Sunday, 18 October 2015

Photographic meeting

Our next Photographic meeting will be on Saturday 31st of October, as always the venue, with grateful help from Sarah, will be The Lodge at Pitsford Res. We hope to kick off at 10.15am.

We are going back to basics with this meeting, hoping to discus metering modes and the exposure triangle.

Why you should try to use other modes rather than fully automatic and how aperture,speed and iso interact with each
other.What makes a great bokeh, how to set up for manual exposure etc.

If you have any any questions at all, regarding terminology, settings, suggestions or anything else your not sure about please join in and ask and we’ll try our best to explain. Joining in is all part of the fun so please do.

Hopefully two of our top wildlife photographers DJ and DT will be there to help and explain along with bickies and refreshments.

So what a great way to spend a couple of hours, look forward to seeing you all.

Robin Gossage

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