monthly Northants Bird Club outing.
Bravely, we were joined by Paul and John Fuller, taking the full 10 minutes to get there from
their abode nearby.
Lakenheath is always a great reserve to visit any time of year with always plenty to see and find.
Slowly heading to the parking area, two beautiful Roe Deer stood in the woods watching our arrival.
Bob forced us to having a cuppa and sandwich before setting off onto the reserve proper, a policy I
willingly adhered to.
Typically for me our progress was slow, but hey, we had all day. Cajoled and harried to the first
bus stop, Fen Hide, a flurry of photographers were all vying for pics of Cuckoo.
By then all the usual suspects had been seen Reed, Sedge, Willow Warblers, Whitethroats, etc.
Cetti's and Bearded Tit seen briefly.
The Cuckoos, up to three in all, didn't want to play ball keeping at distance but calling defiantly.
Someone strolled up from a group trip from Brandon Marsh way toting their latest Bird Report,
on front, a stunning image of a Cuckoo on a stump taken at the marsh, I had to hold Bob back!
We spent a fair chunk of time there waiting and waiting and waiting. Meantime, Paul and John
had continued and were now making their way back home just in time for Lewis and Nico to crash.
Back for refreshments then straight to Mere Hide hopefully for Kingfisher, to be fair, the hide was as quiet as the grave, but over the marsh Marsh Harriers and Hobbies were hunting. Watching Hobbies
hunt is absolutely wonderful, twisting and turning on a sixpence, grabbing insects on the wing dismembering them then eating without looking forward, it really is good stuff.
Bellowing booms of Bittern and the echoing call of Cuckoos, just listening with eyes closed was in
the real sense of the word Magical just Magical.
Wendy had wandered off to grip us off with Garganey.
Returning back for hot chocolate, the Macros came out. Wendy found a great little Pied Shieldbug
Tritomegas dubius, this is like the black and white version but has a metallic green sheen, Yeah!
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To be honest going to Lakenheath is a great day out anytime and with good company you can't whack it with a big stick.
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