Wednesday 27 April 2016

Bird Club Photo Competition

At the AGM in March, it was suggested that we change the photo competition to provide more opportunities to enter bird photos, particularly from Northants, and reduce the number of non-bird photos. The committee discussed this at our recent meeting and we propose the following. Please note that this is a proposal, not the final rules. We would love to hear from Bird Club members, whether or not you enter photos, about the proposal and any suggestions you may have. Please let any committee member know what you think. Remember the photo competition night is not just for photographers, it is intended to interest and entertain all our members.

Proposed categories:
1. Northants birds away from the nest (5 photos per person max.)
2. Northants birds in flight (5 photos)
3. British birds away from the nest (3 photos)
4. British birds in flight (3 photos)
5. Foreign birds away from the nest (3 photos)
6. Foreign birds in flight (3 photos)
7. Vertebrates (3 photos) this combines the Mammals and Other Vertebrates categories.
8. Invertebrates (3 photos) this combines the Butterflies and Moths, Other Invertebrates and Insects in flight categories.
9. Plants and Fungi (3 photos)
10. Habitat and Landscape (3 photos).

The maximum number that any one person can enter would now be 22 birds and 12 non-birds, whereas before it was 18 birds and 21 non-birds. We felt we needed to reduce the total number of entries as the evening has been getting progressively longer as more people enter.

1 comment:

  1. A good idea. I think that the best photograph award should only be given to a bird. It is ludicrous that the winning photo for a Bird Club should be an insect or a mammal.

    Bob Bullock
