Sunday, 20 March 2016


On return from the S A Bird Club Trip, Bob B asked participants to give their opinions on what they considered to be the Top Five BEST Birds and Mammals of the trip.
Bob has now collated the findings and passed them on to me.

This list, as Bob says depends on several factors.These include the views that were gained,what each
participant was hoping or expecting to see or simply something that was just exciting.

Before I reveal the total list, I Would like to give THANKS, mine, Wendy's  and all of those who  travelled on the tour.
These Thanks from everyone go to Dave and Dave, (there were three Daves,two Bobs and a Rob,a
recipe for confusion to say the least) .
Of course I'm talking about Dave Thomas and Dave Hyslop .Special THANKS to Dave Hyslop who's tireless efforts of driving (our vehicle), sorting, helping and being a genuinely really nice guy. Even his choice of music played on the long hauls wasn't bad either .Dave and his company    
DIVERSE AFRICA  deserve nothing but praise.
This is in to no way undermine all the sterling efforts of our very own Dave Thomas, who's taste in music is Questionable. But who's photography............

THANK you guys for everything.

Anyways to the list, I would like to augment this with some  images so come on you guys send me some pix.


01 KORI BUSTARD.............................................................................................28 VOTES

Barry Boswell
02 NORTHERN BLACK KORHAN..................................................................24 VOTES

Barry Boswell
03 SECRETARYBIRD.........................................................................................17 VOTES

Barry Boswell
04 INDIAN YELLOW NOSED ALBATROSS..................................................17 VOTES

Bob Gill

Dave Jackson
05 SPECTACLED PETREL..............................................................................15 VOTES

Dave Jackson
Bob Bullock
06 SOUTHERN RED BISHOP..........................................................................10 VOTES

Barry Boswell
07 SOUTHERN BLACK KORHAN.................................................................10 VOTES

Bob Gill

Barry Boswell
08 CRIMSON BREASTED SHRIKE...............................................................09 VOTES

Robin Gossage
09 CAPE ROCKJUMPER................................................................................09 VOTES

Barry Boswell
10 AFRICAN PENQUIN..................................................................................09 VOTES

Robin Gossage
11 PIGMY FALCON..........................................................................................07 VOTES

Robin Gossage
12 GIANT PETREL.................................................................................................07 VOTES

Bob Gill

Barry Boswell
13 LUDWIGS BUSTARD.......................................................................................06 VOTES

Robin Gossage
14 BLUE CRANE....................................................................................................05 VOTES

Barry Boswell
15 BLACK HARRIER............................................................................................05 VOTES

16 VERRAUX'S EAGLE OWL.............................................................................05 VOTES

Barry Boswell
17 CHESNUT VENTED TIT BABBLER.............................................................05 VOTES

Barry Boswell
18 SHAFT TAILED WHYDAH.............................................................................05 VOTES

Barry Boswell
19 SPOTTED EAGLE OWL..................................................................................04 VOTES
Robin Gossage

Barry Boswell
20 PALE CHANTING GOSHAWK.......................................................................04 VOTES

Barry Boswell
21 GREAT SHEARWATER....................................................................................04 VOTES

Bob Gill

Bob Bullock

Bob Bullock
23 RED HEADED FINCH......................................................................................04 VOTES

Robin Gossage
24 SHY ALBATROSS.............................................................................................04 VOTES

Bob Bullock

Bob Bullock
25 FAIRY FLYCATCHER.....................................................................................04 VOTES

Barry Boswell
26 CORY'S SHEARWATER..................................................................................04 VOTES

Bob bullock

Bob Bullock

Bob Gill

27 ORANGE BREASTED SUNBIRD..................................................................03 VOTES

Barry Boswell
28 CAPE SUGARBIRD.........................................................................................02 VOTES

Bob Gill

29 RED NECKED FALCON ................................................................................02 VOTES

Robin Gossage
30 SPOTTED THICKNEE....................................................................................02 VOTES

Dave Jackson
31 SCALY FEATHERED FINCH...........................................................................02 VOTES

Robin Gossage
32 WHITE BROWED SPARROW WEAVER........................................................01 VOTES

Robin Gossage

33 CINNAMON BREASTED WARBLER..............................................................01 VOTES

Robin Gossage

34 GREATER FLAMINGO......................................................................................01 VOTES

A beautiful shot by Barry Boswell

35 AFRICAN BLACK OYSTERCATCHER..........................................................01 VOTES

Bob Bullock
36 LARKS...................................................................................................................01 VOTES

Robin Gossage

Cant help but think that the similarity between Northern and Southern Black Korhan if added together would result in  a chart topping 34 votes?

I'm hoping to receive some images from other photographers on the trip and will add when I can.

The Top five Mammals will have to wait as it takes a while to compose so please send me images of them also.

To close I'd like to include this fantastic image from Dave Thomas,

A not so fantastic image from myself.but with the EAGLES blaring away you had to be there

Life in the fast lane
cell +27 83 626 0444
dave@diverse  www.diverse

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