during the day even though the forecast didn't mention rain.
Four of us gave battle in the forest area, we started the day at New Fancy View a reliably known spot for displaying Goshawk. True to form Richard soon picked up a distant raptor soaring and circling then going into steep dives at incredible speeds, turning on a sixpence and climbing high up into
the sky once again.
Whilst watching this bird displaying a second appeared quite a bit closer, but not everyone got views of this as several trees were in the way, depending where you stood.
Several Common Crossbills flew by and perched reasonably close. Buzzard and Sparrowhawk were also noted.

As a shower came in we retreated and made our way to a lovely little churchyard in Park End.
From here we made our way down through the wooded valley. Typical woodland birds were seen,
Song Thrush, Tits, Robin, Blackbird and more than several loud calling Nuthatch. Moving on across an old railway station line to a stream, without warning a Dipper suddenly broke cover and shot up-stream out of sight.

A little further on we came to the village green enhanced with several lines of Yew. This is the place for seeing the secretive Hawfinch. Scouring the shadows Bob soon found this fabulous chunky Finch. Appearing almost twice the size of a nearby Chaffinch it still managed to mysteriously melt away in front of our very eyes.
We back tracked and had lunch on a nearby bench surrounded by singing birds.

Moving on we headed to Cannop Ponds, now a pay and display area. The beautiful Mandarin Duck can always be found here. The males are outrageously gorgeous and although in comparison the female isn't so gaudy she is lovely in her own right.

Wendy found a rather nice Grey Wagtail by the stream running through the wooded area.

There is a bird table situated just beside the road, bereft of food and birds I decided to sprinkle some of our bird food (that we always carry) on it. Immediately lots of birds just came from nowhere and fed in frenzy, Brilliant!

We thought we would try New Fancy Viewpoint again, to finish the day. A pair of Ravens displayed close to with Goldcrest and Treecreeper feeding nearby. Rain set in so the sat-nav was set for home.
Thanks go to Bob, our dedicated driver for the day and also for all his images here.
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