Most folk know of Titchwell RSPB reserve, always worth a visit, so the usual crew downed their coffees and sandwich ready to make our way toward the beach.
Common Gull. RDG
It seemed that the beach was the "in"place with a good selection of telescopes trained on sea watching.
A good flow of Gannets intermingled with Bonxie and Arctic Skuas.
Red-breasted Merganser, Great Crested Grebe, Kittiwakes and the like kept viewers happy.
Gannet. RDG.
The tide was fair way in, dainty Sanderling foraged and ran along the water's edge, whilst more robust Turnstones nosed under numerous shells and pebbles looking for a snack.
Sanderling in mid thrust. RDG.
Foraging Turnstone. RDG. |
The occasional Redshank and Avocet made an appearance . From the dunes I noticed a grassy hump thinking to myself this could be a good place to photograph from it suddenly moved and morphed into club member Matt Hazleton.........mornin' Matt.
Redshank RDG. |
Avocet. RDG.
Walking back flocks of Golden Plover, Ruff and Godwits fed and rested on the marsh. Stopping near |
Curlew. RDG. |
Parrinder hide, Curlew and Redshank were noted, on an RSPB sign a Blue Tit was investigating.
Blue Tit RDG. |
Back around the car parking area the trees and bushes were scanned in the hope of something good.
A continental Blackbird eating berries and Migrant Hawker were found.
Migrant Hawker RDG. |
As usual a nice day out with the weather keeping fine and good company. Cheerz Robin.
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