Bird Club Digital Photographic Competition 2024
RULE CHANGE - Images can be entered that have been taken over the last 3 years. This will allow those who don't regularly travel abroad or members not currently active in the county to enter photos in the relevant categories.- Entries must be emailed as attachments to the email, not imbedded within the mail.
- The individual entries should be titled to indicate the category they are entered for. Or, a separate text list be included, listing the details of the photo and the intended category.
- Images should be no larger than 1.5mb* and the recommended size in pixels is approx. 2000px along the horizontal in landscape mode. Anyone saving pictures from programs such as Lightroom etc. may or may not take the file size a little over 1.5mb although photos won't be rejected if they are over this size (within reason).
The Rules
All photographs must accurately reflect the images as they appeared in the viewfinder, nothing should be added to or removed from an image. Normal processing of RAW image files and minor adjustments to colour and contrast are acceptable for the whole image - no selective parts of an image, e.g. brightening the eye of a bird or animal is not permitted.
MINOR digital adjustments including tone, cropping (including straightening or reversing an image), sharpening, noise reduction and general minor cleaning up e.g. dust spots is permitted providing this complies with the competitions principles of authenticity so that it does not deceive the viewer or misrepresent the reality of the nature of the image.
While minor digital adjustments are allowed, adding or removing objects or parts of an image is not permitted.
Information regarding any post-processing to any image may be queried during shortlisting or pre-judging.
Images should be entered in JPEG format no larger than 1.5 Megabytes and should NOT contain any text or borders. *Images slightly over this size won't be rejected however there may be restrictions on email size imposed by your provider.
An image may be REJECTED if, in the opinion of the judge, it appears the image has:
- Been taken in such a way that Wildlife Law or animal welfare requirements may have been breached
- Protected species or habitats have been compromised or the image has been taken in an irresponsible way
- The image is of an animal or plant etc. in captivity, e.g. at a Butterfly farm, Zoo, Wildlife/ safari park/ Kew gardens etc. All images should be of wild creatures and flora in their natural environment. A photo of a mouse inside an apple taken in someone's conservatory may be acceptable to BBC Countryfile but we have standards here and such an image may find you ridiculed from here to kingdom come!
In the category Birds or Animals in their Habitat the subject should be no more than 12% of the entire image.
Original images must be available to the Judges if requested.
The categories are as follows: (Please use these codes only, not e.g. Northants Birds, Mammals)
C01 Northants Birds
C02 Northants Birds in Flight
C03 British Birds (taken away from Northants)
C04 British Birds in Flight (taken away from Northants)
C05 Foreign Birds
C06 Foreign Birds in Flight
C07 Mammals
C08 Other Vertebrates
C09 Butterflies, Moths & Caterpillars
C10 Other Invertebrates
C11 Plants & Fungi
C12 Birds or Animals in their Habitat
C13 Habitats & Landscapes
Photos must be labelled as per the following system:
Category Number - Photographer's Name - Subject Name - Where the photo was taken, for example:
C01 Bob Gill - Kingfisher - Pitsford Res.
C05 Bob Gill - African Finfoot - The Gambia
No other information is required and photos labelled differently might not be entered into the competition.
The Northants Bird Club reserves the right to publish any entries on its website and or its newsletter.
Closing date for entries - 20th December.
Portrait mode 5:7