates. A Yellow-legged Gull, a first-summer Arctic Tern, which stayed three days, two Green Sandpipers and a Little Ringed Plover were seen and up to three Crossbills were present.

Pitsford Reservoir: An Osprey was noted on five days, single Garganey and Pink-footed Goose, two drake Common Scoters stayed four days and up to four Crossbills were present. A Red-crested Pochard, a Yellow-legged Gull, a Curlew and two Common Sandpipers were noted.

Stanwick GP: A Black Tern visited (6th) also a drake Garganey and a Red-crested Pochard and five Crossbills flew over. Up to 12 Black-tailed Godwits, two Curlews, two Green and two Common Sandpipers and a Ringed Plover were seen.

Other sites: Three Black Terns and a Ringed Plover visited Clifford Hill GP. Daventry CP hosted a pair of Scaup and seven Crossbills flew over. A Sanderling was at Boddington Reservoir (5th). Harrington Airfield hosted a male Redstart from 28th and an Osprey was seen on three days. Thrapston GP too had an Osprey on three dates and a Green Sandpiper. Stanford Reservoir had up to two Ospreys on five dates and a Little Gull (11th). Ospreys were also recorded at Barnwell CP (two), Bulwick, Cransley Reservoir, Ravensthorpe Reservoir (two) and Spratton. A good influx of Crossbills, mainly from 21st, included 16 at Bucknell Wood, 14 at Harlestone Heath, 12 at Denton Wood, nine over Wellingborough, eight at Harry’s Park Wood, five at Brampton Ash, two over Ringstead GP and singles over Hardwick Wood, Lady Wood and Yardley Chase. Mediterranean Gulls were seen over Wellingborough and Barton Seagrave.

MAY 2020

Highlights: A Caspian Tern flew through Stanford reservoir on 31st and is the 6th county record and a second-year male Red-footed Falcon, the 10th county record, stayed at Ringstead GP from 16th to 19th. A Hoopoe was photographed in a Broughton garden and a juvenile Gannet flew over Great Brington both on 1st, and up to four Cattle Egrets remained at Stanwick GP all month, with one at Earls Barton GP on 18th. A Nightjar was resting on a garden fence in a Sywell garden on 5th. A Common Crane flew over Chipping Warden on 6th and at least two were calling over Irthlingborough on 16th. A singing Firecrest was discovered near Byfield on 7th and a female Montagu’s Harrier at nearby Boddington reservoir on 11th. An unidentified ringtail harrier was seen at Lowick on 5th. A Quail was singing near Apethorpe on 12th and a Bittern was at Stanwick GP on 25th. A Black-necked Grebe stayed three days at Earls Barton GP from 25th. Single Great White Egrets visited Earls Barton, Stanwick, Stortons and Thrapston GPs and Pitsford and Stanford reservoirs.
Boddington reservoir:  A male ‘Channel’ Wagtail stayed for three days, a Black Tern, two Whimbrels and a Common Sandpiper were also seen.

Clifford Hill GP: Waders included a Sanderling, two Whimbrels, six Dunlins, two Common Sandpipers and a Ringed Plover. A Sandwich Tern (21st), single Little and Mediterranean Gulls, a Whinchat, two Wheatears, a White Wagtail and a Pink-footed Goose from 21st were logged.

Earls Barton GP: One or two drake Garganeys were present for most of the month, Marsh Harriers visited on three days, up to five Hobbies and a Peregrine were noted. A Wood Sandpiper stayed three days and a continental race Black-tailed Godwit for five. Up to four Common Sandpipers were present along with single Ringed Plover and two Dunlins. A Sandwich Tern (5th), a Barnacle Goose, a Wheatear and a rufous morph Cuckoo were also seen.

Ecton SF: A Wood Sandpiper stayed three days and a Greenshank, a Common Sandpiper and a Hobby were noted.

Harrington Airfield: A Marsh Harrier and an Osprey flew over, also present, four Wheatears and a Greenland Wheatear.

Pitsford Reservoir: Ospreys were noted on four dates, also present were two Yellow-legged Gulls, a Mandarin, a Dunlin and two Common Sandpipers.

Stanford Reservoir: A ‘Channel’ Wagtail was last seen on 1st, Ospreys were seen twice and Arctic Terns on three days with a peak of 10 (7th). A Marsh Harrier passed through as did a Curlew, a Common Sandpiper and a Wheatear and up to three Hobbies were seen.

Stanwick GP: A late Pintail was seen (1st) and two Garganeys on 14th with one remaining the rest of the month. Waders included single Whimbrel, Curlew and Common Sandpiper and 2 Dunlins. 

Thrapston GP: Ospreys visited on nine days and up to 14 Hobbies were seen. A rufous morph Cuckoo was present and a Curlew was seen.

Other sites:  A Wood Sandpiper and a Ringed Plover were noted at Barnwell Lock flood. Two Whimbrels visited Ditchford GP and another at Braunston flood. A Pochard with five young was seen at Blatherwycke Lake. A Black Tern visited Hollowell Reservoir with two Ospreys seen over the village. An Osprey was also seen at Welford and a Marsh Harrier was over Blueberry Farm, Peregrines were seen at Ringstead GP, Barton Seagrave and Blueberry Farm, five Hobbies were at Ringstead GP and an unseasonal Merlin over Wellingborough on 6th with a Garganey at the Embankment there. A drake Red-crested Pochard stayed at Stortons GP.

APRIL 2020

Highlights: A satellite-tagged White-tailed Eagle was tracked over the county on 14th being photographed over Irthlingborough and seen over Barnwell on 14th with other sightings over Towcester on 9th and Wadenhoe on 17th which were not tagged. Reports of Rough-legged Buzzards came from Wicken Wood on 5th and Roade on 7th and a female Montagu’s Harrier was over Cottingham on 21st. A White Stork passed over Brackley on 29th. A Black Redstart visited a Spratton garden on 2nd and 3rd and a Siberian Chiffchaff was discovered singing at Boddington reservoir on 20th and 22nd. A Blue-headed Wagtail was at Clopton on 26th and a ‘Channel Wagtail’ stayed at Stanford Reservoir for a few days. Up to five Cattle Egrets were seen intermittently throughout the month at Stanwick GP. Single Great White Egrets were still present at Barnwell flood, Earls Barton, Kislingbury, Stanwick and Thrapston gravel pits with two at Pitsford reservoir on 27th.

Barnwell Flood: Two Spotted Redshanks (22nd-23rd), two Greenshanks, Wood Sandpiper(27th), Bar-tailed Godwit, three Whimbrels, Ruff, Green Sandpiper, Little Ringed Plover, drake Garganey and  White Wagtail were all attracted to this ephemeral pool.

Boddington Reservoir:  A group of four Ring Ouzels (5th) and another on 8th, Redstart and Greenland Wheatear visited also two Sandwich Tens on 6th with another on 10th, adult Mediterranean Gulls on two dates,  two Little Gulls, Caspian and Yellow-legged Gulls a party of 12 Arctic Terns (28th). Three Grey Plovers over, 18 Snipe and a Common Sandpiper and a flyover Osprey (9th).

Byfield: A Common Scoter was heard at night, a Ring Ouzel stayed six days, a Marsh Harrier over (9th), Redstart, two Wheatears and the first Tree Pipit (10th).

Clifford Hill GP: Three Little Gulls were seen on two dates, a pair of Common Scoters (18th), a Curlew Sandpiper (25th-27th) and the first  Little Tern (29th). A run of Arctic Tern records peaked on 28th with 35+ present. Three Whinchats, four Wheatears, a few Yellow Wagtails, single Greenshank, and Ringed Plover and two Dunlins and two Common Sandpipers were also noted.

Ditchford GP:  Groups of three and four Little Gulls passed through also a Greenshank, White Wagtail and Wheatear.

Earls Barton GP: A drake Garganey arrived on 2nd and stayed almost a month. An adult Kittiwake (6th), 11 Little Gulls and small numbers of Arctic Terns passed through and Marsh Harriers visited on three days.  Waders included a Wood Sandpiper (30th), four Whimbrels, a Bar-tailed Godwit, two Curlews, 25 Snipes, eight Redshanks, three Ringed Plovers, three Dunlins, two Common Sandpipers and a Green Sandpiper. A Wheatear and two White Wagtails were seen.

Pitsford Reservoir: Ospreys were recorded on seven dates, Arctic Terns on six with a peak of 15 (20th) and Little Gulls on three with a peak of nine (23rd). Two drake Scaups (1st), two Yellow-legged Gulls and White Wagtail were also recorded.

Stanford Reservoir:  Eighty Arctic Terns included a peak of 65, also noted were 14 Little Gulls, eight Bar-tailed Godwits, a Marsh Harrier, two Wheatears, a White Wagtail and small parties of Yellow Wagtails.

Stanwick GP: A total of 170 Arctic Terns visited (21st) and 30 more (29th). Three Black Terns (18th), two Little Gulls, a drake Garganey for two weeks , Bar-tailed Godwit, Curlew, a Green and two Common Sandpipers.

Thrapston GP:  Two Red-crested Pochards, two Black Terns, four Arctic Terns, a Hobby and a Common Sandpiper were logged. Little Gulls were recorded on 4 dates, with a max of 8 together.

Other sites:  Common Scoters were recorded overnight at Desborough, Brackley, Oundle and Wellingborough between 2nd and 4th. A Marsh Harrier flew over Irthlingborough (7th). Ospreys were seen over Wollaston, Brixworth - twice, Corby, Hanging Houghton and Kingsthorpe Northampton and a Short-eared Owl over Brackley (9th). Ring Ouzels were at Newnham Hill, Clopton (for a week) and near Hanging Houghton. Mediterranean Gulls visited Neville’s Lodge Finedon and Raunds. Wheatears were at Deenethorpe (nine), Harrington Airfield (six), Brackley, Farndish and Brampton Valley Way. Stortons GP hosted a Red-crested Pochard and a Jack Snipe.  A White Wagtail was in Moulton and a Bittern was booming at one site, the first confirmed for at least a century.

MARCH 2020

Highlights: A Black-bellied Dipper remained at Sywell CP until 2nd, a Bearded Tit on 6th and a Hen Harrier on 21st were also at the same site. Up to five Cattle Egrets alternated between Ditchford and Stanwick GPs for most of the month. An adult Iceland Gull visited Rushton landfill on 6th. Marsh Harriers were noted at Thrapston GP on 5th and Harrington airfield on 21st. Nine Pink-footed Geese were again noted at or near Stanford reservoir between 15th and 23rd. A Black Redstart was briefly at Clifford Hill GP on 17th, the same day that a Brent Goose arrived there remaining until 30th with a pair of Black-necked Grebes present from 20th to 22nd. Five Avocets visited Earls Barton GP and another was at Boddington reservoir on 14th with two more at Ditchford GP from 26th. An overwintering Siberian Chiffchaff at Ecton sewage farm was still present on 19th and a Water Pipit was a good find at Ditchford GP on 13th. On 21st, a Bittern was noted at Stanford reservoir, a Hooded Crow at Thrapston GP and a Firecrest visited Ravensthorpe reservoir with the latter staying until 23rd. Bird of the month was a White-tailed Eagle over Kings Cliffe on 26th. Great White Egrets were reported from 12 sites with a maximum of four at Thrapston GP.

Clifford Hill GP:  Knot, Little Ringed Plover and up to 110 Golden Plovers visited and two drake Scaup remained until 23rd with one until 27th. A Wheatear, three Stonechats and a Peregrine were seen.

Ditchford GP: A female Scaup was seen intermittently and a Black-tailed Godwit stayed four days, 12 Snipe were counted.

Earls Barton GP: A good selection of waders included a Knot which stayed four days and was joined by four more, seven Black-tailed Godwits, four Curlews, a Dunlin, a Ruff, 26 Snipe and the first Little Ringed Plover on 19th. A Merlin (20th), a Wheatear, a Brambling and a pair of Mediterranean Gulls were logged.

Hollowell Reservoir:  A Caspian Gull, four Jack Snipe and a Stonechat were the highlights.
Pitsford reservoir: Five Little Gulls (25th), a Mandarin, a Redshank, a Wheatear and a Stonechat visited along with the first Swallow on 24th.

Stanford Reservoir:  A Short-eared Owl was regular until 23rd. A Merlin (20th), two Stonechats and a Wheatear were also seen.

Stanwick GP: A Knot paid a brief visit, up to seven Redshanks were present also eight Snipes and a Dunlin, a female Scaup, an adult Mediterranean Gull and a Peregrine logged.

Thrapston GP: Two Curlews, a Redshank, Peregrine and Stonechat were noted including the first Osprey on 18th.

Other sites: At Daventry CP, adult Mediterranean Gulls were seen on three dates and a Yellow-legged Gull was present. A Merlin visited Chipping Warden (21st). Ospreys were seen at Bulwick and Ravensthorpe reservoir. A Short eared Owl was near Brixworth and two were still at Borough Hill, where also up to six Stonechats. Two Scaups were reported at Drayton reservoir and a Caspian Gull was at Rushton landfill. Boddington reservoir hosted Jack Snipe and a Curlew. The first Sand Martin was near Aldwincle on 7th. An early Willow Warbler was at Sixfields Lake on 22nd and the first Wheatear was trapped at Brixworth STW on 16th with others at Upton CP, Hartwell, Maidwell, Borough Hill, Harrington airfield and Wollaston STW. Four Green Sandpipers remained at Deene Lake.


Highlights: A Black-belleied Dipper was found in the afternoon of the 29th at Sywell CP. This is the first record in the county for 24 years. A Hen Harrier was reported near Fotheringhay on the 1st and a Black Redstart was found on the church in Oundle on the 6th, remaining until the 8th. A Glaucous Gull was found in the roost at Stanford Reservoir on the evening of the 7th and remained until the following morning. Stanford was successful again on 18th, with an adult Iceland Gull and a Kumlien's Gull. A party of nine Pink-footed Geese moved between Leicestershire and Northant, last being reported on the 18th. A 'Nordic' type Jackdaw was also in the area. The first Bittern of the year was at Stoke Bruerne for one day on 16th. A party of three Waxwings were at Harrington Airfield on the 26th, with others reported at Deene Park and Blueberry farm. Short-eared Owls were at several sites and Barn Owls were noted in abundance on a calmer evening of 23rd. Caspian Gulls were reported from Ruston Landfill and Stanford, Pitsford and Hollowell Reservoirs and Daventry CP. The Ecton Siberian Chiffchaff was also reported. The 5 Cattle Egrets remain in the Nene valley.


Daventry CP: An adult Mediterranean Gull on the 4th, and again on the 7th and 14th, with Yellow-legged Gull and a Dunlin on the ealier day. 

Harrington Airfield: A single Short-eared Owl was reported on and off for most of the month, with a Merlin there on the 17th. Three Waxwings were found late moring on the 26th, but only remained for a few hours. Barn Owls were recorded on several days.

Hollowell Reservoir: The female Ruddy Shelduck was present on 1st along with up to 9 Jack Snipe. A Caspian Gull was a brief visitor on the 8th, and again on 9th and 22nd, with an adult Mediterranean Gull on the 25th. Up to 4 Stonechats were present all month.

Pitsford Reservoir: Up to two Great Egrets and 4 Stonechats were recorded. A 4th winter Caspian Gull was seen on 8th and an ad Yellow-legged Gull was present on 13th.

Stanford Reservoir: Up to 2 Short-eared Owls were over setaside fields to the east of the reservoir on several dates. The party of 9 Pink-footed Geese flew over on the 8th and remained in the area until the 18th. Gull encounters included a 3cy Glaucous Gull on 7th and 8th, a Mediterranean Gull on 7th and 14th, Caspian Gull on the 8th, 17th, 21st and 28th, Iceland Gull and Kumlein's Gull on 18th. Up to 2 Great Egrets, 11 Common Snipe and a Green Sandpiper were also noted.

Stanwick Lakes: The female Greater Scaup was present up until 6th. Up to 7 Redshank, 19 Golden Plover (26th)and a single Dunlin (27th) were on the main lake. A maximum of 4 Great Egrets.

Summer Leys: Up to two Great Egrets for most of the month. The Brambling was still present on the 11th. Up to 15 Common Snipe were recorded.

Thrapston GP: Up to 3 Great Egrets all month. At least one, possibly two Siberian Chiffchaffs were at nearby Islip STW on 3rd - 5th, with up to 8 Chiffchaffs. A drake Pintail was present for most of the month, with a max of 4 drakes and 2 females on 21st and 22nd. 4 Egyptian Geese were present from 21st and a max of 6 Goosander on 11th.

Other sites: A ‘ringtail’ Hen Harrier over a ploughed field alongside the A605 near Fotheringhay on 1st, Short-eared Owls at Neville's Lodge, with up to three at Borough Hill. Oundle's St Peter's Church produced a Black Restart from 6th- 8th. The two Greater Scaup were at Clifford Hill GP on 8th, a Bittern in flight at Stoke Bruerne on the 16th, and a Merlin at DRIFT on 27th. Up to 5 Cattle Egrets were around Ditchford on several dates.


Highlights: A Great Grey Shrike showed well near Crick until 15th and a Siberian Chiffchaff at Ecton Sewage Farm outfall was present from 7th with two on 19th. Two White-fronted
Siberian Chiffchaff - Alan Coles
Geese visited Clifford Hill GP on 2nd and 3rd and seven Whooper Swans were at Earls Barton GP on 4th with two more in the Upper Cherwell Valley on 5th. Up to five Cattle Egrets alternated between Ditchford GP and Stanwick GP for most of the month and a Black Redstart was at a Corby Industrial Estate on 28th and 29th. Ringtail Hen Harriers were reported from Harrington Airfield on 16th and17th and near Cottesbrooke on 22nd. A Ferruginous Duck-type hybrid at Stanwick GP from 25th moved to Ditchford GP on 29th and provided much discussion about its true identity. Great White Egrets were widely reported from 13 sites with four at Stanwick GP, three at Thrapston GP, twos at Ditchford and Earls Barton GPs,  Hollowell and Pitsford reservoirs and Daventry CP with singles at Billing, Clifford Hill and Kislingbury GPs, Stanford Reservoir, Stanford Hall Lake and Foxholes Fisheries Crick.

Clifford Hill GP: A Scaup arrived on 25th with two from 26th until the end of the month. Two Pintails two Stonechats and a total of just eight Golden Plovers were recorded.

Daventry CP: A Scaup stayed from 10th to 23rd and both single Caspian and Yellow-legged Gulls logged.

Ditchford GP: Two Red-crested Pochards, 13 Goosanders, a Peregrine and two Stonechats were present and 31 Snipes, a Jack Snipe and 20 Golden Plovers.

Earls Barton GP: Single Red-crested Pochard and Pintail, two Black-tailed Godwits (23rd), a Peregrine, a Stonechat and a Brambling which was regular at the feeding station were the highlights

Harrington Airfield: A Merlin (15th), a Short-eared Owl on several occasions and a Peregrine were complemented by up to 150 Golden Plovers and two Bramblings.

Hollowell Reservoir: An adult Caspian Gull paid a visit and up to 14 Snipes and three Jack Snipe were present along with three Stonechats and the long-staying feral Ruddy Shelduck.

Pitsford Reservoir: A Pintail and two Red-crested Pochards, a Redshank, a good count of 55 Snipes, five Stonechats and a Yellow-legged Gull were seen.

Stanford Reservoir: Five Pintails, a Green Sandpiper, Stonechat were present and nearby a Short-eared Owl was regular.

Stanwick GP: A female Scaup remained all month and eight Pintails and 19 Goosanders were the peak counts. Seven Redshanks and nine Golden Plovers were present and a Short-eared Owl was nearby

Other sites: Three Short-eared Owls were noted near Finedon and three more at Borough Hill where also three Stonechats. A Short-eared Owl was also at the DIRFT site near Crick, also a Peregrine and two Stonechats. Rushden Landfill hosted a Caspian Gull and 14 Pintails and nine Mandarin Ducks were at Blatherwycke Lake with two Mandarins also at Edgcote.  A Pintail and two Stonechats were at Thrapston GP and a Peregine at Thenford. Two Green Sandpipers, a Peregrine and up to 15 Chiffchaffs were at Ecton SF/Billing GP. The Ruddy Shelduck also visited Foxholes Fisheries.


Highlights: A Great Grey Shrike stayed all month at DIRFT near Crick, a Firecrest was at Upper Harlestone on 6th and two Velvet Scoters, both first- winters, stayed at Hollowell
Velvet Scoter - Bob Bullock
reservoir from 14th to 28th. A Whooper Swan was last seen at Thrapston GP on 14th. A generally elusive Brent Goose visited both Stanford reservoir and Stanford Park from 1st to 11th  and two more at Hollowell on 31st. Two Bewick’s Swans were briefly at Stanford reservoir on 27th with two more over Ditchford GP next day. Ringtail Hen Harriers were noted at Kentle Wood on 14th and Lilbourne Meadows on 30th. Ditchford GP hosted up to five Cattle Egrets from 23rd.

Ditchford GP: Up to three Great White Egrets were present also Green Sandpiper and two Redshanks, 12 Snipes, 12 Egyptian Geese, four Chiffchaffs and two Stonechats.
Earls Barton GP: A redhead Smew was seen from 7th to 21st and five Ruffs visited along with a Brambling, two Stonechats, a drake Red-crested Pochard, two Great White Egrets and a Peregrine.

Hollowell Reservoir: A Great White Egret, five Stonechats, 10 Snipes, five Jack Snipes and a Ruddy Shelduck were seen.

Pitsford Reservoir: A drake Smew stayed from 18th, also a Mandarin, five Pintails, two Great White Egrets, a count of 41 Snipes, Redshank, Peregrine, Brambling, five Stonechats and a Yellow-legged Gull. 

Ravensthorpe Reservoir: A drake Smew visited (21st), also a Ruddy Shelduck and a Yellow-legged Gull.

Stanford Reservoir: An adult Mediterranean Gull was seen twice also two Pintails, a Great White Egret and a Stonechat.

Thrapston GP: Two Great White Egrets, two Stonechats and a Peregrine were noted.

Other sites: Adult Caspian Gulls were at Sulby Reservoir and Rushton Landfill. A Mediterranean and three Yellow-legged Gulls visited Boddington Reservoir.  Billing GP hosted a Great White Egret, two Green Sandpipers and a Stonechat.  A redhead Smew was at Hardingstone GP, a Jack Snipe at Stortons GP with another at Neville’s Lodge Finedon, where also a Short-eared Owl.  Other Short-eareds were at Lilbourne Meadows, Borough Hill and Harrington Airfield where also 200 Golden Plovers. Two Great White Egrets and seven Redshanks were at Stanwick GP, a first winter female Scaup and a Great White Egret were at Daventry CP and five Pintails were at Clifford Hill GP. A Ruddy Shelduck was at Foxholes Fisheries Crick.


Highlights: Two Black-necked Grebes visited Pitsford reservoir on 1st and quickly departed. Bitterns were noted at Earls Barton GP on 8th and 12th and at Fawsley on 9th. Siberian race Chiffchaffs were identified at Stanford Reservoir on 6th, where ringed, with two at Ditchford GP on 15th and another at Ringstead GP on 17th.Cattle Egrets remained at Stanwick GP for most of the month with up to four present and a male Bearded Tit was there on 16th and 17th. A Firecrest was ringed at the latter site on 10th with another at Earls Barton GP on 23rd. A Great Grey Shrike was found at DIRFT 3 site near Crick on 17th and was still present at the end of the month. A ‘ringtail’ Hen Harrier was also present at this site and the adjacent Lilbourne Meadows from 9th to 17th with others near Hanging Houghton on 15th and between Scaldwell and Old on 28th. Two Hawfinches were seen at Fotheringhay on 21st and another at Salcey Forest on 27th and nine Bewick’s Swans, the first this year were briefly at Stanford Reservoir on 24th, the same day a drake Red-breasted Merganser put in an appearance at Pitsford.

Daventry CP: A drake and a juvenile Scaup were present on 4th with the juvenile still on 15th. Also present were single Caspian and Yellow Legged Gulls and a Green Sandpiper.

DIRFT 3: Up to three Short-eared Owls were present also 47 Golden Plovers, two Stonechats, Woodcock, Peregrine and single Caspian and Yellow Legged Gulls.

Earls Barton GP:  A ‘redhead’ Smew remained all month and single Red-crested Pochard and Pintail logged. Three Whooper Swans passed through, up to 500 Golden Plovers, a Black-tailed Godwit, Brambling, Stonechat and a Marsh Harrier on 8th.

Hanging Houghton:  A Merlin visited on 15th and 19th, along with a Peregrine, up to 25 Bramblings, two Stonechats and a distant unidentified harrier on 8th.

Harrington Airfield: A Merlin was noted on five days. A Peregrine, four Bramblings a few Golden Plovers and several Woodcocks were seen. 

Pitsford Reservoir: A Common Scoter arrived on 10th with two more next day, ‘redhead’ Smew from 13th to 17th. Up to six Red-crested Pochards, single Pintail and Mandarin, 1355 Tufted Ducks and 132 Pochards were on site. Up to two Great White Egrets were present and an adult Mediterranean Gull was seen almost daily for most of the month along with two Yellow-legged Gulls. A Merlin flew through on 16th, a Rock Pipit (1st), four Stonechats, and 25 Snipe.

Stanford Reservoir:  A Marsh Harrier (3rd), a Merlin (15th) and a Short-eared Owl visited on two dates.  A Mediterranean Gull attended the gull roost three times, six Whooper Swans flew over (8th). Three Red-crested Pochards, a Pintail and a Ruddy Shelduck were logged. A Great White Egret was present and a late Willow Warbler was ringed on 6th.

Thrapston GP:  A Whooper Swan was present all month along with two Great White Egrets, three Red-crested Pochards, a Peregrine and a Stonechat.

Other sites: A Marsh Harrier flew over Oundle on 12th and a Peregrine was present. A Mediterranean and three Yellow-legged Gulls visited Boddington reservoir. Up to two Short-eared Owls were intermittently reported at Neville’s Lodge Finedon. Two Pink-footed Geese and eight Mandarin Ducks visited Blatherwycke Lake.  Two Red-crested Pochards remained at Clifford Hill GP where also 25 Golden Plovers and a Stonechat. At Stanwick GP, up to three Great White Egrets were seen also a Black-tailed Godwit and two Redshanks. A Great White Egret and a Ruddy Shelduck were noted at Foxholes Fisheries Crick.


Highlights: A Slavonian Grebe was last seen at Clifford Hill GP and another was found dead in Kettering under a Peregrine roost site on 3rd. Six Pink-footed Geese flew over the Brampton Valley on 4th, a Brent Goose was briefly at Stanwick GP on 6th and a juvenile Gannet was seen in a field near Gretton on 8th. Yellow-browed Warblers were noted in Duston, Nothampton on 7th and another trapped and ringed at Stanford reservoir on 12th where also a Firecrest on 25th, three Waxwings on 25th and 10 more on 27th. Two Woodlarks flew over Pitsford reservoir on 23rd. Up to six Cattle Egrets remained at Stanwick GP until 23rd at least and a Lesser Whitethroat there on 21st was thought to have been of one of the eastern races.

Boddington Reservoir:  A Little Stint was last seen on 1st. A first-winter Little Gull visited (4th) also three Mediterranean Gulls and up to 11 Yellow-legged Gulls.
Clifford Hill GP: Hobby, Peregrine, two Red-crested Pochards, a  Mandarin and two Stonechats were logged.

Earls Barton GP:  Single Whooper Swan (25t)), Bittern (27th), Marsh Harrier were the star birds. A Garganey was still present (3rd).Two Great White Egrets were present and waders included 100 Golden Plovers, 14 Snipe, single Dunlin and Green Sandpiper. A Stonechat was also present.

Hanging Houghton:  The latest reported Whinchat (1st) and Redstart (5th) were seen, along with two Stonechats, three Bramblings and 15 Golden Plovers.

Harrington Airfield: A Merlin was noted on five days, a Peregrine, a Short-eared Owl and two Woodcocks were seen and passerines included Ring Ouzel (15th), Rock Pipit (19th) and Water Pipit (20th).

Hollowell Reservoir: A juvenile Arctic Tern lingered until 16th. Single Jack Snipe, Great White Egret, Caspian and two Yellow-legged Gulls and up to four Stonechats were present.
Pitsford Reservoir:  Up to four Mediterranean Gulls were seen nightly at the gull roost with up to 12 Yellow-legged Gulls. Five Common Scoters (15th) visited. Four Red-crested Pochards and six Pintails had arrived by the end of the month, a juvenile Scaup was seen several times and a Ruddy Shelduck paid a visit. Two Greenshanks, single Common and Green Sandpipers and two Great Whit Egrets were noted. Four Stonechats arrived and a Wheatear remained on the dam until 15th, two Rock Pipits and four Bramblings were seen in flight.

Stanford Reservoir: Up to three Great White Egrets remained and a Merlin and Marsh Harrier on two dates. A Ring Ouzel stayed two days, five Crossbills flew over and both Stonechat and Green Sandpiper were seen.

Stanwick GP: The highest count of 42 Little Egrets was a new county record and two Great White Egrets were present.  A Common Tern stayed until 4th the same date as a Spotted Redshank. Other waders were Ruff, Redshank and Ringed Plover. A late Hobby (19th), Pintail, Rock Pipit and four Bramblings were seen.

Thrapston GP:  A Great White Egret was present all month and a Whooper Swan arrived (7th), the latest Osprey sighting (2nd) and a Yellow-legged Gull.

Other sites: Three Scaups arrived at Daventry CP on 22nd with one remaining until the end of the month. A late Whimbrel (15th) and a juvenile Whooper Swan were noted by the River Tove near Grafton Regis and up to three Short-eared Owls  visited Borough Hill where also three Stonechats.  At Ditchford GP, a Spotted Redshank stayed two days, a Great White Egret and a Jack Snipe arrived. A Ring Ouzel visited a Spratton garden (15th). Mediterranean Gulls were seen at Upton Park and Panattoni Park where also Green Sandpiper, Wheatear and a Stonechat. A Ruddy Shelduck was seen at Pitsford, Stanford and Ravensthorpe Reservoirs and at Foxholes Fisheries, Crick.


Highlights: Up to six Cattle Egrets remained at Stanwick GP until 21st. Quails were flushed at Orlingbury on 1st and at Hanging Houghton on 8th.  A Black-necked Grebe visited Pitsford Reservoir on 1st and two Slavonian Grebes stayed at Clifford Hill GP from 16th until the end of the month. A Little Tern was present at Stanwick GP on 2nd and a Little Stint remained at Boddington Reservoir from 25th, only the second this year. A Spoonbill flew over Stanford Reservoir on 28th and single Pied Flycatchers visited Barnwell CP, Borough Hill and Naseby Reservoir with two at Yardley Chase MOD.

Brampton Valley: Marsh Harriers were noted on three days. Three Whinchats, two Redstarts, two Stonechats, a Wheatear and a Corn Bunting were present.

Boddington Reservoir:  Two Mediterranean Gulls, a Ruff, a Curlew, Ringed and Little Ringed Plover, two Greenshanks and two Green Sandpipers and a Yellow-legged Gull visited.
Clifford Hill GP: A Red-crested Pochard stayed for most of the month, two Whinchats, two Stonechats, Wheatear, Hobby and Common Sandpiper were logged.

Daventry CP: Single Caspian and Mediterranean Gulls were attracted also a Rock Pipit (14th), four Green and a Common Sandpiper.

Earls Barton GP: Up to two Great White Egrets stayed all month. A Garganey and a Common Scoter (24th) were noted and waders included a Black-tailed Godwit, two Greenshanks, Golden, Ringed and Little Ringed Plover, Green and two Common Sandpipers. Two Stonechats arrived.

Harrington Airfield: A Short-eared Owl (30th) was the first of the autumn. A series of Redstarts, Whinchats, Stonechats and Wheatears passed through as did a single Golden Plover.

Hollowell Reservoir:  Two Greenshanks, 10 Ringed and four Little Ringed Plovers, four Dunlins, Common Sandpiper and Golden Plover were attracted by the very low water level exposing plenty of mud. The feral Ruddy Shelduck remained for most of the month and Yellow-legged Gull, Wheatear and Stonechat were noted.

Pitsford Reservoir: Two Great White Egrets were seen throughout.Two Mediterranean Gulls and a Little Gull were seen on several dates along with an Arctic Tern (2nd) and a Yellow-legged Gull. Eleven Pintails, a Mandarin and a Ruddy Shelduck were logged also a Rock Pipit (30th), a Whinchat and a Peregrine Two Greenshanks, two Common and three Green Sandpipers and three Ringed Plovers were the pick of the waders.

Ravensthorpe Reservoir: Osprey and Great White Egret were both seen once. A Yellow-legged Gull and two Green Sandpipers were present daily.

Stanford Reservoir:  Several Redstarts and Stonechats were logged also a Whinchat, a Great White Egret, a Little Ringed Plover and both Green and Common Sandpiper.
Stanwick GP: A Marsh Harrier visited (5th), also two Hobbies, a juvenile Caspian and two Yellow-legged Gulls and a Common Sandpiper.

Thrapston GP: Ospreys were recorded on the first and last days of the month and a Marsh Harrier (24th). A Great White Egret was seen from 23rd and two Garganeys and two Red-crested Pochards, a Hobby and and eight Yellow-legged Gulls.

Other sites: A Great White Egret visited Wicksteed Water Meadows (3rd), a Marsh Harrier flew over Hartwell (21st) and 15 Crossbills were over Borough Hill (30th). Redstarts were seen in greater numbers than recent years with peaks of five at Borough Hill, four near Walgrave, three at Fawsley, two at Wilby and Draughton  and singles at Wollaston, Little Irchester and Duston.  Whinchats include five near Wollaston, three at Neville’s Lodge Finedon, three in Duston and two at Borough Hill. Up to eight Stonechats arrived at the latter site and Wheatears visited East Haddon, Orlingbury and Borough Hill.


Highlights: Four juvenile Cattle Egrets remained at Ringstead GP until they joined the adults at Stanwick GP where up to six were seen throughout the month. A probable Marsh Warbler was photographed at Clifford Hill GP on 11th and a Quail was heard at Fawsley Park on 12th. A juvenile Shag was picked up at Weedon on 20th and taken into care. Sandwich Terns appeared at Pitsford reservoir on 24th and at Stanwick GP and Ravensthorpe reservoir the next day. A Little Tern stayed at Boddington reservoir for three days from 25th and an Avocet visited Pitsford on 26th. A small influx of Pied Flycatchers occurred with reports from Barnwell CP, Duston, Brixworth CP, Deenethorpe and  Stanford reservoir with most in the last week.

Boddington Reservoir: A Marsh Harrier (11th), five Black Terns (24th), Little Ringed Plover, two Common Sandpipers and a Yellow-legged Gull visited.

Clifford Hill GP:  A drake Common Scoter stayed two days, single Black-tailed Godwit and Common Sandpiper, three Dunlins, Wheatear and Hobby were also seen.

Daventry CP: Two Whimbrels, a Black-tailed Godwit, two Green and two Common Sandpipers were the only waders. A juvenile Mediterranean Gull, three Yellow-legged and a juvenile Caspian Gull visited. 

Earls Barton GP/Summer Leys: A Great White Egret was seen almost daily from 7th with two from 30th. Waders included four Wood Sandpipers, Spotted Redshank, Turnstone, Black-tailed Godwit, Greenshank, Redshank, Green and two Common Sandpipers. Osprey and Little Gull also occurred.

Harrington Airfield: Osprey, Curlew, a number of Redstarts peaking at four (25th), Tree Pipit, two Whinchats and two Wheatears were logged.

Hollowell Reservoir: Maximum wader counts were 12 Dunlins, six Greenshanks, 10 Common Sandpipers, seven Green Sandpipers, seven Ringed Plovers, four Little Ringed Plovers, Spotted Redshank and a Black-tailed Godwit. Ospreys were seen on six days along with Hobby, Caspian and two Yellow-legged Gulls, a Wheatear and a female Ruddy Shelduck all month.

Pitsford Reservoir: A Black-necked Grebe was seen (8th), Ospreys were reported on 14 dates with up to three present (25th) and a Marsh Harrier visited (18th). A Great White Egret was seen fairly regularly and also three Red-crested Pochards and a Garganey. Eleven Black Terns passed through (24th) and two Little Gulls, Mediterranean Gulls on four days and up to nine Yellow-legged Gulls also single Redstart, Tree Pipit and Wheatear and the only notable wader, a Turnstone on the dam.

Ravensthorpe Reservoir: Two Caspian and five Yellow-legged Gulls were seen also Black-tailed Godwit, Dunlin, Ringed Plover, Common Sandpiper and the Ruddy Shelduck from nearby Hollowell on one date.

Stanford Reservoir: The very active ringing group caught nine Redstarts (27th) when two others also present and several others during the month along with up to three Whinchats and three Tree Pipits. A male Garganey in eclipse was present nearly throughout. Other visitors were four Black Terns (24th), four Greenshanks, four Ruffs, five Green and four Common Sandpipers and three Little Ringed Plovers.

Stanwick GP: A Merlin (6th) was a very early autumn record. A Great White Egret (28th), seven Black-tailed Godwits, Wood Sandpiper, Spotted Redshank, Whimbrel, Greenshank, Redshank, Ruff, Turnstone, eight Common and two Green Sandpipers, two Dunlins and a Little Ringed Plover, eight Yellow-legged Gulls and a Peregrine were logged.

Thrapston GP: Three Garganeys stayed a few days, a Turnstone stayed six days and Osprey, Green Sandpiper and Yellow-legged Gull were noted.

Other sites: A Marsh Harrier was seen near Hanging Houghton (13th), where also four Crossbills (2nd), two Whinchats, Redstart, Tree Pipit and three Wheatears. Up to four Whinchats, two Redstarts and Wheatear were at nearby Blueberry Farm. Redstarts were also reported from Sywell CP, Twywell Hills and Dales, Lamport, Denton Wood, Fleetland Farm Duston and Fawsley Park. Whinchats were also seen at Borough Hill, Fawsley, Lamport and Neville’s Lodge Finedon. Further Wheatears visited Chapel Brampton and Broughton, two Tree Pipits were at Borough Hill and Ospreys were seen over Byfield and Kettering.

JULY 2019

Highlights: Two species bred successfully for the first time in Northants with a pair of Cattle Egrets  rearing four young at Ringstead GP and a pair of Goosanders on the River Tove. Three adult Cattle Egrets were also seen daily at Stanwick GP. A county first was a completely unexpected female Red-breasted Flycatcher trapped and ringed at Pitsford reservoir on 4th but not seen after its release. Four Spoonbills flew over Stanwick GP on 17th and three Avocets visited Clifford Hill GP on 14th.

Red-breasted Flycatcher - Neil McMahon

Earls Barton GP/Summer Leys: A Bittern (8th) and a good selection of waders were noted including  single Little Stint (14th), Sanderling (28th) and Spotted Redshank (30th), several parties of Black-tailed Godwit including one of 30, two Ruffs, three Dunlins, five Common and three Green Sandpipers.  Redshanks and Little Ringed Plovers bred successfully. Juvenile Mediterranean Gul, Arctic Tern and a Redstart were seen.

Hollowell Reservoir: Whimbrel (31st), Curlew, two Greenshanks, 11 Common and three Green Sandpipers, three Dunlins, two Little Ringed Plovers, and a Redshank  enjoyed the extensive muddy shore. Osprey and Peregrine visited and up to 12 Yellow Wagtails were present. A feral Ruddy Shelduck remained all month.

Pitsford Reservoir: Five drake Common Scoters visited (28th) and up to three Red-crested Pochards noted. A Great White Egret returned on 8th with two from 16th. Ospreys were seen a few times also Hobby and two Yellow-legged Gulls. A Whimbrel (30th), two Green and a Common Sandpiper were the only reported waders. Three Artic Terns visited.

Stanford Reservoir: Four Common Scoters (8th) and a Garganey stayed. A juvenile Marsh Harrier was present for two days at the end of the month. At least seven Arctic Terns passed through.

Stanwick Lakes: A Garganey, two Black Terns and five Arctic Terns passed through, up to 10 Yellow-legged Gulls arrived and a Caspian Gull (30th). A Sanderling (28th), two Whimbrels, two Ruffs, several Black-tailed Godwits, single Greenshank, Dunlin, Redshank and Little Ringed Plover, and peaks of eight Common and seven Green Sandpipers were logged.

Ravensthorpe Reservoir: A Crossbill and a Caspian Gull and up to five Yellow-legged Gulls visited and waders included Greenshank, Curlew, two Dunlins, four Green and three Common Sandpipers.

Thrapston GP: A Little Tern (17th), small groups of Arctic Terns totalling 17 (28th), a Wood Sandpiper, up to three Garganeys, Green Sandpiper and two Yellow-legged Gulls were noted.

Other sites: Sightings of Marsh Harriers near Brixworth, Blueberry Farm Maidwell and near Hanging Houghton may all have been of the same juvenile. An Osprey was near Deenethorpe. A Red-crested Pochard was at Ringstead GP and at least three Arctic Terns at Clifford Hill GP.  One or two Redstarts visited Arbury Hill, Denton Wood, Hanging Houghton, Upper Boddington and Harrington airfield and up to two Whinchats noted near Hanging Houghton and Blueberry Farm.

JUNE 2019

Highlights: Up to three Cattle Egrets remained all month at Stanwick GP, with one reported at Blatherwycke Lake on 26th. A Bee-eater heard over Byfield on 28th is only the fourth county record. A Spoonbill at the Summer Leys reserve Earls Baton GP was prevented from landing by gulls and the only Great White Egrets were at Thrapston GP, where one on 14th and two on 28th. Singing Quails were noted at Sywell and Mears Ashby on 15th, Kentle Wood on 22nd, two again at Mears Ashby on 23rd, one there on 24th and a single at Harrington airfield on 30th.

Earls Barton GP: A first-summer Arctic Tern was an unusual visitor (1st) and a small number of returning Black-tailed Godwits included a peak of 11 on 30th. Two Common Sandpipers and a Peregrine were also present.

Hollowell Reservoir: Up to two Ospreys visited on several occasions. Waders included a Grey Plover (7th), Dunlin, Green Sandpiper and four Little Ringed Plovers. An adult Yellow-legged Gull was again present. A Ruddy Shelduck was present all month.

Pitsford Reservoir: Ospreys visited several times. A drake Red-crested Pochard, a first –summer Yellow-legged Gull and a Hobby were also seen.

Ravensthorpe Reservoir: A Grey Plover (26th), two Green Sandpipers and an adult Yellow-legged Gull were noted.

Stanford Reservoir: Osprey, Hobby, Curlew and Common Sandpiper were seen.

Other sites: Ospreys were noted at Thrapston GP several times, Biggin Lake Oundle, Brixworth and Irhlingboorough. An unseasonal Short-eared Owl was near Grendon on 6th and a Crossbill was at Denton Wood (17th). Male Redstarts visited Moreton Pinkney (22nd) and Lamport (26th). Three Red-crested Pochards were at Clifford Hill GP and a much-travelled escaped Bufflehead was at Stortons GP.

MAY 2019

Highlights: A Ring Ouzel remained at Newnham Hill until 6th and a Hawfinch at Harrington Airfield was rather unexpected on 2nd. A Cattle Egret at Stanwick GP from 12th was joined by a second from 21st and then a third from 24th. A Hoopoe was at Ditchford on 19th and a Corncrake was heard singing near Dalscote on 21st.  Marsh Harriers visited Polebrook airfield on 5th and Earls Barton GP on 24th. Two Avocets graced Clifford Hill GP and two female Common Scoters visited Pitsford reservoir on 10th. Black-necked Grebes were at Daventry CP on 9th and Clifford Hill on 18th. Single Little Terns passed through Ravensthorpe reservoir on 8th, Earls Barton on 9th and Wicksteed Park Lake where two on 31st. Two Crossbills were in Hanging Houghton on 17th. A Wood Warbler was in song near Kelmarsh on 22nd and the only Great White Egrets were singles at Stanford reservoir from 1st to 22nd, Thrapston GP on 12th and 13th and two at Earls Barton on 29th. There was a strong passage of Black Terns.

Clifford Hill GP: Up to three Bar-tailed Godwits were present on four dates, five Greenshanks, single Grey Plover and Whimbrel, a peak of 18 Dunlins, eight Common Sandpipers, two Little Ringed Plovers and a Redshank. Black Terns were present on four dates with a peak of seven and there was a single Arctic Tern. Two Whinchats and up to five Wheatears of the Greenland race were present.

Daventry CP:  An Osprey visited along with two Black Terns and a first-summer Caspian Gull and a Wheatear was at nearby Borough Hill.

Ditchford GP:  A pair of Garganey visited for just a day, also up to three Black Terns, a Whimbrel and two Common Sandpipers.

Earls Barton GP/Summer Leys:  Four Wood Sandpipers visited between 7th and 16th, also two Bar-tailed Godwits, two Grey Plovers, two Greenshanks, two Ruffs, a Whimbrel, peaks of 15 Dunlins and eight Ringed Plovers, two Green and two Common Sandpipers joined the four breeding species present. Other species were up to eight Black Terns, two Arctic Terns, a drake Garganey, Mediterranean Gull, Peregrine, Hobby, Whinchat, White Wagtail and Wheatear.

Hollowell Reservoir: Ospreys were seen regularly. Peaks of 28 Arctic and three Black Terns passed through on 8th. Waders included two Grey Plovers, a Sanderling, three Greenshanks, 19 Dunlins, six Common Sandpipers, two Ringed Plovers and Redshank. Yellow Wagtails peaked at 13.

Pitsford Reservoir: A good passage of Black Terns saw a peak of 16 on 8th and smaller numbers of Arctic Terns. Despite high water levels waders were still noted, usually flying through,  including 18 Bar-tailed Godwits also on 8th, two Grey Plovers, 10 Ringed and two Little Ringed Plovers, Sanderlings on three days and Whimbrel, five Dunlins, two Redshanks, single Mediterranean and Little Gulls with Osprey on four dates and two Hobbies.

Ravensthorpe Reservoir:  Osprey, Arctic Tern and five Greenshanks, a Whimbrel and a Little Ringed Plover were logged.

Stanford Reservoir: Twelve Black Terns (7th), Arctic Tern, Sanderling, Dunlin, two Common Sandpipers, an Osprey and three Hobbies with scarcities being a ‘Channel Wagtail’ and a Tree Pipit.

Stanwick GP: Again a good passage of Black Terns peaked at 20 on 7th, with up to four Arctic Terns. A Whimbrel, Common Sandpiper, Peregrine and Mediterranean Gull were recorded.

Thrapston GP: A first-summer Whooper Swan remained until 12th, Ospreys provided regular sightings. Two Arctic and up to four Black Terns passed through. At least four Hobbies and a Peregrine were logged along with Dunlin and Common Sandpiper.

Other sites: Ospreys were seen at Foxholes Fisheries Crick and Nasby Reservoir, Whinchats at Faxfleet Farm Duston and Sywell CP and Wheatears at Glapthorn, and Park Farm Wellingborough. An escaped female Bufflehead re-appeared at Clifford Hill GP after an absence of 10 months and a feral Ruddy Shelduck visited Ravensthorpe and Hollowell Reservoirs.

APRIL 2019

Highlights: A Cattle Egret was present at Stanwick GP from 17th to 22nd at least. A pair of Goosanders successfully bred for the first time ever, on the River Tove. ‘Ringtail’ Hen Harriers visited Stoke Albany on 4th and Polebrook Airfield on 29th and a male harrier sp. was at Fawsley Park on 7th. A Common Crane flew over Hanging Houghton on 12th, a Woodlark overflew Pitsford Reservoir on 15th and a Pied Flycatcher was at Barton Seagrave on 16th. A Great Northern Diver at Pitsford Reservoir was last reported on 16th and an over-wintering Great Grey Shrike near Hanging Houghton was last noted on 17th. Two Avocets visited Summer Leys on 20th and Ditchford GP next day. Ring Ouzels were seen at Draughton on 1st, Gretton on 7th, Hellidon on 8th and at Newnham Hill on 29th with another also present on 30th. Single Little Terns visited both Boddington Reservoir and Thrapston GP on 25th. Four Black-necked Grebes, all in full summer plumage, were seen at Daventry CP on 26th. A Black Redstart was present at Deene churchyard on 28th and Great White Egrets were noted at 11 sites, including three at both Stanford Reservoir and Thrapston GP, two at Sulby Reservoir and Earls Barton GP and singles at Daventry CP, Grafton Regis, Foxholes Fisheries Crick, Stanwick GP, Stanford Hall, Oundle floodwater, and Ravensthorpe Reservoir.

Clifford Hill GP: Passage waders included, Grey Plover, three Bar-tailed Godwits, three Whimbrels, Greenshank, Curlew, Golden Plover, Dunlin, Ringed and Little Ringed Plovers.  Four Black Terns, several Arctic Terns and a strong passage of more than 40 Little Gulls, with a peak count of 12 on 9th. Both Pink-footed Goose and Red-crested Pochard stayed for a day and up to 12 White Wagtails, a few Yellow Wagtails and Wheatears too. 

Daventry CP:  Single Little Gull, Redstart and Red-crested Pochard were joined by the first records of Common Tern (2nd), Tree Pipit (10th), Greenland Wheatear (11th) and Swift (25th). 

Ditchford GP:  Ospreys visited twice, a Pintail, a Black-tailed Godwit, two Arctic Terns and five Little Gulls were logged.

Earls Barton GP/Summer Leys:  Four Common Scoters stayed just a day (9th), but a drake Garganey from 1st was later joined by a second (4th) and a female from 22nd remaining all month. The earliest ever county record of Black Tern (7th) was the forerunner of a good passage of more than 20 Little Gulls, several Arctic Terns, flocks of godwits which included 28 Bar-tailed (22nd) and 47 Black-tailed (24th), Whimbrels on four days, Turnstone, two Ruffs,  five Dunlins, Green and Common Sandpipers, Ringed and Little Ringed Plovers. A pair of Mediterranean Gulls visited several times and single Ospreys and Marsh Harriers were seen more than once along with two Hobbies. Two Redstarts, Wheatear and a few White Wagtails were seen and the first records of Willow Warbler (2nd), Sedge and Grasshopper Warblers (3rd), Reed Warbler (13th) and Lesser Whitethroat (17th).

Hollowell Reservoir:  Ospreys were reported regularly.  The latest  Jack Snipe (13th), two Grey Plovers, Bar-tailed Godwit, two Whimbrels, four Dunlins, two Little Ringed and single Ringed Plover and Common Sandpiper. Little Gulls peaked at 11 on 8th and the first Arctic Tern (11th) and two Black Terns. Up to 13 Yellow and three White Wagtails were seen.
Pitsford Reservoir:  At least four Little Gulls and four Arctic Terns passed through. Ospreys were noted on nine days. Single Red-crested Pochard, Yellow-legged Gull, Peregrine, Wheatear, White Wagtail, and the joint earliest Swift (25th) were logged but with very high water levels only Greenshank, Green and Common Sandpipers were noted.

Stanford Reservoir: A stunning hybrid Yellow x Blue-headed Wagtail (Channel Wagtail) remained for five days along with up to 15 Yellow and three White Wagtails favouring the dam area. Several Whimbrels, two Greenshanks, Curlew, Green and Common Sandpipers, Ringed and Little Ringed Plovers were also seen. As at other sites, several sightings of Little Gulls included a party of 12 on 8th, Black Tern, Peregrine, Osprey and the first records of House Martin (4th), Whitethroat (14th) and Garden Warbler (15th).

Stanwick GP: A Knot was the star wader and two Black-tailed and two Bar-tailed Godwits visited. At least four Mediterranean Gulls attended the gull colony. Several Little Gulls and Arctic Terns were complemented by an Osprey, a Wheatear and a Short-eared Owl.

Thrapston GP: A Whooper Swan and two of the three Pink-footed Geese present at the start of the month remained throughout. Peak counts were of four Little Gulls, two Black Terns and two Black-tailed Godwits. Osprey, Hobbies, and two Mediterranean Gulls were joined by the first Nightingale (18th) and joint first Garden Warbler (19th).

Other sites: Boddington reservoir hosted three Little Gulls, small parties of up to 15 Arctic Terns and a Whimbrel. At Ravensthorpe Reservoir, an Osprey, two Little Gulls and a Green Sandpiper were present. A Short-eared Owl was at Finedon (1st) and a ‘Nordic’ Jackdaw at Wicksteed Park where also two LittleGulls. An Osprey flew over Oundle, single Jack Snipe were flushed at Upton Mill and Barnwell Lock. The first Cuckoos were heard at Salcey Forest and Barnwell on 16th and the first Hobby seen at Blisworth on 22nd. Redstarts were noted at Blueberry Farm Maidwell, Rothersthorpe, Hellidon (two) after the first at Moulton College (5th). Wheatears were at Upper Benefield, Harrington Airfield, Hanging Houghton, Brackley, Rushden, Kelmarsh, Bugbrooke and a Moulton garden.

MARCH 2019

Highlights: A juvenile-female Hen Harrier wintering around Stanford Reservoir was last seen on 1st.  A drake Ring-necked Duck at Stanwick GP stayed until 2nd with presumably the same bird re-located at Thrapston GP from 21st to 26th. A well-watched Great Grey Shrike near Hanging Houghton remained all month and a Cattle Egret was seen at Stanwick GP on 1st and 10th before being refound at nearby Ditchford GP/Rushden Lakes from 25th. A Black Redstart visited at Great Doddington gareden on 18th and a second-winter Iceland Gull attended the gull roost at Stanford on four dates between 6th and 22nd. The warm clear anticyclonic conditions were exploited by two thermalling Common Cranes over Brixworth on 23rd and two over Moulton and Holcot on 26th, and a White Stork, which had roosted overnight in neighbouring Warwickshire, was observed flying into Northants on 28th the same day that another, possibly a different bird, was over Ditchford GP. On 30th one was circling over Kentle Wood near Daventry. A Hooded Crow, rarer than all of the above in the county, was photographed near Earls Barton GP on 28th.Great Egrets were reported from eight sites, four at both Earls Barton and Thrapston GPs, three at Stanford Reservoir, two at Stanwick GP and singles at Pitsford Reservoir, Ditchford GP, Foxholes Fisheries Crick and over Welton.

Clifford Hill GP: The first Wheatear (17th), White Wagtail, up to four Little Ringed Plovers, 36 Golden Plovers, adult Mediterranean Gull, drake Red-crested Pochard and Barnacle Goose were recorded.

Earls Barton GP / Summer Leys: Two Avocets stayed just one day (23rd), up to three Black-tailed Godwits, several Curlews, four Redshanks, up to six Little Ringed Plovers and a Green Sandpiper were logged and the first Garganey, a drake, on 25th, also noted were an adult Mediterranean Gull and a Brambling again at the feeding station.

Hollowell Reservoir: The first White Wagtails, two on 9th  and the first Yellow Wagtail (30th), a Jack Snipe, single Crossbill, Redshank and Stonechat and both Caspian and Yellow-legged Gulls were again present.

Pitsford Reservoir: The first Osprey (18th) and Common Sandpiper (30th) arrived and the two wintering Great Northern Divers were still present on 21st with one remaining until 26th. A Firecrest (28th) was a good find as was the first singing Cetti’s Warbler at the site for many years. Other notables were a Jack Snipe with 48 Common Snipe, two Curlews, Merlin, two Crossbills, drake Red-crested Pochard, a second-summer Mediterranean Gull and a Wheatear. 

Stanford Reservoir: Two Pink-footed Geese remained until 20th at least, an adult Kittiwake (10th) was the first this year. Up to 60 Golden Plovers, two Curlews, Jack Snipe, Redshank and Green Sandpiper, an adult Mediterranean Gull and an early Swallow (30th) were seen.

Stanwick Lakes: A party of 16 Ruffs were the highlight, other waders were, nine Redshanks, two Little Ringed Plovers, the first on 18th, Black-tailed Godwit, Jack Snipe and Green Sandpiper and two Mediterranean Gulls were recorded.
Thrapston GP: Three long-staying Pink-footed Geese and a Whooper Swan were all still present at the end of the month. Jack Snipe, Curlew and redshank were logged along with a Peregrine.

Other sites: Two Whooper Swans flew over Duston (2nd), Daventry CP hosted a Mediterranean Gull on three days, sixteen Snipe and a Green Sandpiper. A Jack Snipe and a Caspian Gull were at Boddington Reservoir. Ospreys were seen over Cold Ashby, Bulwick and Deene Lake where also four Green Sandpipers. Up to two Short-eared Owls were regular at Neville’s Lodge Finedon, with others near Hanging Houghton, Ditchford GP and Lilbourne Meadows where also Little Ringed Plover and Curlew. The first Swallow was at Merry Tom Lane (24th) Wheatears were at Borough Hill, Kingsthorpe Meadows, Mears Ashby and Harrington airfield. Several Bramblings, two Corn Buntings, Wheatear and a male Merlin were still near Hanging Houghton. A Red-crested Pochard, a White Wagtail and a Yellow-legged Gull visited Hardingstone GP and a Jack Snipe was flushed at Stortons GP. Crossbills were seen throughout the month at Wakerley Great Wood where up to 9, 11 were at Harlestone Firs, two at Fineshade Wood and one over Scotland Wood. Bramblings and Blackcaps were reported in a number of gardens.


Highlights: Drake Ring-necked Ducks remained at Pitsford Reservoir until 14th and Earls Barton GP until 16th with presumably one of these appearing at Stanwick GP on 28th. Two juvenile Great Northern Divers stayed at Pitsford all month.  A Great Grey Shrike was last reported near Hanging Houghton on 22nd with another reported at Hollowell Reservoir on 15th. A Cattle Egret was photographed near Earls Barton on 21st. Juvenile Hen Harriers were regularly reported at Stanford Reservoir until 18th and at Neville’s Lodge near Finedon until 21st with others also at Hanging Houghton on 1st and Earls Barton GP on 10th. Thrapston GP hosted a Bittern from 1st to 3rd and a drake Smew also on 3rd. An early Avocet visited Hollowell Reservoir on 14th and Stanford hosted a second-winter Glaucous Gull on 5th and a juvenile Iceland Gull on 16th. Great Egrets were at 10 sites with five at both Thrapston GP and Earls Barton GP, four at Pitsford, two at Stanford and singles at Cransley, Hollowell, Ravensthorpe and Thorpe Malsor Reservoirs, Ditchford GP and over Hanging Houghton.

Hollowell Reservoir:  Two Caspian Gulls and a Yellow-legged Gull were identified, a Jack Snipe, two Green Sandpipers and three Stonechats were present.

PitsfordReservoir: Up to nine Red-crested Pochards, single Caspian and Yellow-legged Gulls, Redshank, Green Sandpiper and two Stonechats were logged.

Stanford Reservoir: Two Pink-footed Geese stayed for most of the month and five Whooper Swans flew over (2nd), other visitors included an adult Mediterranean Gull, and single Merlin, Pintail, Curlew and Green Sandpiper.

Thrapston GP: Three Pink-footed Geese and a White-fronted Goose remained for most of the month, as did a Whooper Swan and a Peregrine visited.

Other sites:  Two Caspian Gulls and a Mediterranean Gull were seen at Boddington Reservoir. A Short-eared Owl and three Curlews were at Lilbourne Meadows. A Short-eared Owl visited Harrington Airfield and up to three were regular at Neville’s Lodge Finedon. Merlins were noted at Chipping Warden, near Yardley Chase, Ravensthorpe Reservoir and regularly near Hanging Houghton where also up to four Corn Buntings with another of the latter near Culworth. Irchester CP hosted up to eight Crossbills with four also at Yardley Chase. Earls Barton GP hosted three Red-crested Pochards, 100 Golden Plovers and seven Dunlins. Several White-fronted Geese were heard calling over Byfield (2nd). A Red-crested Pochard was at Ditchford GP, a Caspian Gull at Rushton Landfill, a ‘Siberian’ Chiffchaff at Stanwick GP, a Black-tailed Godwit and Clifford Hill GP and a Jack Snipe at Desborough Airfield.


Highlights: A drake Ring-necked Duck remained all month at Pitsford Reservoir and a second was found at Earls Barton GP present from 11th to 21st.  Two Great Northern Divers also stayed at Pitsford throughout. A Woodlark was discovered near Woodford on 1st, a Lapland Bunting near Hanging Houghton from 23rd to 25th where up to four Corn Buntings and a Great Grey Shrike from 21st until the end of the month. A second-winter male Hen Harrier was seen at Ditchford GP on 2nd and at nearby Stanwick GP from 1st to 12th and at Neville’s Lodge on 12th and 13th with a ‘ringtail’ also at this latter site from 22nd to 28th. A juvenile Hen Harrier was recorded throughout the month at Stanford reservoir. Three Waxwings were briefly in Kettering on 16th, singles at East Hunsbury Northampton on 25th and at Desborough on 30th and six in flight at Staverton on 26th. A second-winter Iceland Gull visited the gull roost at Stanford on 17th and this site hosted a juvenile Glaucous Gull on 12th and 16th and a second-winter on 17th. A juvenile Glaucous also flew over Pitsford reservoir on 28th. Six Great Egrets were at both Pitsford and Thrapston GP, with 3 at Earls Barton, 2 at Ditchford and Stanwick with singles at Ravensthorpe Reservoir and Stanford.

Ditchford Lakes: A female Scaup stayed all month and there were two Red-crested Pochards, a Barnacle Goose and single Redshank and Jack Snipe.

Hollowell Reservoir: Three different aged Caspian Gulls were identified, also Yellow-legged Gull, two Peregrines, Jack Snipe, two Green Sandpipers and four Stonechats.

Pitsford Reservoir: Up to 19 Red-crested Pochards were present all month, also Scaup and Pintail. A Redshank, two Jack Snipes and 37 Snipes were noted. Two Yellow-legged Gulls and two Stonechats were present.

Stanford Reservoir: Two Pink-footed and two White-fronted Geese visited also two Red-crested Pochards.

Stanwick Lakes: A Pink-footed Goose was regularly seen also a Barnacle Goose, a Pintail, a Green Sandpiper and a ‘Nordic’ Jackdaw (29th) and an un-identified asio owl (1st)

Thrapston GP: A Whooper Swan was last seen on 28th, a White-fronted and three Pink-footed geese arrived at the end of the month and a Pintail was seen.

Other sites: A ‘Nordic’ Jackdaw was at Daventry CP (3rd) and four Green Sandpipers were present. Bozeat GP hosted three Jack Snipe, 20+ Snipe and two Stonechats. At Rushton Landfill, three different-aged Caspian Gulls visited. Boddington reservoir held both single Caspian and Yellow-legged Gulls as did Chacombe. Up to 800 Golden Plovers and a Ruff visited Earls Barton and three Green Sandpipers were at Ravensthorpe. Neville’s Lodge hosted up to three Short-eared Owls with two more at Harrington airfield. Merlins were noted at Badby, Hanging Houghton and Warmington, two Crossbills flew over Yardley Chase and five Jack Snipe were at Barnes Meadow. Bramblings were at Earls Barton and up to eight at Hanging Houghton.


Highlights: A drake Ring-necked Duck
Hen Harrier Stanwick Lakes
remained at Pitsford Reservoir all month along with a Great Northern Diver which arrived on 1st and next day was joined by a second bird also remaining all month. Two Cattle Egrets at Stanwick GP stayed until 12th and one until 14th, one visited Pitsford on 16th, a first for this site. Two other long-stayers were a ‘ringtail’ Hen Harrier at Stanford Reservoir and a male at Stanwick GP. A Firecrest visited Pitsford on 3rd and two Bearded Tits were present at an undisclosed site from 3rd to 11th. A juvenile Iceland Gull was discovered at Rushton Landfill on 28th. Great White Egrets were present at 10 sites;  four at Pitsford , three at Stanford and Thrapston GP, two at  Earls Barton and Stanwick GPs and singles at Hollowell and Ravensthorpe reservoirs, Ditchford GP, Fawsley Lake and Foxholes Fisheries Crick.

Daventry CP: Two Caspian, a Yellow-legged and an adult Mediterranean Gull on two dates were present and a Jack Snipe and four Green Sandpipers.

Ditchford GP: A female Scaup was present for most of the month, up to 440 Golden Plovers and a Redshank were noted also a Red-crested Pochard and a flyover Crossbill.
Hollowell: Two Red-crested Pochards, two Snipe, a Jack Snipe , for Stonechats, a Caspian and two Yellow-legged Gulls were logged.

Pitsford Reservoir: A Bewick’s Swan (5th-22nd) and 11 Whooper Swans (1st-26th) were joined by up to 16 Red-crested Pochards, 38 Pintails, drake and ‘redhead’ Smews and a Scaup. Waders included Black-tailed Godwit, Ruff, Redshank, up to eight Woodcocks, four Green Sandpipers and a count of 57 Snipe. Three Stonechats and a Yellow-legged Gull were also seen.

Stanford Reservoir: A Whooper Swan flew over and four Red-crested Pochards and three Pintails were noted as well as a Short-eared Owl (27th), a Peregrine,  two Green Sandpipers and a Golden Plover.

Stanwick Lakes: Six White-fronted Geese stayed until 20th and both Pink-footed and Barnacle Gees were present.  A Bittern and a Short-eared Owl (both 11th), Merlin (16th), Marsh Harrier (16th)and Peregrine were noted. Two Black-tailed Godwits, three Redshanks, a Green Sandpiper and 500 Golden Plovers, single Pintail, Scaup and Stonechat were also recorded. 

Thrapston GP: A juvenile Whooper Swan stayed all month with a Scaup staying until 21st. Two Red-crested Pochards, a Peregrine and a Stonechat were seen too.

Other sites:  A Marsh Harrier was photographed at Earls Barton GP and up to 250 Golden Plovers  and a Brambling were seen. Short-eared Owls were watched at Borough Hill, Neville’s Lodge Finedon and Harrington Airfield. Ravensthorpe hosted a Water Pipit (8th), two Mandarin and three Green Sandpipers. Three Caspian Gulls were identified at Rushton Landfill with another near Chacombe, and a White-fronted Goose visited Sywell CP. A Whooper Swan was on a pool at Purston. Eleven Crossbills were watched at Fineshade Wood and Burton Latimer Pocket Park hosted a Jack Snipe. A Peregrine remained at Oundle church and both Peregrine and Merlin were seen at Kentle Wood.  Up to eight Bramblings were near Hanging Houghton.

NB. From 1st January Steppe Grey Shrike has been lumped by the IOC with Great Grey Shrike, so the County List drops one to 322.


Bearded Tit, Stanwick - Martin Dove

Highlights: The county’s 6th Ring-necked Duck, a drake, was briefly at Thrapston GP on 11th and refound at Pitsford Reservoir on 25th. The party of six Velvet Scoters at Thrapston GP stayed until 11th with just one until 17th. A Hooded Crow at Alderton on 7th was the first this century and two Bearded Tits stayed at Stanwick GP from 4th to 10th, where also up to four Cattle Egrets all month.  A male Hen Harrier was at Harrington airfield on 2nd with a ‘ringtail’ at Stanford reservoir regularly all month. There were two reports of Rough-legged Buzzards at Apethorpe on 9th and Aldwincle on 11th. The first Bewick’s Swans of 2018 was a party of six at Thrapston GP briefly on 25th. A Bittern was at Stortons GP on 3rd. a Hawfinch at Brixworth CP on 13th and a Firecrest at Pitsford reservoir on 29th. Great White Egrets were noted at nine sites, singles at Hollowell and Ravensthorpe reservoirs, Clifford Hill, Ditchford, Earls Barton and Thrapston gravel pits, two at Stanford reservoir and Stanwick GP and at least four at Pitsford . 

Daventry CP:  Two Mediterranean, a Caspian and two Yellow-legged Gulls were seen also a Black-tailed Godwit, six Green Sandpipers, two Dunlin and 156 Golden Plovers. Three Red-crested Pochards and a Peregrine were logged.

Hollowell Reservoir: A late Common Sandpiper (16th), 70 Golden Plovers  and a Dunlin, three Red-crested Pochards, six Pintails, three Stonechats and a Brambling were joined by a Caspian and two Yellow-legged Gulls.

Pitsford Reservoir: Nine Whooper Swans on 1st increased to 11 on 2nd and these stayed all month. Up to 20 Red-crested Pochards, 17 Pintails and a Scaup were seen and waders included a Spotted Redshank (26th), Ruff, Black-tailed Godwit, Redshank, Common and two Green Sandpipers and 80 Golden Plovers. Two Mediterranean, two Yellow-legged and a Caspian Gull were seen and three Stonechats and a Peregrine.
Stanford: A Marsh Harrier stayed three days, two Common Scoters (19th), up to seven Red-crested Pochards and three Whooper Swans (13th) were joined by two Short-eared Owls and two Green Sandpipers.

Stanwick Lakes: Single Pink-footed and Barnacle joined the resident goose flock and a Red-crested Pochard and two Pintails were noted. A Spotted Redshank, Jack Snipe, Common and Green Sandpipers, four Dunlins and 100 Golden Plovers completed the waders. A Marsh Harrier (11th), a Short-eared Owl and a Brambling passed through.

Thrapston GP: A Scaup remained for most of the month as did a Whooper Swan and a Red-crested Pochard was seen.

Other sites: Ditchford GP hosted five flyover White-fronted Geese (25th) and a Stonechat.  A Red-crested Pochard and four Pintail were at Clifford Hill GP. A Whooper Swan, a Black-tailed Godwit and 50 Golden Plovers were at Earls Barton. Two White-fronted Geese stayed at Sywell CP from 2nd to 18th. Two Short-eared Owls were at Borough Hill with singles at Harrington airfield and Weldon. A party of eight Crossbills flew over Ditchford GP with another at Fineshade Wood. Adult Caspian Gulls were noted in fields at Middleton Cheney and Chacombe. Three Red-crested Pochards visited Wicksteed Park and a Brambling was at Brixworth CP. Three Green Sandpipers stayed at Ravensthorpe reservoir. Merlins were noted at Harrington airfield and near Hanging Houghton. A few Goosanders arrived and Blackcaps visited a number of gardens.

Velvet Scoter, Thrapston GP - Bob Bullock

Highlights: Five Common Cranes flew over Shutlanger on 4th with another party of eight over Fawsley Park on 27th. A Cattle Egret visited Earls Barton GP from 7th to 14th and two were later at Stanwick GP from 18th to 31st.  A Honey Buzzard lingered a while at Kingsthorpe Golf Course on 10th. A Yellow-browed Warbler was trapped and ringed at Stanford reservoir on 10th with others reported at Stoke Wood Desborough on 26th and in Corby on 28th. A Gannet was photographed at Earls Barton on 10th and one flew over Long Buckby on 21st. A Great Skua spent an afternoon at Sywell CP on 16th and a Richard’s Pipit was present at Chelveston airfield from 13th to 15th. Black Redstarts were at Towcester on 15th with two at both Chelveston airfield from 15th to 19th and at Great Oakley on 17th. A party of eight juvenile Velvet Scoters were the first in the county since 1995 and six remained until the end of the month.

Daventry CP:  A Rock Pipit paid a brief visit but a Black-tailed Godwit stayed for more than two weeks, also present were up to six Green Sandpipers, a Dunlin, a Mediterranean and three Yellow-legged Gulls, single Brambling and Pintail as well as two Red-crested Pochards.

Earls Barton GP:  Single Jack Snipe, Black-tailed Godwit and Dunlin, two Green Sandpipers, 12 Whooper Swans, six Red-crested Pochards and a Hobby were seen.

Hollowell Reservoir: An Arctic Tern was still present (10th). A Caspian ad two Yellow-legged Gulls were noted along with a party of 17 Whooper Swans, three Pintails, two Rock Pipits on the dam, single Jack Snipe and Ruff and four Stonechats.

Pitsford Reservoir:  Red-crested Pochard numbers slowly increased to 20 by the end of the month including two leucistic females. Whooper Swans numbers too increased to 11 by the 29th remaining until the end of the month.  Up to 16 Pintails, a Mandarin and a Scaup were noted also Hobby and Short-eared Owl (17th).  A Curlew, a Common and four Green Sandpipers were present.  Passerines of interest included a Hawfinch (17th), Crossbill, Rock Pipit, three Stonechats and 11 Bramblings. Two Mediterranean, a Caspian and a Yellow-legged Gull were noted.

Stanford Reservoir:  Single Peregrine, Green Sandpiper and Redstart, two each of Brambling, Stonechat and Willow Tit were the star birds.

Stanwick GP:  A Pink-footed Goose stayed from 24th. Waders included three Dunlins, 46 Golden Plovers, single Black-tailed Godwit, Redshank, Green and Common Sandpiper. A Red-crested Pochard and five Bramblings were logged.

Thrapston GP: Twenty four Whooper Swans arrived (18th) with two more a week later. 
Velvet Scoter, Thrapston - Bob Bullock
Red-crested Pochards totalled four and a Scaup was noted too.  Ninety Golden Plovers, a Marsh Harrier (22nd) a Brambling and a Firecrest (1st) were logged.

Other sites: Boddington Reservoir hosted a grey Plover, two Ringed Plovers and a White Wagtail. Six Whooper Swans visited Clifford Hill GP along with two White-fronted Geese which moved to Sywell CP until the month’s end. A Ring Ouzel was at Fermyn Wood CP. Chelveston Airfield hosted a Merlin (19th), two Stonechats and a Wheatear.  A late Whinchat (18th) was at Bozeat GP along with four Stonechats, two Green Sandpipers and a Jack Snipe. A Whooper Swan was seen at Cransley Reservoir with four more over Brackmills Northampton. A Short-eared Owl was at Harrington Airfield (20th) also a Stonechat, two Bramblings and a few Golden Plovers. At Ravensthorpe Reservoir, four Pintails, four Green Sandpipers and a Yellow-legged Gull were noted. Ditchford GP hosted a flyover Grey Plover, Rock Pipit, Stonechat and Peregrine. A single and a group of four Crossbills flew over Northampton. Three Crossbills and two Bramblings were noted at Hanging Houghton. Sywell CP hosted 170 Golden Plovers.


Highlights: Two Sandwich Terns visited Boddington reservoir on 4th and a Bittern seen in flight at Earls Barton GP on 5th. Honey Buzzards flew over Cogenhoe on 8th and Pitsford Reservoir on 9th. A Pied Flycatcher was watched at Thrupp on 15th and a juvenile Grey Phalarope stayed at Daventry CP from 21st to 25th, with another at Pitsford Reservoir from 24th to 25th. A juvenile Gannet flew over Holdenby on 24th and a Wryneck was in Earls Barton on 30th. Great White Egrets were present at Daventry, Sulby, Ravensthorpe and Pitsford Reservoirs and Thrapston GP with two at both Earls Barton and Stanwick GPs.

Clifford Hill GP: A Pink-footed Goose was again present and a Black Tern. Peregrine and Hobby were both recorded and waders included a Ruff, four Dunlins, one Green and two Common Sandpipers. Two Whinchats were also present.

Daventry CP: A Garganey remained for two weeks and up to three Pintails were present. A Redstart and three Whinchats passed through and two Greenshanks, up to eight Green and two Common Sandpipers, Dunlin, two Ringed and one Little Ringed Plover and single Mediterranean, Caspian and Yellow-legged Gulls visited.

Hollowell Reservoir: Waders included a long-staying Spotted Redshank, up to three Greenshanks, four Common Sandpipers, three Dunlins, four Ringed and two Little Ringed Plovers and a Ruff. Osprey, Hobby, Whinchat, Stonechat and Wheatear were seen along with two Pintails, three Goosanders, single Yellow-legged and Caspian Gulls.

Pitsford Reservoir: A long-staying Black Tern was still present on 27th. A Garganey and up to four Pintails were seen and an Osprey visited on four dates along with up to four Hobbies. Yellow-legged Gulls were often present along with a single Mediterranean Gull. A Knot, two Turnstones, a Greenshank, Ringed and Little Ringed Plover, Dunlin and Common Sandpiper were present. Whinchat, two Stonechats, two Wheatears, two White and up to 20 Yellow Wagtails were also seen.

Ravensthorpe Reservoir: A Garganey paid a brief visit, adult Caspian and Yellow-legged Gulls were logged and there were two Green and one Common Sandpiper.
Stanford reservoir: Eight Red-crested Pochards were joined by three Whinchats and two Redstarts.

Stanwick GP: An Osprey passed through and both Pintail and Garganey too. A Redstart, two White Wagtails and a few common waders were logged. Up to 18 Yellow-legged Gulls were seen along with single Caspian and Mediterranean Gulls.

Thrapston GP: Marsh Harriers were seen on two dates along with two Hobbies and a Peregrine. A Black Tern, a juvenile Little Gull and a Yellow-legged Gull were also noted.

Other sites: Wood Sandpipers visited Stortons GP and Boddington Reservoir, with a White Wagtail and two Common Sandpipers also at the latter.  Whinchats were noted at Wicksteed Park, Pineham, Sywell CP and Blueberry Farm Maidwell. An Osprey flew over Cosgrove and a Caspian Gull, a Greenshank and a Green Sandpiper were present at Naseby Reservoir. A Little Gull visited Sywell CP and two Redstarts stayed at Twywell. A Caspian and four Yellow-legged Gulls were at Priors Hall, two Green Sandpipers and a Yellow-legged Gull at Ravensthorpe reservoir. Two Whinchats, a Wheatear and 12 Golden Plovers were at Harrington Airfield.


Highlights: A Wryneck was at Foxhill Farm Daventry on 4th and a Bittern at Stortons GP on 5th. A Marsh Warbler was ringed at Stanford Reservoir on 9th and a northern Willow Warbler there on 21st. A Spotted Crake was reported crossing a road near Clifford Hill GP on 29th and single Great White Egrets were at Hollowell Reservoir, Ditchford GP, Daventry CP and at Thrapston GP were present all month and up to three on two dates.

Borough Hill:  An Osprey flew over and Tree Pipits, Redstarts and Whinchats visited.

Clifford Hill GP:  Greenshank, Green Sandpiper, two Common Sandpipers and up to six Dunlins and a White Wagtail were recorded.
Daventry CP: Two Caspian, five Yellow-legged and a Mediterranean Gull were logged. Waders included four Black-tailed Godwits, three Greenshanks, three Little Ringed Plovers, 12 Green and seven Common Sandpipers and a Dunlin. An Osprey flew over.

Ditchford GP:  Ospreys were noted on two days also two Marsh Harriers, a juvenile Mediterranean Gull and two Black-tailed Godwits.

Earls Barton GP: A Garganey was present for a few days. A Marsh Harrier, two Ruffs, four Green and one Common Sandpiper and two Little Ringed Plovers visited.

Hollowell Reservoir: Two Spotted Redshanks, three Greenshanks, single Whimbrel, Black-tailed Godwit, Redshank and Little Ringed Plover, nine Common and four Green Sandpipers found the narrow muddy edge to their liking. Up to two Ospreys were regular and two Hobbies were seen.  A Black Tern visited (22nd) also single Mediterranean, Caspian and Yellow-legged Gulls and a Garganey was present for most of the month.

Pitsford Reservoir: A Marsh Harrier was again present and Ospreys were seen twice along with two Hobbies.  A Garganey and three Pintails (31st), two Mediterranean, Caspian and Yellow-legged Gulls, Turnstone, Curlew, Ruff, Common Sandpiper, Whinchat, Tree Pipit and Wheatear were noted.

Stanford Reservoir: The Ringing Group trapped and ringed four Tree Pipits, Whinchat and Redstart. Both Marsh Harrier and Osprey were reported along with Black-tailed Godwit, Greenshank and Little Gull.

Stanwick GP: A Garganey stayed for three weeks. Waders included a Stint sp which flew before being identified, three Black-tailed Godwits, three Ringed and two Little Ringed Plovers, three Green and two Common Sandpipers and a Dunlin. A Marsh Harrier paid a brief visit.

Thrapston GP: Up to three Ospreys were regular throughout the month and Marsh Harriers recorded twice along with two Hobbies.  A Turnstone, two Black-tailed Godwits, Green and Common Sandpiper and two Yellow-legged Gulls were logged.

Other sites: Juvenile Mediterranean Gulls were identified at Ringstead GP and Boddington reservoir. More Ospreys were noted over Borough Hill, Moulton (two), Fawsley Park Lake and Priors Hall where also a Marsh Harrier. A Red-crested Pochard was noted at Ravensthorpe reservoir. Tree Pipits were noted at Harrington airfield, Welford Quarry, Naseby reservoir and Croughton Quarry.  Single Whinchats visited Glapthorn Cow Pasture and Twywell with two at both Chelveston airfield and Wicksteed Park water meadows. Up to three Redstarts were noted at Twywell with others at Harrington Airfield, Fawsley, Old (four), Blueberry Farm (four) and near Hanging Houghton where also an early returning Ring Ouzel was recorded (28th). Wheatears visited Cold Oak Copse and Harrington.

JULY 2018

Highlights: A Great White Egret at Thrapston GP from 1st to 11th was joined by a second bird for the rest of the month and another was at Stanwick GP from 28th. The latter site also hosted a large flock of 62 Whimbrel on 27th. A summer-plumaged Spotted Redshank visited the Summer Leys reserve at Earls Barton GP from 1st to 5th and a singing Quail was reported at Cogenhoe on 13th. A probable adult Baltic Gull was photographed Daventry CP on 26th and 27th. An unidentified skua was reported over Brackmills Northampton on 10th.
Clifford Hill GP: An unseasonal Pink-footed Goose was present on17th and 20 Black-tailed Godwits on 20th. A Black Tern and a Little Ringed Plover were also logged.

Daventry CP: Four juvenile Mediterranean Gulls were noted in the second half of the month. A Caspian and four Yellow-legged Gulls were also identified. Waders included two Redshanks, two Little Ringed Plovers, three Common and four Green Sandpipers. A female Garganey arrived on 17th.

Earls Barton GP: Two Garganeys were present at the beginning of the month. A series of Black-tailed Godwit records included a peak of 15 on 17th. A Greenshank, two Green and four Common Sandpipers arrived, also two Hobbies and a Marsh Harrier (1st).

Pitsford Reservoir: A Marsh Harrier was present on 2nd and 4th and Red-crested Pochard numbers rose from two to nine, including five drakes. Two juvenile Mediterranean and several Yellow-legged Gulls were seen.

Stanwick GP: Black-tailed Godwits were seen regularly and single Ruff and Greenshank passed through along with six Common and two Green Sandpipers, two Redshanks and seven Yellow-legged Gulls. Both Osprey and Marsh Harrier visited (16th).

Thrapston GP: Up to two Ospreys were present on several dates also a Marsh Harrier (28th) five Black-tailed Godwits, two Green Sandpipers and a Yellow-legged Gull.

Other sites: Ospreys visited Stanford reservoir three times and a peak of 11 Common Sandpipers noted. Two Ospreys were seen over Corby with others over Oundle and Towcester. A drake Common Scoter visited Boddington reservoir (26th). A Redstart was at Fawsley Park (22nd) and a Crossbill over Wellingorough.

JUNE 2018

Highlights: An adult Gannet flew over Rushden on 1st, being seen later over Earls Barton GP and next day at Clifford Hill GP.  A Wood Warbler was still present in Fineshade until 9th. A Quail was singing at Harrington airfield and a Golden Oriole reported singing early morning in Northampton on 3rd. A Honey Buzzard flew over Nether Heyford on 20th and a male Hen Harrier over Fineshade Wood on 24th. A singing male Firecrest was in Badby Wood from 24th to 30th and single Great White Egrets were seen over Aston-le-Walls on 8th and present all month at Thrapston GP.

Earls Barton GP:  A drake Garganey present from 26th was joined by a female from 29th. A Mediterranean Gull again visited the Black-headed Gull colony briefly, a Hobby, three Black-tailed Godwits (20th) and a Little Ringed Plover were logged and Redshank, Oystercatcher and Lapwing all bred successfully.

Thrapston GP: An Osprey was seen regularly also Hobby and Marsh Harrier (23rd).

Other sites: Further Osprey sightings were made at Deene Lake, Weldon Quarry, Hollowell reservoir and Byfield. A drake Garganey visited Stanwick GP and a Marsh Harrier was at Pitsford reservoir (30th). A first-summer Caspian Gull was identified at Rushton Landfill and 10 Crossbills visited Park Campus Kingsthorpe and heard at Fermyn Wood.

MAY 2018

Highlights: A Common Crane was photographed over Wadenhoe on 3rd the same day that a Black-necked Grebe was last seen at Pitsford Reservoir. A  Wryneck visited Thrapston GP on 4th and Wood Warblers were singing at Borough Hill on 12th and Fineshade Wod on 27th. An adult Rose-coloured Starling in a Wellingborough garden on 25th was only the fourth county record. A ’ringtail’ Harrier was near Hardwick Wood on 29th and single Great White Egrets were at Earls Barton GP up to 7th and at Thrapston GP all month.

Clifford Hill GP: A good passage of Arctic Terns peaked at 84 on 2nd and just three Black Terns were noted. Twelve Greenland Wheatears, 10 White Wagtails and a Whinchat were all present on 1st. Waders included up to 40 ‘tundra’ Ringed Plovers, 13 Dunlins, 20 Sanderlings (25th), four Turnstones, two Common Sandpipers and two Little Ringed Plovers. A Pink-footed Goose was logged on 29th and a female Bufflehead (escape) re-appeared briefly.

Daventry CP: A male Redstart, a Black Tern, and single Caspian and Yellow-legged Gulls were seen.

Earls Barton: Two Garganeys were seen intermittently throughout the month and up to 15 Hobbies. A Little Gull and up to 10 Black Terns were seen also a Redstart and two Wheatears. Four Wood Sandpipers (6th) were followed later by another, an Avocet (16th), up to four Turnstones,  four Sanderlings, four Black-tailed Godwits, seven Little Ringed and six Ringed Plovers, Dunlin, Common and Green Sandpipers, Redshanks  and a Greenshank.

Hollowell Reservoir: A high count of 55 Arctic Terns passed through on 2nd with an Osprey regularly seen and number of Yellow Wagtails.

Pitsford Reservoir: A Little Tern (30th) was the only county record so far this year.  A count of 80+ Arctic Terns (2nd) coincided with a large movement on this date. Other notables were six Black Terns, a Sanderling and an Osprey.

Stanford Reservoir: A Whooper Swan (12th) was on an unusual date, Black Terns peaked at seven and a Greenshank occurred.

Stanwick GP: Up to two Mediterranean Gulls were regular and there were peaks of 10 Arctic and three Black Terns and Garganeys were regular with up to three present. A series of wader records included single Avocet,  Grey Plover and Wood Sandpiper, two Turnstones, several Sanderlings, 29 ‘tundra’ Ringed Plovers and five Dunlins.

Thrapston GP:  Marsh Harriers visited on 13th and 20th, up to eight Hobbies, regular Osprey, a Knot, a Garganey, and a peak count made of five Black Terns.

Other sites: Ospreys were also reported at Oundle Mill and Blatherwycke Lake. Nine Black Terns were reported at Boddington reservoir with three more and two Common Sandpipers at Ditchford GP.  Four Greenshanks visited Barnwell floods with others at Croughton Quarry and Ditchford. Turtle Doves were noted at just three sites. A Whinchat was at Long Buckby, a Stonechat at Cottesbrooke and a Corn Bunting at Moulton. A Whooper Swan visited Barnwell flood and there was a good passage of Greenland Wheatears with records from eight sites.

APRIL 2018

Highlights: A Black Redstart visited Newnham Hill on 7th, a Black-necked Grebe was at Stanwick GP on 14th and another stayed at Pitsford reservoir from 14th until 24th at least. A Stone Curlew was in flight near Upton on 19th and a Dutch ringed White Stork at Clifford Hill GP on 20th. A ‘ringtail’ Hen Harrier flew over Borough Hill on 25th and a Firecrest was singing at Thrapston GP on 28th. Great White Egrets were at eight sites:-  gravel pits at Billing, Clifford Hill, Ditchford, Earls Barton and Stanwick, Pitsford and Stanford reservoirs and floodwater at Barnwell. 

Boddington Reservoir: Two Common Scoters (9th), a drake Garganey, Redstart (10th), Whinchat and Common Sandpiper were recorded.

Clifford Hill GP: A male Ring Ouzel stayed four days. Three parties of up to 11 Little Gulls passed through, also a good passage of Arctic Terns in the last week. Seven Brent Geese (13th), a Red-crested Pochard and a pair of Garganey visited briefly but three Common Scoters stayed five days. A good flock of 63 Black-tailed Godwits included a colour-ringed bird, a Turnstone, two Whimbrels, 10 Dunlins, two Little Ringed plovers and three Common Sandpipers were seen. Up to 10 Wheatears, two White Wagtails and a few Yellow Wagtails were noted.

Daventry CP: Six Common Scoters (9th) and four on 12th, a Kittiwake (8th), a Mediterranean and two Yellow-legged Gulls were supplemented by a passage of Little Gulls and Arctic Terns and a Hobby visited.

Ditchford GP: Two Little Gulls, an Arctic Tern and the only Black Tern (19th) were noted.

Earls Barton GP: Two Avocets (14th) visited, also single Wood Sandpiper, Bar-tailed Godwit, Curlew and Greenshank, up to seven Little Ringed Plovers, two Whimbrels, six Dunlins, Ringed Plover and three Common Sandpipers. Three Garganeys, two Mediterranean and two Little Gulls, Turtle Dove (20th), up to nine Arctic Terns, White Wagtail, Wheatear, Brambling (13th), Hobby and Peregrine were all logged.

Hollowell Reservoir: An Osprey was fishing and Whimbrel, Jack Snipe, two Common Sandpipers, two Arctic Terns, two Caspian Gulls, Peregrine and a peak count of 20 Yellow Wagtails were seen.

Pitsford Reservoir: Two drake Common Scoters stayed five days, a Scaup noted and an Osprey was seen a few times also Peregrine. The first Cuckoo (9th) and three Arctic Terns and a Wheatear and a first-winter Kittiwake (2nd) was later picked up dead.
Stanford reservoir: The first Sandwich Tern (8th), Osprey and Greenshank also a Red-crested Pochard, 11 Arctic Terns and early warblers, Willow (5th) and Garden (15th).

Stanwick GP: A Brent Goose stayed a week and a Pink-footed Goose was last seen on 7th. A Marsh Harrier (14th), a drake Garganey, a Kittiwake (8th) and two Mediterranean Gulls were among the better birds recorded. Waders included two Knots (8th), Bar-tailed and Black-tailed Godwits, two Curlews, seven Redshanks and a Little Ringed Plover.

Thrapston GP: An Osprey was regular and two Kittiwakes were seen, one stayed five days.  An Arctic Tern, two Garganeys, two Whimbrels and the first singing Reed Warblers (18th)

Other sites: Ravensthorpe reservoir hosted an Osprey and a Common Scoter. At Borough Hill, a Tree Pipit (29th) and five Wheatears were seen. The first Hobby was at Ringstead GP (13th). Barnwell floods hosted up to four Garganeys, a Black-tailed Godwit, two White Wagtails and the first Grasshopper Warbler (9th). Ospreys were reported from Broughton , Harringworth Lodge Lake (2), Welford reservoir, Ringstead GP and Hanging Houghton. Ring Ouzels were present at Chelveston (8th), near Brampton Halt (9th) and at Farthingstone, three (21st). A Common Scoter was heard at night over Duston. Nightingales were heard at Yardley Chase and Southwick Wood. Harrington airfield hosted both Redstart and Wheatear and another Redstart was near Scaldwell. A Whimbrel flew over Northampton and Wheatears were at seven further sites. A Hawfinch was still at Cottesbrooke (8th) and a ‘Channel Wagtail’ near Barnwell. Two Red-crested Pochards visited Kislingbury GP and single Corn Buntings were at Hinton, Woodford Halse and near Upper Benefield, the latter filmed strangely singing like a Yellowhammer!

MARCH 2018

Highlights: Single Avocets visited Earls Barton GP on 7th and Clifford Hill GP on 13th. A Spoonbill made a brief stop at Stanwick GP on 11th and Iceland Gulls were noted at Boddington Reservoir on 4th and at Pitsford Reservoir on 13th. Great White Egrets were at just five sites, with a maximum of four at Earls Barton GP, two at both Thrapston GP and Stanwick GP and singles at Ditchford GP and Hollowell Reservoir. Hawfinches were logged at eight localities, with 17 at Polebrook Airfield, four at Thenford and just ones or twos at Dallington Cemetary Northampton, Irchester, Fawsley, Salcey Forest, Cottesbrooke and East Carlton CP.

First Migrants: A Sand Martin was at Boddington Reservoir and Little Ringed Plover at Priors Hall Corby on 10th, Osprey over Billing on 13th, Wheatear at Whiston Lock on 26th, Swallow at Earls Barton GP, Common Tern at Thrapston GP and a pair of Garganey on floodwater, all on 30th.

Clifford Hill GP: A redhead Smew stayed for three days, a Grey Plover flew over (8th) and a Mediterranean Gull was noted. The last day of the month produced two Wheatears and a Pink-footed Goose.

Daventry CP: Kittiwake, Mediterranean and two Yellow-legged Gulls were logged, also a Merlin  and an Osprey (both 26th), two Common Scoters (24th), two Dunlins and a Green Sandpiper.

Ditchford GP: A drake Smew lingered until 2nd, three Scaup stayed four days also a Pintail. A Black-tailed Godwit, two Curlews and a Redshank were seen.

Earls Barton: A Marsh Harrier was seen over four days also a Peregrine. Four Pintails, a Curlew, two Green Sandpipers and two Bramblings were logged.

Hollowell Reservoir: Up to three Caspian Gulls were regularly identified and two Jack Snipes and two Stonechats were present.

Pitsford Reservoir:  A Slavonian Grebe remained until 27th. Twelve Kittiwakes visited the gull roost (16th), two Caspian, two Yellow-legged and a Mediterranean Gull were also noted. Peregrine and Osprey visited.

Stanford Reservoir: Three Whooper Swans visited (1st) and six Common Scoters (25th), two Curlews, a Redshank, a Dunlin and a Stonechat were noted.

Stanwick Lakes: A Pink-footed stayed all month, up to three Scaups were present for a week also three Pintails. Waders included a Knot (2nd), four Black-tailed Godwits, two Curlews, two Ruffs, 14 Redshanks, three Dunlins and a Jack Snipe. A Mediterranean Gull was seen on several dates also a Kittiwake (24th), two Caspian and a Yellow-legged Gull.  A Peregrine was present.

Thrapston GP: Two drake Common Scoters and a Little Gull (4th) were joined by a Mediterranean Gull, a Curlew and a Brambling.

Other sites: A juvenile Whooper Swan stayed at Ravensthorpe Reservoir until 4th and a Kittiwake was seen. Floodwater near Oundle attracted a Black-tailed Godwit, five Golden Plovers, a Dunlin and four Redshanks. A Short-eared Owl was flushed near Milton Malsor and two Jack Snipe near Hartwell.  A Corn Bunting was attracted to feeders in Woodford Halse and Hinton with up to 60 Yellowhammers, 10 Tree Sparrows and three Bramblings and at least one Mealy Redpoll was still in Irthlingborough. Merlins were recorded at Chapel Brampton and Hemington. Boddington reservoir hosted at least two Mediterranean and one Caspian Gull. Another Caspian Gull visited Rushton Landfill and Harrington airfield attracted two Wheatears and a few Golden Plovers, Hanging Houghton hosted four Wheatears, 30 Golden Plovers and a Brambling. Bramblings were still visiting feeders in gardens across the county.


Highlights: At Pitsford Reservoir, a ‘ringtail’ Hen Harrier visited on 3rd and a Slavonian Grebe remained all month. A second-winter Iceland Gull was at Rushton Landfill on 10th and 11th and the same site hosted an adult Glaucous Gull on 11th and 25th with a juvenile also there on 12th and 17th.  Up to four Mealy redpolls visited an Irthlingborough garden and Hawfinches were reported from just eight sites with a maximum of 20 at Thenford, four at both Cottesbrooke  and Blatherwycke, two in Oundle and singles at Salcey Forest, Lings Wood, Fineshade Wood and Pitsford reservoir. Great White Egrets were at six sites, three at Earls Barton GP and Stanwick GP, and singles at Thrapston GP, Ditchford GP and reservoirs at Ravensthorpe and Stanford.

Ditchford: A drake Smew was recorded intermittently all month, a Scaup visited on 18th and two Redshanks and two Stonechats were present.

Earls Barton: Five Red-crested Pochards included four drakes, three Bramblings visited the feeding station and Peregrine, Dunlin and Redshank were seen.

Hollowell Reservoir: Three Caspian Gulls and a Yellow-legged Gull were logged also two Jack Snipes and two Stonechats.

Pitsford Reservoir: A Kittiwake visited (4th) and a female Common Scoter (13th). The gull roost attracted two Mediterranean, a Caspian and two Yellow-legged. Other notables were two Pintails, 15 Golden Plovers, two Redshanks and two Stonechats.

Stanwick Lakes: A Pink-footed Goose remained all month and a Bittern was seen twice. Six Pintails and a Peregrine were recorded and waders included a Black-tailed Godwit, 300 Golden Plovers, seven Redshanks and a Dunlin.

Thrapston GP: Three Red-crested Pochards and a Willow Tit were seen. Three Caspian and two Yellow-legged Gulls visit the roost.

Other Sites: A juvenile Whooper Swan stayed all month at Ravensthorpe. A Firecrest was near Lowick (4th), a Corn Bunting near Upper Benefield (22nd) and a Scaup was still at Sywell CP on 5th. Two Short-eared Owls were near Bozeat, up to eight Ring-necked Parakeets were in Abington Park Northampton with other in Wootton and Little Billing. Jack Snipes were seen at Hartwell and Harrington airfield and Woodcocks were noted at a number of localities including rural gardens. Blackcaps and Bramblings visited gardens throughout the county. Rushton Landfill hosted three Caspian and a Yellow-legged Gull.


Highlights: A Great Northern Diver was still at Hollowell Reservoir on 1st before moving to Pitsford Reservoir until 6th. A juvenile Glaucous Gull was at Thorpe Malsor Reservoir on 1st and at Rushton Landfill on 5th. A Rough-legged Buzzard was reported between Blakesley and Greens Norton and a Brent Goose was on roadside flood pools near Lilbourne on 7th. A Waxwing was photographed in Corby on 10th with two nearby at Gretton on 30th. A Slavonian Grebe stayed at Pitsford from 5th until the month’s end and a male Hen Harrier was at Yardley Gobion on 11th with a ‘ringtail’ at Pitsford Reservoir on 28th. A Corn Bunting was seen with a Yellowhammer flock near Thorpe Mandeville on 27th. Hawfinches were still regular with a peak of 20 at Thenford, 14+ at Cottesbrooke, six at East Carlton CP and between one and three at Silverstone, Earls Barton GP, Badby, Aynho, Edgcote, Charwelton and Northampton. Three Great White Egrets were at both Earls Barton GP and Ditchford GP, two at Stanwick GP, Pitsford and Ravensthorpe Reservoirs, and singles at Stanford Reservoir, Thrapston GP and Hollowell Reservoir.

Ditchford GP: A drake Smew was present also a Short-eared Owl and two Stonechats.

Earls Barton: A Scaup (30th) and two Pintail were logged also 53 Golden Plovers, a Peregrine and  a feral flock of 40+ Barnacle Geese.

Hollowell Reservoir: An adult Caspian and three Yellow-legged Gulls were present, also two Jack Snipes, a Pintail and three Stonechats.

Pitsford Reservoir: Two drake Smews, a drake Red-crested Pochard and a Pintail were complemented by 100+ Golden Plovers, three Redshanks, a Green Sandpiper, two Caspian and two Yellow-legged Gulls, a Merlin and a Stonechat.

Ravensthorpe Reservoir: A juvenile Whooper Swan remained all month, also present were three Green Sandpipers, a Caspian and two Yellow-legged Gulls.

Stanwick Lakes: A Pink-footed Goose stayed all month and a flock of 44 Barnacle Geese (presumed feral) remained a while. A Black-tailed Godwit, five Redshanks, 100 Golden Plovers and a Dunlin were present on the flooded meadows along with a Water Pipit, four Pintails, a Peregrine and a Stonechat.

Sywell CP: A female Scaup stayed all month and up to 600 Golden Plovers visited the surrounding fields, two Stonechats were present too.

Other sites: A Mealy Redpoll visited a Scaldwell garden. Three Jack Snipes were at Welford Quarry with another at Barnes Meadow LNR. Merlins visited Sulgrave, Hinton in the Hedges, Pineham -Northampton and between Thenford and Chacombe. Two Red-crested Pochards were present at Thrapston GP and a Lesser Spotted Woodpecker was at Cottesbrooke.  Two Caspian Gulls were by floodwater near Brackley and an adult at Rushton Landfill. A Peregrine was near Chacombe and a Brambling at Edgcote. A Short-eared Owl was seen at Harrington Airfield. Three Pintails, four Goosanders and two Yellow-legged Gulls visited Stanford Reservoir.


Highlights: A juvenile Great Northern Diver remained at Hollowell Reservoir all month and a Pink-footed Goose was still at Stanwick GP.  Single Snow Buntings were seen at Pitsford Reservoir on 4th and near Hanging Houghton on 6th. A Firecrest was discovered at Shire Meadows Towcester on 12th and a Goshawk was reported at Stanford Reservoir on 16th. A juvenile Glaucous Gull visited Rushton Landfill regularly between 22nd and 31st. Up to three Hawfinches were recorded at 11 localities, a decrease on the previous month. Great White Egrets were present at nine sites, three at Ravensthorpe Reservoir and Stanwick GP, two at Pitsford and Thrapston GP and singles at Earls Barton GP, Ditchford GP, Billing GP, Stanford Reservoir and Wootton Fields. Two Corn Buntings were discovered between Thorpe Mandeville and Sulgrave on 31st.

Boddington Reservoir: Three Caspians, two Yellow-leggeds and a first winter Mediterranean Gull were logged in the roost during the month and seven Snipes were present.

Ditchford: A drake Smew (18th), a Black-tailed Godwit, Green Sandpiper, six Water Rails, two Stonechats and a Lesser Spotted Woodpecker were logged.

Harrington Airfield: A Short-eared Owl (17th), 23 Golden Plovers, two Woodcocks and three Bramblings were noted.

Hollowell Reservoir:  Two Caspian Gulls were regular also a Yellow-legged Gull, single Jack Snipe, Dunlin and Green Sandpiper, three Stonechats and a Brambling.

Pitsford Reservoir: A ‘redhead’ Smew arrived (4th), joined by a drake (19th). A drake Scaup (9th), up to nine Pintails and a Barnacle Goose were present.  Waders included five Redshanks, three Dunlins, a Ruff, a Green Sandpiper, four Woodcocks and up to 56 Golden Plovers.  Two Caspians, a Yellow-legged and a Mediterranean Gull visited along with a Peregrine, three Stonechats and a Brambling.

Ravensthorpe Reservoir: A juvenile Whooper Swan and a Pintail remained all month and a ‘redhead’ Smew visited (9th). Four Green Sandpipers, a Dunlin and a Yellow-legged Gull were also recorded.

Stanford Reservoir: A Curlew, 21 Snipe and a Jack Snipe were logged also single Peregrine, Brambling and two Yellow-legged Gulls.

Stanwick Lakes: Four female or immature Scaups were present from 8th to 17thalso a drake Smew (28th) with 30 Golden Plovers, 14 Snipes and five Redshanks. A Water Pipit was present on 30th.

Other sites:   Sywell CP hosted a female Scaup and a Stonechat all month. An adult Mediterranean Gull and two Bramblings visited Daventry CP. A Short-eared Owl was present at Earls Barton GP along with a Pintail. Another Short-eared Owl was near Hanging Houghton for two days and a Long-eared Owl (16th), also two Curlews, 100 Golden Plovers, four Bramblings and two Woodcocks. Rushton Landfill hosted up to four Caspian Gulls and a Yellow-legged Gull. Sulby Reservoir held two Caspian Gulls. A ‘Nordic’ Jackdaw was reported from Fineshade. Clifford Hill GP hosted up to 250 Golden Plovers, nine Goosanders, a Pintail and a Stonechat. Green Sandpipers were at Cottingham and Ecton sewage farm. 10 Woodcocks were flushed in Yardley Chase by a shoot. Two Bramblings were at Staverton and another at Moulton College. One or two Blackcaps were reported from gardens.


Highlights: For the second month in a row, another county first (no.323) was a Cory’s Shearwater at Pitsford Reservoir on 4th. A Dotterel flew over the same site on 6th. A Black-necked Grebe remained at Ringstead GP until 5th. A Black Redstart was discovered in Daventry on 2nd and a Firecrest visited a Little Billing garden on 11th. Bitterns were reported from Boddington Reservoir on 6th and 8th, Ditchford GP on 8th and Stortons GP on 22nd. ‘Ringtail’ Hen Harriers were noted at Sywell Airfield on 1st, Stanford Reservoir on 5th and near Kelmarsh on 6th with a male at Harrington Airfield on 12th. A juvenile Great Northern Diver was at Stanford Reservoir on 24th and 25th before moving to Hollowell Reservoir from 27th to 30th. Great White Egrets comprised five at Pitsford, four at Stanwick GP, three at Ravensthorpe Reservoir, two at Ditchford GP and one at Earls Barton GP. The Hawfinch influx continued with reports from 29 sites throughout the month with peak day counts of 14 at Harrington,  13 at East Carlton CP, eight at Hanging Houghton and seven at Ditchford.

Clifford Hill GP: Two Whooper Swans made a short visit, also 60 Golden Plovers, six Goosanders, two Peregrines and a Stonechat.

Hollowell Reservoir:  A juvenile Whooper Swan was logged also a Merlin. Two Caspian Gulls remained throughout and up to five Stonechats, Brambling, two Dunlins and two Green Sandpipers.

Pitsford Reservoir: Up to five Scaups, a Common Scoter (19th), six Red-crested Pochards and 22 Pintails were present.  A Black-tailed Godwit, three Ruffs, 15 Dunlins, 51 Golden Plovers, four Redshanks and three Green Sandpipers visited. A Water Pipit was the star passerine, intermittently reported also six Stonechats and three Bramblings were noted. Two Caspian and a Yellow-legged Gull were still present.

Ravensthorpe Reservoir:  An adult Whooper Swan appeared on 3rd with a juvenile between 18th and 30th.  A first-winter Scaup remained all month from 3rd.  Two Red-crested Pochards and two Pintails, four Green Sandpipers, a Dunlin and two Yellow-legged Gulls completed the line-up.

Stanford Reservoir: Both male Merlin and Peregrine were noted, also a Little Gull (4th), Black-tailed Godwit, Green Sandpiper, two Red-crested Pochards and a Caspian Gull.

Stanwick Lakes:  A juvenile Pink-footed Goose was again present for most of the month, a party of seven Whooper Swans included three juveniles, and a first-winter Mediterranean Gull visited. Also of interest were four Red-crested Pochards, a Black-tailed Godwit, three Redshanks, two Dunlins and two Bramblings.

Other sites: Merlins were also recorded near Brackley, Newton Bromswold, Thenford and at Spanhoe Airfield. A female Scaup stayed at Sywell CP from 14th. Boddington Reservoir hosted a first-winter Little Gull (18th), a Caspian and six Yellow-legged Gulls. At least 10 Bramblings were at Harrington and one at Earls Barton, a Stonechat at Ditchford and a Jack Snipe at Barnes Meadow.


Highlights: A Dusky Warbler was trapped and ringed at Stanford Reservoir on 19th and is the first county record.  The same date produced a Yellow-browed Warbler at Irthlingborough Lakes and Meadows. A Cattle Egret was seen at Stanwick GP on 16th and 17th and at nearby Ditchford GP on 17th. A Firecrest was at Pitsford Reservoir 2nd with a Snow Bunting over there on 30th. A Black Redstart was present in Orlingbury from 26th to 30th, also on 30th, a Mealy Redpoll was at Daventry CP and a ‘Siberian’ Chiffchaff at Boddington Reservoir. A Waxwing flew over Hanging Houghton on 29th.  Great White Egrets numbers built up with peaks of four at Pitsford, three at both Stanford Reservoir and Thrapston GP, two at both Ravensthorpe Reservoir and Stanwick GP and singles at Ditchford GP and over M1 motorway at Harpole. A minor passage of Hawfinches was first noted on 10th over Long Buckby and continued throughout the month, with small numbers, up to eight, over 15 sites throughout the county.
Daventry CP: Merlins were noted on 9th and 18th, four Whooper Swans visited (29th) and a Red-crested Pochard. Waders included Black-tailed Godwit, Ruff, three Green Sandpipers, 100 Golden Plovers and a Yellow-legged Gull was present.

Earls Barton GP: A Marsh Harrier was noted on two days, an Osprey (1st) and a Peregrine, a Bittern visited and a Ring Ouzel stayed two days.

Harrington Airfield: Two Merlins, two Ring Ouzels, four Crossbills and a few Bramblings were noted.

Hollowell Reservoir: Single Curlew Sandpiper, Little Stint, Grey Plover, Knot and Little Ringed Plover and seven Ringed Plovers were logged. Three Caspian and two Yellow-legged Gulls were regularly present. Up to four Rock Pipits, four Stonechats and a Wheatear were noted.

Pitsford Reservoir: Up to three Whooper Swans stayed for two weeks and Pintails peaked at 27 and Little Egrets totalled 28.  One or two Little Stints visited along with a Curlew Sandpiper, Grey Plover, Black-tailed Godwit, Jack Snipe, eight Ruffs, seven Dunlins, two Greenshanks, six Ringed Plovers, 12 Golden Plovers and single Green and Common Sandpipers. Three Caspian, four Yellow-legged and a Mediterranean Gull were noted also a Water Pipit and three Stonechats.

Ravensthorpe Reservoir: A Whooper Swan, 21 Golden Plovers, four Green Sandpipers and single Caspian and Yellow-legged Gull were recorded.

Stanford Reservoir: Three Red-crested Pochards, four Pintails, a Merlin, a Ring Ouzel, two Stonechats and a Little Gull (31st ) were complemented by single Greenshank, Black-tailed Godwit, Ruff and Green Sandpiper, and six Golden Plovers.

Stanwick Lakes: Four Whooper Swans visited and a Pink-footed Goose stayed for 13 days. Single Turnstone, Little Stint, Ruff and Common Sandpiper and two Redshanks were joined by two Mediterranean, a Caspian and nine Yellow-legged Gulls. Also present were a Merlin, a Stonechat and two Bramblings.

Other sites: Thrapston GP hosted a Red-crested Pochard, a Peregrine and a late Hobby (15th). A Caspian Gull and two Green Sandpipers were present at Naseby reservoir. A Marsh Harrier and two Stonechats visited Borough Hill, Seven Whooper Swans visited Blatherwycke Lake briefly and three more over Bulwick on 29th. A Black-necked Grebe stayed at Ringstead GP from 14th. Merlins were also reported over East Hunsbury and Kingsthorpe Northampton. A Common Scoter stayed for two days at Boddington reservoir.  A Jack Snipe, a Peregrine and two Green Sandpipers were seen at Deene Lake. At Ditchford GP, three Stonechats and a Green Sandpiper visited Ditchford GP. A Short-eared Owl and two Woodcocks were flushed at Blueberry Farm Maidwell and near Hanging Houghton, a Ring Ouzel (29th) and up to 12 Bramblings were noted. 


Highlights: Strong winds on 13th brought a Grey Phalarope to Hollowell Reservoir which stayed until 17th, two fly-over juvenile Gannets and a juvenile Sabine’s Gull to Daventry CP, the latter remained until 15th. A Manx Shearwater picked up in Duston, Northampton
Sabine's Gull - Dave Jackson
15th was taken into care and transferred to a bird hospital in Swansea. An adult Azorean Yellow-legged Gull was reported at Stanwick GP on 8th and 15th. A ‘ringtail’ Hen Harrier visited Stanford reservoir on 17th and two Brent Geese flew over Daventry CP on 26th. Four juvenile Gannets passed over Ravensthorpe reservoir on 30th and up to two Great White Egrets were present at Pitsford Reservoir all month with singles also at Sulby Reservoir on 16th and at Stanwick GP on 20th.

Daventry CP: A Little Gull, two Caspian and four Yellow-legged Gulls were logged also three Greenshanks, two Ruffs, four Green and two Common Sandpipers and a Dunlin.

Harrington Airfield:  A Short-eared Owl was seen (17th) also a Tree Pipit, three Whinchats a Redstart and 43 Golden Plovers.

Hollowell: Wader highlights included four Turnstones, two Little Stints, 12 Ringed  and a Little Ringed Plover, three Dunlins, Redshank, three Common and one Green Sandpiper.  A Caspian Gull was regular and a Yellow-legged Gull was noted.  Osprey, Hobby and Short-eared Owl visited and passerines included a Rock Pipit, Whinchat, two Stonechats and a Redstart.

Pitsford Reservoir: Two Common Scoters (1st), two Garganeys and 17 Pintails were present and Marsh Harrier (1st), Osprey, Peregrine and two Hobbies. Two Little Stints, a Turnstone, Grey Plover, a Spotted Redshank (for two weeks), and peak counts of 24 Ringed Plovers, 11 Ruffs, 10 Dunlins, eight Greenshanks,  three Black-tailed Godwits, two Little Ringed Plovers, two Common Sandpipers, and single Golden Plover and Green Sandpiper were all attracted by the large expanse of mud. A Black Tern (3rd) a Caspian and up to six Yellow-legged Gulls, two Redstarts, two Whinchats, two Stonechats and a White Wagtail were also present.

Stanford Reservoir: An Arctic Tern stayed for four days and a Marsh Harrier for three. Osprey and Peregrine were also noted. The active ringing group caught and ringed eight Redstarts and a total of over 450 Blackcaps on just one weekend. A Red-crested Pochard visited, also two Whinchats and two Stonechats. Seven Black-tailed Godwits was the peak along with four Ruffs, Greenshank, two Green and a Common Sandpiper.

Stanwick Lakes: Two Mediterranean Gulls were regular, up to 14 Yellow-legged Gulls and a Caspian Gull. An Arctic Tern passed through also two Pintails, three Hobbies and a Whinchat.  Waders included a Black-tailed Godwit, a Ruff and two each of Greenshank, Green and Common Sandpiper.

Other sites: Ospreys were noted at Fawsley Park Lake on six days, White Mills Marina on four dates, Welford reservoir, Bulwick and Aldwincle. A Marsh Harrier visited Boddington reservoir. Naseby reservoir hosted an adult Caspian Gull, two Green Sandpipers and two Ringed Plovers. A Short-eared Owl was at Burton Wold, a Pied Flycatcher was trapped and ringed at Southwick, a Whinchat at Bugbrooke, a Stonechat at Clifford Hill GP and a Redstart at Twywell. Eight Crossbills flew over Long Buckby. Ditchford GP hosted a Mediterranean Gull and at Ravensthorpe reservoir a Wood Sandpiper (9th), six Green Sandpipers and a Little Gull all visited. Brampton Valley Way hosted two Redstarts, two Stonechats a Wheatear and a Tree Pipit.


Highlights: An adult Baird’s Sandpiper at Stanford Reservoir stayed just a short while on 1st and is only the third county record. A juvenile Night Heron, the 11th county record, was belatedly reported from a garden pond in Blisworth from late July to 7th. An adult Temminck’s Stint showed well at Stanwick GP from 21st for 10 days, a Quail was heard singing in the early hours of 16th at Harrington Airfield and at Pitsford Reservoir one or two Great White Egrets were present all month.

Clifford Hill GP: A Caspian Gull was identified and up to four Yellow-legged Gulls also an early returning Goldeneye along with the presumed escape Bufflehead still at large. A Greenshank and a Common Sandpiper, Peregrine, two Redstarts and a juvenile Stonechat (13th) were logged.

Daventry CP: Three Caspian and three Yellow-legged Gulls visited and a female Common Scoter stayed six days from 9th. Waders included single Sanderling, Black-tailed Godwit, Greenshank and Redshank also six Green and two Common Sandpipers.

Hollowell Reservoir: An Osprey visited a number of days and three Little Terns (28th) were the highlights. Waders included a Sanderling, Black-tailed Godwit, three Ringed and a Little Ringed Plover, four Dunlins and a Common Sandpiper. Whinchat and Yellow-legged Gulls were noted.

Pitsford Reservoir: Two Garganeys were present also a drake Common Scoter (26th) and a Goldeneye. A high count of 29 Black-tailed Godwits was made, also 14 Greenshanks, 11 Dunlins, seven Common and five Green Sandpipers, Ruff, two Redshanks, five Ringed and two Little Ringed Plovers. Adult Mediterranean Gull, two Yellow-legged Gulls, Whinchat and two White Wagtails were noted along with a Peregrine and an Osprey on several dates.

Stanford Reservoir: A Wood Sandpiper stayed for three days and a Turnstone for one. Black-tailed Godwits were present for most of the month with peaks of 11 and 16, other waders were two Greenshanks, six Dunlins, six Little Ringed Plovers, four Green and two Common Sandpipers. Up to six Redstarts were recorded, the ringers catching four, two Whinchats and a Wheatear. A Black Tern passed through (24th) and Ospreys were seen regularly.

Stanwick Lakes: A Marsh Harrier passed through(28th), three Arctic Terns and two Caspian Gulls, a peak of 37 Yellow-legged Gulls along with two Little and a Mediterranean Gull.A Knot stayed five days and other waders were single Whimbrel, Curlew, Black-tailed Godwit and Greenshank, six Green and three Common Sandpipers, two Dunlins and a Ringed Plover. A Tree Pipit was heard flying over.

Other sites: A Black Redstart visited an East Hunsbury Northampton garden (9th). A Marsh Harrier visited the Summer Leys reserve, Earls Barton GP (2nd) and Ospreys flew over Cogenhoe, Siverstone Racing Circuit and Borough Hill, where also Redstart, Whinchat, Wheatear and Tree Pipit. Boddington reservoir hosted a juvenile Mediterranean and up to four Yellow-legged Gulls, a Dunlin and four Common Sandpipers. Redstarts were also present Fawsley Park (four), Long Buckby, Priors Hall Corby, Preston Deanery, near Walgrave and Twywell Hills and Dales and further Whinchats at Sywell CP, Glapthorn Cow Pasture and Bozenham Mill.

JULY 2017

Caspian tern - Clive Bowley
Caspian tern - Clive Bowley
Highlights: A colour-ringed Caspian Tern, the fifth county record, visited both Earls Barton and Clifford Hill GPs on 1st. A female Honey Buzzard flew over Sywell on 2nd. A Bittern was seen regularly all month at Earls Barton from 7th. A Little Tern was present at Pitsford Reservoir on 9th and a Pied Flycatcher briefly at the adjacent Brixworth CP on 20th. A Great White Egret alternated between Pitsford and Earls Barton from 20th also visiting Ravensthorpe Reservoir on 29th.

Daventry CP: Three Mediterranean Gulls visited, also a second-summer Caspian and four Yellow-legged Gulls. A Turnstone up to six Green and three Common Sandpipers and a Little Ringed Plover were noted also an Osprey and two Redstarts.

Earls Barton: Four adult Mediterranean Gulls were recorded (2nd), a drake Red-crested Pochard and an Osprey. A Wood Sandpiper visited (30th) and peak counts of other waders were 13 Black-tailed Godwits, four Common Sandpipers and single Dunlin and Green Sandpiper.

Pitsford Reservoir: Parties of five, 18 and 19 Whimbrels flew through and up to seven Black-tailed Godwits. A Curlew Sandpiper (17th) was the star wader with two Turnstones, Curlew, Greenshank, Redshank, five Dunlins, 20 Common and three Green Sandpipers. Up to two Garganeys stayed a while, also two Red-crested Pochards and an early returning Goldeneye. An adult Caspian Gull, six Yellow-legged and a Mediterranean Gull were logged, an Osprey visited and an Arctic Tern and a Wheatear passed through.

Stanford Reservoir: A series of Black-tailed Godwit records included a peak count of 20, single Sanderling, Whimbrel, Turnstone and Ruff were complemented by 15 Common and three Green Sandpipers, 12 Little Ringed and one Ringed Plover, five Greenshanks, six Dunlins, Redshank and Golden Plover. One or two Ospreys were recorded on four dates and both Garganey and Redstart were seen.

Stanwick Lakes: Single Caspian Gulls of four different ages were identified along with a peak of 37 Yellow-legged Gulls and four Mediterranean Gulls. A Turnstone, several Black-tailed Godwits, a Little Ringed Plover, a Common Sandpiper and a Red-crested Pochard were present.

Other sites: Hollowell Reservoir hosted three Black-tailed Godwits, two Green Sandpipers and an Osprey twice. At Clifford Hill, a Redstart, a Black-tailed Godwit visited and the escaped Bufflehead remained. Mediterranean Gulls were seen over Daventry, flycatching, and Ditchford GP. Further Ospreys were noted at Welford reservoir, Haselbech and Thrapston GP where also three Black-tailed Godwits. Redstarts were near Old, Braunston, Brixworth CP and Harrington Airfield where also Whinchat and Wheatear.

JUNE 2017

Highlights: An adult Arctic Skua circled over Daventry CP and a Honey Buzzard was reported over Oundle both on 2nd. A Great White Egret visited Earls Barton GP on 14th. Male Quails were singing near Kings Sutton on 9th and Burton Latimer on 18th. A tight flock of 17 Common Scoters at Daventry CP on 30th included 12 drakes.

Daventry CP:  A small party of five Sanderlings passed through also single Dunlin and Ringed Plover.

Earls Barton GP: A Bittern was seen on two dates and a drake Garganey stayed for three days at the start of the month. A peak of 25 Black-tailed Godwits passed through (25th), Redshanks and Little Ringed Plovers had young and Peregrine and up to six Hobbies were present.

Pitsford Reservoir:  A White-fronted Goose stayed until 11th and a Sandwich Tern passed through (19th). Up to two Caspian Gulls were noted.

Stanwick Lakes: A pair of Mediterranean Gulls produced two young, a drake Garganey (15th) and a Black-tailed Godwit visited.

Stanford Reservoir: Two Little Terns visited (28th) and an Osprey was recorded throughout the month. Waders were well-represented with a late Jack Snipe (1st), an Avocet (25th-26th), Grey Plover, a peak of 27 Black-tailed Godwits (25th), Greenshank, Curlew, six Little Ringed and two Ringed Plovers and two Green Sandpipers. Two Yellow-legged Gulls were logged.

Other sites: Clifford Hill GP hosted both male and female Redstarts and a ringed female Bufflehead which was proved to be an escape, which also spent a day at Daventry CP. Ospreys were also noted at Welford reservoir, Blatherwycke Lake and nearby Bulwick (3). Two Mediterranean Gulls flew over Byfield and a Black-tailed Godwit over Far Cotton Northampton. A Redstart was noted in a Spratton garden and a Red-crested Pochard accompanied a duckling at Thrapston GP.

MAY 2017

Highlights: A Red-rumped Swallow, the fourth county record and the third at this site, was present at Daventry CP on 15th, a Glossy Ibis visited Earls Barton GP on 23rd and Ditchford GP on 26th. A summer-plumaged Black-throated Diver made a brief overnight visit to Pitsford reservoir on 6th-7th with a Temminck’s Stint there on 9th-10th and a drake Long-tailed Duck on 13th and 14th. A male Honey Buzzard flew over Great Brington on 16th, a Black Redstart was in Wellingborough on 23rd and two Hawfinches flew over Harrington airfield and a Bittern visited Stanwick GP, both on 29th. Great White Egrets were still present intermittently at Pitsford and Earls Barton.

Clifford Hill GP: Two parties of Bar-tailed Godwits totalled 10, two Grey Plovers, four Whimbrels, two Sanderlings and a Ruff were the pick of the waders. A drake Garganey visited and tern peaks were five Black, 10 Arctic, 50+ Common. Two Little Gulls and six Wheatears were also noted.

Daventry CP: Two Turnstones and a Bar-tailed Godwit, three Black and two groups of 12 Arctic Terns, a Little Gull, a Caspian Gull and a Scaup were all logged.

Ditchford GP: Six Grey Plovers, Turnstone, Greenshank, both Black and Bar-tailed Godwits and the more usual waders were noted. Three Red-crested Pochards included one young the first ever confirmed county breeding record. Five Black Terns and a Hobby also visited.

Earls Barton GP: An Avocet visited on 6th with two on 10th. Up to three Wood Sandpipers, three Sanderlings, five Grey Plovers, two Whimbrels, a Knot, a Turnstone, four Greenshanks and a single party of 32 Bar-tailed Godwits (5th) and eight commoner waders. A Little Tern (1st), up to five Black Terns and two Arctic Terns, a Little Gull and three Mediterranean Gulls passed through, two drake Garganeys stayed and two Marsh Harriers paid a visit.

Hollowell Reservoir: Sanderling, Bar-tailed Godwit, two Greenshanks, three Dunlins, three Ringed Plovers and a White-fronted Goose (11th) were noted.

Pitsford Reservoir: A Little Stint, a Knot, four Sanderlings, three Turnstones, three Grey Plovers, four Whimbrels, a Greenshank, 11 Black Terns, seven Arctic Terns, two Ospreys, a Red-crested Pochard, two Yellow-legged Gulls and a Blue-headed Wagtail were all recorded.Stanford: A Whooper Swan was still present on 8th and a White-fronted Goose on 30th, and a Common Scoter visited (12th). Two Little Terns (1st and 3rd), four Black and five Arctic Terns, seven Little Gulls and both Osprey and Marsh Harrier were recorded. Waders were outstanding for an inland locality with an Avocet(18th) and two more(28th),two Spotted Redshanks, four Turnstones, two Whimbrels, Wood Sandpiper, five Bar-tailed Godwits, and peaks of 13 Sanderlings, nine Greenshanks, 18 Dunlins, 27 ‘tundra’ race Ringed Plovers, four Ruffs, five Little Ringed Plovers, three Common Sandpipers and a long-staying Jack Snipe still present on 31st.

Stanwick Lakes: Two Garganeys, two Red-crested Pochards and a Scaup all made lengthy stays. A Marsh Harrier passed through as did two Sandwich (19th), 16 Arctic and three Black Terns, and a ‘channel’ Wagtail. Mediterranean Gulls bred here in the county for the first time. Waders included three Sanderlings, two Whimbrels, two Grey Plovers, a Turnstone, eight Dunlins and six ‘tundra’ Ringed Plovers.

Other sites: Marsh Harriers were recorded at Billing GP (8th), between Kettering and Corby (3rd) and at Boddington reservoir (23rd). A male Hen Harrier was near Wollaston (12th) and Ospreys were also noted at Naseby and Welford reservoirs and at Harrington airfield. A Mediterranean Gull was seen in flight over Wellingborough. A drake Red-crested Pochard was at Thrapston GP.

APRIL 2017

Highlights: Three Black-winged Stilts spent the day at Stanford reservoir on 20th and two of them returned on 23rd, this is only the fifth county record. The long-staying Long-tailed Duck at the latter site was identified as a male and remained until 29th. A ‘ringtail’ Hen Harrier flew over Burton Latimer on 5th. Summer-plumaged grebes included a Black-necked at Daventry CP from 4th to 11th, and a Red-necked at Stanford on 7th with two more at Daventry CP from 8th to 9th , one remaining until 13th at least. Two Spoonbills flew over Thrapston GP on 8th and two colour-ringed Common Cranes were briefly at Stanford on 9th. A party of 20 Sandwich Terns, probably the largest county party ever recorded and an adult Gannet visited Sywell CP on 15th. Up to 35 Waxwings were present in the Abington area of Northampton with the latest reported on 12th. Two Common Scoters visited Pitsford reservoir on 23rd with a Wood Warbler there on 29th. A flock of Black-tailed Godwits estimated at over 300 flew over Scaldwell on 28th the same day as a Bittern was at Earls Barton GP. Single Great White Egrets were noted at Clifford Hill GP, Stanwick GP and over Sixfields Northampton.

Wood Warbler, Pitsford (Neil McMahon)
Clifford Hill: Wader highlights included three Grey Plovers, two Bar-tailed Godwits, Whimbrel and Greenshank. Up to 12 Arctic and three Black Terns were present, single Whinchat and Redstart, a few Wheatears, peaks of 15 Yellow, 10 White and one ‘Channel’ Wagtail. A pair of Peregrines and a Red-crested Pochard was also logged.

Daventry CP: A White-fronted Goose stayed from 7th to 28th and terns included a Little (30th), Sandwich (9th) and an Arctic. An early Hobby (10th), adult Little Gull, Redstart, Yellow-legged Gull and three Common Sandpipers also visited.
Ditchford GP: A Marsh Harrier passed over (13th), a Garganey, single Greenshank, Ruff, Ringed and Little Ringed Plovers, a Wheatear and three Black Terns were all noted.

Earls Barton: Arctic Terns peaked at 20, a few Black Terns passed through and a single Little (29th) along with, two Little Gulls. Two Red-crested Pochards and a Garganey visited. Waders included a Wood Sandpiper (29th), four Whimbrels, a Curlew, two Ruffs, two Greenshanks and a Curlew. A Marsh Harrier visited (12th) and other notables were three White Wagtails, a Whinchat, two ‘Greenland’ Wheatears, a Grasshopper Warbler, five Hobbies and two Peregrines.

Hollowell Reservoir: A drake Garganey was noted also an Osprey, single Whimbrel and Jack Snipe and several Arctic Terns.

Pitsford Reservoir: Ospreys were recorded on five dates, a Marsh Harrier (14th), a Peregrine and a Short-eared Owl. Two Red-crested Pochards and a Garganey visited also Knot, eight Whimbrels, three Dunlins, two Grey, six Ringed and eight Little Ringed Plovers, three Common and one Green Sandpiper, and terns peaked at 23 Black, 55 Arctic and a Little (30th) and Little Gulls were noted on four dates. Passerines included 50+ Yellow Wagtails, a ‘Channel’ Wagtail, White Wagtail, Rock Pipit, Wheatear and up to eight Bramblings.

Stanford Reservoir: Peak wader counts were eight Black-tailed and two Bar-tailed Godwits, five Greenshanks, five Whimbrels, 14 Dunlins, 10 Ringed and 12 Little Ringed Plovers, four Common and two Green Sandpipers. Tern peaks were 110+ Arctic (27th) and one Little (30th). A count of 22 White Wagtails was unprecedented (18th).

Stanwick GP: Two Mediterranean Gulls visited the gull colony, a Marsh Harrier visited (1st), as did a female Garganey and a long-staying Scaup remained. Single Greenshank, Nightingale and Grasshopper Warblers were noted.
Thrapston: Three Red-crested Pochards, four Wheatears, two Egyptian Geese, two Redshanks, several Nightingales, 11 Black and 112 Arctic Terns (27th) were logged.

Other sites: Harrington airfield hosted a Ring Ouzel (11th), a Redstart, four Wheatears four Golden Plovers and a Short-eared Owl. Ospreys were also recorded at Foxholes Fisheries Crick, Harringworth Lodge Lake, Thorpe Waterville, Sywell, Fotheringhay, Ravensthorpe reservoir and Blatherwycke Lake. A Ring Ouzel was at Upper Catesby (22nd) and another at Newnham Hill (2nd) along with a Redstart and two Wheatears. A Whooper Swan remained at Sywell CP until 17th and one was at Bozenham Mill the next day. Redstarts were also noted at Bradlaugh Fields Northampton, Long Buckby, Badby Wood and Borough Hill. Wheatears and Peregrines were seen at several sites and Boddington reservoir hosted a party of 30+ Arctic Terns. Two Crossbills were at Bucknell Wood with a Tree Pipit over nearby Hazelborough Forest. A Grey Plover was seen in flight near Hanging Houghton.

MARCH 2017

Highlights: A Long-tailed Duck remained all month at Stanford reservoir as did a Slavonian Grebe at Pitsford reservoir where also a Red-necked Grebe until 20th. A juvenile Glaucous Gull was at Rushton landfill on 1st and 4th and an adult was near Crick on 5th. An Avocet spent a day at Earls Barton GP on 24th and a Whooper Swan stayed at Sywell CP until 22nd at least. Three Great White Egrets were present at Ditchford GP on 10th, two were regular at Earls Barton and singles were at Stanwick GP, Thrapston GP, Hollowell, Pitsford and Ravensthorpe reservoirs. Waxwing peak counts in Northampton were of 66 at Duston, 30 at East Hunsbury and elsewhere 15 at Little Billing, 12 at Hardingstone, 12 at Nassington, five at Moulton and Castlethorpe, four at Hanging Houghton and Rothwell, three at Wellingborough and one at Brackley.

Clifford Hill GP: The first Wheatear arrived on 19th, also noted were a pair of Smew, a Little Gull, two Dunlins, single Black-tailed Godwit, Curlew, Redshank and Little Ringed Plover.

Ditchford: Black-tailed Godwit, Jack Snipe, Green Sandpiper, Ringed Plover and two Little Gulls visited.

Earls Barton GP: Parties of up to 13 Black-tailed Godwits passed through also seven Little Gulls, four Red-crested Pochards and the first Garganeys, a pair on 21st.

Hollowell Reservoir: Both Mediterranean and Caspian Gulls were seen, also four Jack Snipe, White Wagtail, Barnacle Goose, Osprey and two Stonechats.

Pitsford Reservoir: The first Sand Martins arrived on 6th, White Wagtail on 21st and a Sandwich Tern on 31st. A White-fronted Goose remained until 25th and up to 12 Bramblings were noted. Other sightings were single Black-tailed Godwit, Jack Snipe and Curlew, three Green Sandpipers and two Redshanks, a Pintail, two Little Gulls and a Caspian Gull.

Stanford Reservoir: Up to 73 Goosanders, two Pintails and a redhead Smew also Mediterranean and Caspian Gulls. The low water level encouraged up to eight Little Ringed Plovers, Black-tailed Godwit, Curlew, Jack Snipe, Redshank, three Dunlins, eight Golden Plovers, two Green Sandpipers and 19 Snipe to visit also a White Wagtail.

Stanwick Lakes: A female Scaup stayed all month and was accompanied by a drake for four days. Single Caspian, Yellow-legged, Little and Mediterranean Gulls were noted, also four Ruffs, four Redshanks and a Dunlin.

Other sites: Four Little Gulls and an Osprey visited Daventry CP, Ospreys were also recorded at Little Irchester, Ravensthorpe reservoir and two at Welford. At Rushton landfill, four different Caspian Gulls were identified and near Crick, five Caspian and three Yellow-legged Gulls, two Curlews and six Dunlins. At Thrapston, three Red-crested Pochards remained, the first Common Terns arrived on 30th and a Little Gull. Four Short-eared Owls were noted near Finedon with still two on 13th, others were at Sulgrave and at Hanging Houghton where also a Peregrine and six Stonechats. A White-fronted Goose was at Blatherwyke lake and a Kittiwake at Ravensthorpe reservoir (8th).


Highlights: At Pitsford reservoir, a Slavonian Grebe remained all month, a Red-necked Grebe arrived on 13th and a party of eight Pink-footed Geese flew over on 17th. A Long-tailed Duck at Stanford reservoir and a Whooper Swan at Sywell CP both stayed all month with a Common Scoter reported at the latter on 5th. Two Bitterns were watched at Thrapston GP on 5th and another was at Stanwick GP on 6th. ‘Ringtail’ Hen Harriers were present at disused airfields at Polebrook on 10th and Grafton Underwood on 25th. An adult Iceland Gull visited Stanford on 2nd with a juvenile there on 25th. At Rushton landfill, two juvenile and a fourth-winter Glaucous Gulls were watched between 18th and 25th. White-fronted Geese included 14 at both Whiston and Earls Barton GP, two at Thrapston GP, singles at Daventry CP and Pitsford with six at Clifford Hill GP where also four Bewick’s Swans flying past on 13th. Single Great White Egrets were noted at Thrapston GP, by the River Welland at Harringworth and Hollowell reservoir, with twos at Earls Barton and Ditchford GPs, Pitsford and Ravensthorpe reservoirs. Waxwings were well reported with peaks of 50 at East Hunsbury Northampton, 43 at Wootton, 41 at Irthlingborough, 27 at Kettering, 22 at Sywell, 13 at Ditchford GP, up to 12 at Oundle, 10 at Boughton, nine at Rushton, and two at Brackley.

Clifford Hill: Two Barnacle Geese, two Peregrines, a Yellow-legged Gull and five Stonechats were seen.

Daventry CP: Two females Scaups and 14 Golden Plovers visited and gulls identified included single Mediterranean, Caspian and Yellow-legged.

Ditchford GP: A drake Scaup, single Jack Snipe and 39 Snipes and two Stonechats were recorded.

Earls Barton: A ‘redhead’ Smew, two Red-crested Pochards and a Short-eared Owl visited.
Hollowell: A Caspian Gull, a Barnacle Goose and up to six Stonechats were present, with a drake Smew and six Mandarins at nearby Ravensthorpe.

Pitsford Reservoir: A high count of 90 Snipes was made, also two Redshanks, two Green Sandpipers and a Jack Snipe. A drake Smew, a Pintail and two Red-crested Pochards were logged, along with a Merlin (13th), two Caspian, a Mediterranean and a Yellow-legged Gull, 14 Bramblings, two Willow Tits and two Stonechats.

Stanford Reservoir: Goosanders peaked at 67 also present, single ‘redhead’ Smew and Pintail, 35 Snipes, seven Golden Plovers, Jack Snipe and Green Sandpiper. Three Caspian Gulls were noted.

Other sites: At Stanwick Lakes, a female Scaup remained and a Peregrine was noted. At Boddington reservoir, both Mediterranean and Yellow-legged Gulls were present. Up to four Short-eared Owls remained at Neville’s Lodge Finedon and one at Twywell Hills and Dales. Two adult Caspian and two Yellow-legged Gulls were at Rushton landfill, four Crossbills were at Fineshade Wood and four Mandarin Ducks at Biggin Lake. Two Red-crested Pochards visited Thrapston GP. Single Corn Buntings were seen at Warmington and Woodford Halse.


Highlights: A Cattle Egret, only the sixth county record, spent just a day near Whiston on 7th. A Long-tailed Duck at Stanford reservoir and a Slavonian Grebe at Pitsford reservoir both remained all month. An adult Glaucous Gull was seen in fields near Chacombe and roosted at Boddington reservoir on 22nd. A ‘ringtail’ Hen Harrier was at Lutton on 12th and nearby Polebrook airfield on 15th. Great White Egrets were again continuously present with three at Earls Barton GP, Pitsford and Ravensthorpe reservoirs and singles at Ditchford GP and Thrapston GP. Waxwings arrived in force with peaks of up to 38 in Kettering , 25 in the Boothville area of Northampton, 20 in Moulton, 20 at Great Billing, 15 in Roade, 14 at Hanging Houghton, nine at Stanion, eight at Broughton, eight at Bulwick, seven at Woodford Halse, seven at Earls Barton GP, three at Sywell and one in Daventry.

Ditchford GP: Pairs of Smews and Red-crested Pochards, a Green Sandpiper and a Jack Snipe were recorded.
Earls Barton: Bitterns were noted on 15th and 22nd, up to 23 White-fronted Geese were present for most of the month, with still 14 on 29th, occasionally visiting White Mills Marina and Clifford Hill GP. Up to three drake and two female Scaups, a drake Smew, two Red-crested Pochards and three Pintails were recorded, also Marsh Harrier (3RD), Jack Snipe, Short-eared Owl and a Whooper Swan on single days.

Pitsford Reservoir: A party of five Bewick’s Swans flew over the dam (5th). Two Caspian, a Yellow-legged and a first-winter Mediterranean Gull were all discovered. A drake Smew, two Red-crested Pochards, 10 Pintails were joined by four White-fronted Geese, 40 Snipes, three Green Sandpipers, two Redshanks, and a Dunlin. A Stonechat, two Bramblings and a Peregrine also visited.

Stanford Reservoir: A male Marsh Harrier (15th) was a good record and 64 Goosanders was the highest county total for some time. Single Scaup and Smew, three Pintails and a drake Red-crested Pochard were logged. A count of 43 Snipe and one Jack Snipe was made and a Caspian Gull visited.

Stanwick Lakes: A female Scaup remained all month, a drake Smew was seen, two Redshanks, a Peregrine and a Caspian Gull.

Other sites: Fifteen Whooper Swans flew over near Fotheringhay (19th) and one was still at Sywell CP. A White-fronted Goose was reported at Kislingbury GP. Hollowell reservoir hosted an adult Caspian Gull, a Barnacle Goose and up to six Stonechats. Up to six Short-eared Owls were noted at Neviile’s Lodge near Finedon. A Bittern was watched at Thrapston GP. Both Mediterranean and Caspian Gulls visited Daventry CP. A Merlin was seen near Braybrooke. Up to four Caspian Gulls were noted around Rushton Landfill with two more near Chacombe. Two Jack Snipes were still at Barnes Meadow and a Corn Bunting, now a rarity here, was at Harrington airfield (22nd).


Highlights: Two Slavonian Grebes remained at Clifford Hill GP until 3rd, others were at Thrapston GP on 11th and at Pitsford reservoir from 19th. A Whooper Swan arrived at Sywell CP on 3rd and stayed for most of the month, A male Bearded Tit was present at Stanwick GP from 1st until 24th at least and the same site hosted two Bitterns with another at Thrapston GP from 27th to 30th. A juvenile male Hen Harrier was again at Stanford reservoir on 6th and 14th and another ‘ringtail’ near Kelmarsh on 21st. A ‘Siberian’ Chiffchaff was a good find at Pitsford reservoir on 11th and a party of up to 24 White-fronted Geese frequented a marshy field near White Mills Marina from 19th until 31st. A Long-tailed Duck arrive at Stanford reservoir on 27th. A Waxwing visited Woodford Halse on 26th, up to 10 were in Roade from 29th and others were seen at Hanging Houghton. Great White Egrets were again present in numbers with up to four at Pitsford, three at Ravensthorpe reservoir, and singles at both Ditchford and Earls Barton gravel pits.


Highlights: Two Bearded Tits were at Stanwick GP on 6th, with one remaining ‘til the end of the month, and two also remained at Earls Barton GP. A first-year Gannet flew over Daventry CP on 7th. Four Brent Geese were at Hollowell reservoir on 9th with another at Clifford Hill GP on 25th At Stanwick GP, a Yellow-browed Warbler was present on 10th with a Siberian Chiffchaff there on 10th and 11th. A Great Northern Diver was at Pitsford reservoir from 11th to 13th and a Firecrest was at Ravensthorpe reservoir on 12th. An unidentified diver flew over Clifford Hill GP on 16th and a Long-tailed Duck visited Earls Barton GP on 29th with the same site hosting two Bewick’s Swans on 26th and there was another at Daventry CP on 29th. A Whooper Swan visited Ditchford GP on 12th and seven were at Stanford reservoir on 18th and one there on 29th. Two Slavonian Grebes were present at Ravensthorpe reservoir and one at Thrapston GP on 14th the latter still present on 19th and two more were at Clifford Hill GP from 26th. ‘Ringtail’ Hen Harriers were at Stanford reservoir daily from 13th to 27th and another at Stanwick GP on 21st. Great White Egrets were at seven sites; gravel pits at Stanwick , Thrapston , Earls Barton, reservoirs at Hollowell and Stanford with two at Ravensthorpe and up to five at Pitsford. Small groups of up to ten Waxwings were reported flying over at Harrington airfield, Brackmills and Brampton Valley Way Northampton, Brixworth CP, Moulton Quarry, Pitsford reservoir, Cranford, Hanging Houghton and Maidwell.


Highlights: A Honey Buzzard flew over Pitsford reservoir on 1st. At Borough Hill, an unidentified skua flew over on 10th, a Woodlark on 23rd and a flyover Hawfinch on 22nd and another Hawfinch over Boddington reservoir on 10th.Immature Gannets were seen over Earls Barton GP on 23rd and over the M1 Motorway junction 15A on 29th. Two Bearded Tits arrived at Earls Barton on 7th, up to four at Stortons GP from 9th and up to six at Stanwick GP from 24th. The ringers at Stanford reservoir caught a ‘Siberian’ Chiffchaff on 5th, a Mealy Redpoll on 24h and discovered a Yellow-browed Warbler on 20th with another at Harrington airfield on 21st. A ‘ringtail’ Hen Harrier visited Blueberry Farm Maidwell on 19th and Great White Egrets were noted at eight sites; singles at Deene Lake, Daventry CP, Hollowell reservoir, gravel pits at Thrapston, Earls Barton, Stanwick and Ringstead and up to five at Pitsford.


Highlights: An adult ‘Azorean Yellow-legged’ Gull was seen again at Stanwick GP on 2nd and 9th, with a juvenile Shag there on 4th. Two Pied Flycatchers, the first in the county this year, were in Northampton at Dallington allotments with another at Bradlaugh Fields all on 7th. Black-necked Grebes were at Earls Barton GP from 15th to 18th and at Daventry CP from 28th the same locality hosting the star bird of the month, an adult Glossy Ibis, briefly on 28th, only the fourth county record. Great White Egrets were present at six sites with two at Pitsford reservoir and singles at Hollowell, Ravensthorpe and Stanford reservoirs, Earls Barton and at a new locality, Deene Lake.  


Highlights: A Great White Egret visited Daventry CP on 2nd. Stanford Reservoir hosted a Nightjar on 12th, the only record in Northants so far this year, a Little Tern on 19th and a Wryneck was trapped and ringed there on 26th. An ‘Azorean Gull’ made two appearances at Stanwick GP on 24th and 25th along with daily visits from a juvenile Shag from 25th to 30th. A Pied Flycatcher, again the year’s first, was at Denton Wood on 31st.

JULY 2016

Highlights: A Bittern was at Stanwick GP on 14th and a Great White Egret there on 26th and 27th with another at Earls Barton GP on 22nd and 23rd. A Firecrest visited a Warmington garden on 25th and a Wood Sandpiper was briefly at Earls Barton on 28th. A Honey Buzzard flew over Stanford reservoir on 30th.

June 2016

Highlights: A female Red-necked Phalarope graced Stanwick GP and a Great White Egret flew over Northampton on 4th.  A White Stork circled Corby on 6th and a Honey Buzzard was photographed over the same site on 25th. Singing Quails were heard between Harlestone Heath and Kings Heath on 10th and near Everdon on 21st and 22nd.

MAY 2016

Highlights: Both Avocet and Wood Warbler visited Earls Barton GP on 1st, a Great White Egret on 5th and four Spoonbills also there briefly on 7th. A Common Crane flew over Stanwick GP on 2nd, with singing Quails at Harrington airfield on 2nd and 22nd and at Welford reservoir on 8th. Again at Earls Barton, two Little Terns were seen on 10th, one on 11th and another at Stanwick on 12th.

APRIL 2016 

Highlights: A Slavonian Grebe visited Daventry CP on 2nd, next day a Black-necked Grebe was at Pitsford reservoir. The latter site hosted sightings of Goshawk on 9th and 18th and a Wood Warbler on 15th. A ‘Siberian’ race Chiffchaff was in song at Long Buckby on 9th. Three Common Cranes flew over Earls Barton GP on 17th and a White Stork was reported over Northampton on 23rd, the same day a ‘ringtail’ Hen Harrier was seen at Lyveden. Single Great White Egrets were again at both Pitsford and Earls Barton where also a county record flock of 325 Black-tailed Godwits roosted on 27th.

MARCH 2016

Highlights: An adult Kumlien’s Gull at Daventry CP was only the second county record of this distinctive form of Iceland Gull. A ‘Siberian’ Chiffchaff was also found singing at the same site on 30th. At Stanwick Lakes, an adult Glaucous Gull visited on 2nd and an adult Iceland Gull on 16th and 19th with a juvenile there on 3rd. Bitterns were fairly regular at Earls Barton GP and Stanwick and another was at Stortons GP on 16th.   A flock of 11 Common Scoters at Pitsford Reservoir on 19th preceded one at Daventry on 23rd and two there on 27th. A Firecrest stayed at Stanwick until 8th and at Pitsford, four Bewick’s Swans flew over on 4th and a party of 10 Brent Geese visited on 18th. A Mealy Redpoll remained in an East Hunsbury Northampton garden until 24th and three were reported at Yelvertoft on 20th. Great White Egrets were still much in evidence with two at Earls Barton GP and over Little Irchester with singles at Ditchford GP, Thrapston GP and Ravensthorpe Reservoir.


Highlights: A drake Green-winged Teal stayed at Daventry CP from 3rd to 19th, the fourth record for this site. Bitterns were seen over Swan Valley Northampton on 3rd, Irthlingborough lakes on 18th, at Stanwick GP on 24th and Earls Barton GP on 28th. A Mealy Redpoll was regular at a garden feeder in East Hunsbury Northampton all month, another at Byfield on 6th and three more reported at a feeder at Thrapston GP on 14th. A Firecrest remained near Brixworth STW until 20th at least and a Black Redstart was again in Kingsthorpe Northampton from 13th to 20th. An adult Glaucous Gull at Stanwick GP from 22nd to 26th had been red-ringed and was a returning bird from last year, a juvenile was at Pitsford reservoir on 27th. Great White Egrets continued to be present all month with three at Ditchford GP, two at Thrapston and two at Earls Barton, Ravensthorpe reservoir and Stanwick hosted one each. A Black-necked Grebe was at Clifford Hill GP on 28th.


Highlights: A Great Northern Diver remained at Ditchford GP until 16th and at Pitsford reservoir a Red-necked Grebe until 23rd at least. Single Bitterns were seen at Stanwick GP on 4th, Earls Barton GP on 6th and at Thrapston GP on 28th. Firecrests were discovered at Brixworth STW from 6th, Hanging Houghton on 8th, Rushden on 9th, Ditchford on 10th and Stanwick on 24th. Mealy Redpolls visited feeders in gardens at East Hunsbury Northampton from 7th to 30th and Byfield on 21st. A Goshawk was seen near Welford on 9th and a Slavonian Grebe was reported at Clifford Hill GP on 19th. A Black Redstart was in gardens in central Northampton on 23rd. Great White Egrets were present all month with twos at Clifford Hill, Ditchford and Pitsford and singles at Earls Barton, Ecton SF, Ravensthorpe Res, Stanford Res and Thrapston GP.

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