Saturday, 28 November 2020

NBC Photography Competition Amendments for 2020

Hi everyone, 

The Covid situation has had and is having a large impact on most things we would like to do. The Bird Club has suffered, but things are changing and hopefully we will be enjoying Zoom meetings over the next few months thanks to Jeff, Neil and other committee members.

Covid has also had a bearing on our Photographic Competition, so things, as you might appreciate, will be run a little differently this year.

Our Guest Judge, Andy Astill has offered to preside over the proceedings again this year. However as well as judging the first, second and third in each category, Andy will also judge his top 3 from the winners in each category and the outright winner will receive the Graham Soden Shield to hold for another year.

All entries will be posted on the NBC Blog after Judging is completed.

As many of us have been in lock-down etc it's fairly certain many of us did not get away as hoped for. A few changes have been made with this in mind.

Rule changes for 2020, (these have yet to be updated on the blog page).

There are three options when entering images into the  Foreign Birds and Foreign Birds in flight Categories.

  • Those that managed to go abroad this year and would like to enter into said Categories can do so as normal.
  • Those that were unable to go abroad this year can enter images from 2019 in Foreign Birds and F B in Flight only, however these images must be of a different species than those you entered in 2019. 
  • Those not entering images in Foreign Birds and Foreign Birds in Flight may enter 1 extra image into any 2 other Categories, i.e. 26 in total, 5 in any two  Categories max.
You may choose only one of the above options, if you enter for example, Foreign Birds but not Foreign Birds in flight, you cannot enter any extra images in any other categories.

All other rules remain the same and can be found on the Northamptonshire Bird Club Blog Site.

PHEW! I hope that’s clear. don’t phone me, I’ll phone you. 

Please remember to include your paper copy for my reference,  containing image name, Category name, (no numbers as they will get deleted). Contact Name and details in case of a problem.

Don’t forget also your caption photo’s, we all need a laugh.

Send/deliver image medium direct  to Robin Gossage, 154 Acre Lane, Kingsthorpe, Northampton. NN2 8DF.

Entries should be received before December 23. 

Keep safe, 


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